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Live Training: Exercise Tweakology

Posted on December 26, 2022

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/zfpWS_ndc5w

All right, hello again, Michael Hughes here, athletes, coaches excited to be here, I am finishing up the sixth part of seven parts of a live mini training series. And I just appreciate you being here and hanging out and chatting, and get everything figured out. If this is the first time that you’ve heard me speak about this one, quick little update on me, background of Gymnazo and myself all sort of way back in junior high, where my dream to become a physical therapist just was set in stone. And as I was going through this process of learning and diving in college, I just didn’t have the chops from a traditional education standardized test set point to get in. But I did not believe that that was the stopping point in my education. So I did my very best found alternative education, and really put together methodologies that made the kind of the cornerstone of what Gymnazo is, and now which Gymnazo Edu is, which is teaching coaches about this whole mindset, that there’s not a dogma, there’s not a one way of doing things, it is a collective. And having this mindset that if we can understand all the tools in the in the tool belt and that we can be amazing practitioners, amazing movement specialists and solve and create performance out of situations that most people will say, Gosh, that’s just beyond me. So that’s what we’re here to do today, and especially talking about this thing called tweakology. So before we get into any of those live, I want to know if you have any questions about how to how to do a movement assessment, how to solve for musculoskeletal dysfunction, maybe the four different styles of personality, the five, five star experience for our coaches and more suited for our athletes, and any funding from programming sustainable workouts. So if any questions pop up, feel free to throw them in the chat. Give it a second or two. We’ll get them and then if not, we will go right into it. Awesome, cool. Oh, Natalie, right on Yes. Evening there. Fair enough. Fair enough. Good, good. Good. All right. So elite trainers massively tweak exercises to make them harder, easier, or eliminate discomfort? That’s the big thing that we’re looking for. How do you modify? How do you take something and fit it with the client in front of you. So a quick story, this is a real real story. A client of mine came in yesterday. And I plan an excellent program for him. But he comes in and tells me that he’s experiencing some knee pain from the weekend. It’s my first time seeing him as a trainer, like I kind of have to throw my entire program out the window, because his knee pain is like was significant enough, that says, I don’t really think I kind of want to do what we typically do. What else do you have for me? So I started program on the fly software’s knee pain, all the while still give him the quality that he’s paying for. Now, as trainers, we plan for a session before we coach them, at least I hope that you do. But things don’t always go according to plan. In fact, maybe they never go according to plan just perfectly. So but maybe you have a plan B and maybe have a Plan C, but sometimes those don’t work either. So the real question, is that do you have a plan? i That’s right, nine different plans you can deliver to any client at any time, something doesn’t work that the way that you want it to or that you plan it to, or that the goal of that particular athlete had set for. So we have to basically have a term that describes what I’m talking about. And I mentioned it previously. But it’s basically how to modify exercises. And we use the word the word tweak ology, because it’s a study of tweaking, right. And it’s certainly different from just a corrective exercise type of certification or corrective exercises, usually, for me means you have to force a change of the entire exercise of the action that you’re going to be doing to do something different. To correct the exercise. Well, tweakology, or tweaking or modifying the way that we look at it allows you to take that same action or exercise, make subtle, yet very powerful, powerful modifications, while keeping the original intention without potentially triggering the client to think that they aren’t capable enough to accomplish the exercise that you gave them. Right? That’s a mental piece, right? It’s really like toying with physics and mind games all at the same time. Because we know as we train our clients, we have to protect their mindset. You know, they’re here because that there’s a there’s a gap in their life. And their trainer, their movement specialist is there to help to guide them through that gap or fill that that gap. Now, that’s a physical thing and a mental thing. So if you have a client, you’re always saying like, Oh, that hurts. Oh, don’t do that anymore. Just go ahead and go do that. What does that client as an athlete gonna think? If you’re playing baseball, or he’s really playing basketball, or let’s say you’re doing you’re trying to a particular move in an athletic event, and you just can’t do it very well. And your coach came up to you and said, you know, don’t worry about that. Let’s go ahead and just go do this. What are you going to be telling yourself, what’s going to be in your own mindset? I’m not good enough. Dang, my, my own instructor, my own coach is kind of pulling me from that spot and give me something definitely, obviously easier. They didn’t really even tell me why they just kind of put me over there. So if that’s what our athletes are thinking, then I think we can serve them better simply that it’s not that we don’t care, we don’t have the heart of gold. But it’s it’s understanding that we can do more and tweak all is your understanding this modification process is really about saying it’s not just changing the exercise, so they so they feel more comfortable. But it’s changing for movement, pain, changing it for performance gains, and then everything in between, it’s really awesome in a one on one setting, because you can really kind of look at it from very microscopic scope. And then it’s a hugely powerful and group setting, when you really can’t stop the clock, you can’t say, wait a minute, let’s look at that shoulder right now. And focus on one person as you have, you know, a bunch of other people around you trying to consciously exercise, and you’re really not even paying attention to me anymore, excuse me. So it’s really about saying, Can I just do a quick, subtle tweak that person says, Alright, awesome, thank you very, very much. And you continued on to coach the rest of the team. So again, I’ll say it, again, a massive amount of focus on one on one training, especially movement, therapeutics, and the performance side of things. And then crazy, crazy powerful in group setting, where you can continue to deliver a great spot on correction, or a tweak as as I like to call it and then feed back into the group energy and the group coaching. So there are technically 10 different ways that we can tweak a movement. And we call them the 10 Oh, E’s. And I gotta give a huge, big thanks to the green suit. Because they pretty much at least they taught me these things. And I know a few of you already have either studied these things, or are selling them currently. However, one of these 10 is actually tweaking the exercise itself. And the whole point of this talk or this video is not to change that one thing. So remember, we want to preserve the intent of the exercise and the mindset of the athlete. So meaning, what is the purpose of the program, that’s the was that should be the result of the program or the programs in series, right? Hence why we can training these to be continuous. But also the mindset of the athlete, there’s not going to be this amazing scale of visitors feeling great, great, great. There’s going to be bumpy roads along the process. I had a client, a personal client of mine, movement therapy client, really had a tough time car accident 14 years ago. And literally, I would say as little dorsiflexion possible in that left ankle as as she, as I’ve seen, but she’s still functional.

And she came in we had great session after great session of great, great session, such a great session that we started to kind of programs a little bit more performance. And the hard thing about training and conditioning, as you all know is is is figuring out volume, when do you up the volume to the so the body can appropriately take that intensity or that rep count. And sometimes we don’t really know until the next day or the next few days when they start to get sore. So in any case, the day was going great. We had a great time. And we progressed her volume up but it was too much. So it actually took a backslide backwards, kind of two steps forward, one set back, had a tough, tough week. And going through that process, I was realizing that we need to tweak this whole session to make sure that she is preserving the mindset there’s there’s still a gains she didn’t just backslide down. So the whole session were just tweaking and tweaking and tweaking, tweaking, and honestly got her back on that path of realizing, you know what, we just had a volume issue, your movements great. And even from the fact from that backslide session, we found out more about her her movement chain of dysfunction. And she actually for the first time did a lateral lunge and be like, Wow, my ankles stiff. She’s never said that in like last 10 years just never knew it. Because her hip and knee didn’t have enough movement in it to even recognize what the ankle was or was not doing. As a move practitioner I saw really, really quickly. But her movement awareness wasn’t even at that point yet. So even through that backslide, there’s still huge gains to be had. But if we didn’t have the ability to tweak certain motion patterns and have the, the list of go through to make sure that we’re hitting as many bases as we could, we could have missed that huge, huge step. So if you’re a note taker, this is the moment where you want to write this stuff down. Now there are 10 different ways that we can modify or tweak now there’s certainly more but we kind of liked it. Put them into a nice package, right? So there’s 10 things that we want to look at, but we’re going to be looking at nine of them, because one of them is changing the thing that we don’t want to change. Or let me say a little bit better. We want to change that, that 10 thing, because all nine have previously failed, or not delivered the quality of result that we wanted to. Okay, so it’s good to sit down in order. First thing that we can change is the environment. They’re in a workout setting, just like this, right? They’re in a facility at a park, it doesn’t matter. What What can we do to sum up the surroundings and conditions and influences of that workout session. So just to give you a broad perspective, you see two types of flooring that I’m on, just behind me is rubber. I have turf, that’s a different environment, doing a lateral shuffle on turf, is different than doing a lateral shuffle should be on rubber versus on on turf. That feels different. I can pivot and I can feel the ground moving underneath me. Well, what does that rotational torque do to the rest of my body versus being here on rubber? I can’t do that I have to slide with more power to get that pivot to release through the rubber of my shoe and the rubber of the ground. You may say wow, that’s a real small detail, Michael, it actually is a real small detail. You’re right. But if you’re talking about a higher performance athlete, or someone who really loves the game of golf, right, those things matter to them, over time thema, how many hours they have been training with you over a prolonged period of time. If you if you do a lot of training on let’s say grass, or on concrete, or on rubber floor, their body’s going to get accustomed to those surfaces. Just saying it’s just the way it goes. Just the way it goes. You especially notice if you’ve ever played tennis, tennis plays on concrete plays on clay or plays on grass, those are significantly different environments, all which the game has to be changed to how that performance athlete makes or breaks their match their session, whatever the case, their case is. So other ways to think about environment could be a Bosu ball, right? I am now on a different environment. I’m on a dome, and the dome slopes away and throws me into supination. I can be a single leg. Now I’m on a compressive dome that my body is going to react to I could be another surface would be a wedge, right? I’m on a hilltop now my environment has changed. But let’s not forget about being outside when it’s cold, being outside when it’s warm, being outside in the sand, being outside in the snow, etc, etc, etc. I want you to take these things into consideration because you will have a client one day that says I want to go and do and she meant hike Mount Kilimanjaro. Literally a client of mine came in I was like, Oh, wow, they’ve really trained someone to hike 14,000 feet before. So how was my training and conditioning going to help them get there? Well, we’ve probably had to probably built into their program than actually going on hikes. Do I have to go with him? No, you don’t have to go go with him. But there should be some points where you at least as a as a trainer who understands the body’s phys physiology, excuse me understand that once you get to about 10,000 12,000 feet, their lungs are going to start to experience something called oxygen deprivation. And it’s going to change their blood chemistry. And some people just don’t make it not because they’re not fit enough because their body just can’t manage that change in the chemical reaction in their blood chemistry. So that’s would be cool for you to tell them those things. Now I’m no as the only one detail call the environment. But it’s a really big in depth process that all they want to do is open up your awareness to because as a trainer, I want you to realize that this facility here that we’re in, that you’re in the practicin is an artificial, non functional environment.

Dang it. I mean, as a functional trainer, I call myself that like while you’re telling me what I’m doing is non on non functional, technically is because there’s no curbs there’s no streetlights, there’s no changes in the pitch of the road surfaces that they run on, saw on a park. So there’s a swingset, right, there’s all these things happening. So our job is to do our very best in our controlled environment to create a authentic environment when and where possible, just saying Be aware of it. So you don’t get yourself trapped, like Oh, dang, I don’t even know I didn’t even know that it happened. No wonder my client didn’t get the results that they wanted for. And they paid me 1000s of dollars over months of time to get them there. So just things to think about. I will not spend all that time on all nine of these left. So the next one is position. This was simply placement of the body. So you can change the position someone’s in and that changes physics dramatically, dramatically and we’ll cover these. I’m gonna go through examples of all of these after I get through this list. So then you can think about driver. Now, what does the driver mean? It’s not you’re driving a car, but it kind of makes a lot of sense. So when you turn that steering wheel, what does the car therefore do that steering wheel right in front of you goes through a chain reaction of movement patterns, either through mechanical or through wire to change the car’s angle of the tires. So what does that do the car? Well, that small steering wheel change is a big, big events, we think drivers as the same thing, moving parts of the body that make the chain reaction, there’s a difference in me doing a lateral lunge via my hip taking me there, or a kettlebell taking me there, or me falling there, and then stepping through it. Right, each three motions have three different drivers. So how my body reacts to those things, changes, and I want you to be aware of them. Then we have direction, this is where we start to get that kind of GPS mindset, right direction is the angulation, or the line of, of action. So think about force arrows, boom, boom, boom, where are you going, you’re gonna go this way, you’re gonna go that way. You’re gonna go that that way. And again, I’ll describe all these different ones that changes the physics significantly. Now when I but the height, so we’re now talking about the x axis, excuse me, the y axis, excuse me, boom, that’s a vertical measure relative to the body or to the ground. So box, BOSU, wedge all change the height of the human body, okay, then we think about distance, the horizontal measure relative to the body or to the ground, so the distance meaning initial range, and range, etc, etc. Now, the action again, this is describes the movement of what we’re doing would be a swing a presser throw a lunge, the cases, but we didn’t want to tweak this until the very, very, very, very end, then we’ve got eight, the load, the overall weight of the influence of the body or the self. Again, that’s a real simple one. Did you got rate, the speed or the response or the movement, and it’s how fast you you go? And then 10. The last one is the duration, the length of the movement? So how long are you going to be doing it for minute, seconds, reps, etc. Right, let’s go into the example. This is where the meat and potatoes come come into it. Let’s take the forward lunge action that my client came in with and says, Michael, whenever I walk up stairs, or walk down stairs, My knee hurts, that’s basically a lunging pattern, and that causes a knee pain. So I’m gonna go to the nine different tweaks that you can consider without changing the fact that I’m still doing a lunch has a big thing. So it’s called by environment. So how do I how would I realistically remove or try to tweak for knee pain using a Bosu ball, a wedge, etc, etc. Why not with a Bosu ball, if I come out of Ford ankle, I get much more dorsiflexion in my foot, which means I’m going to get much more soleus or deep calf loading in my calf, which is going to help decelerate the lower leg a lot faster than if it wasn’t there. Now, what’s a good thing about a Bosu, it allows me to do that, what’s the bad part about a Bosu, it allows me to go into further supination and pronation, that is sometimes uncon. uncontrollable. So that’s a pro and a con. Right. But if I have maybe a wedge, that only allows me to go in dorsiflexion, which you can let in to help further tension that muscle on the lower half decelerating the knee versus going too far forward. And then for putting a better brake pad on a better brake pedal. That’d be a way to remove that one with just the environmental tweak. What about positioning? Well, what if I actually say I still want to do a lunge, but I started kneeling? Then to do a forward lunge. What did I just do, I actually removed the weight of my lower leg and part of my stance leg, I actually made myself lighter. And I made my distance of travel smaller, because I now much take a lot more flexibility from this hip, I can’t move through the near the ankle anymore, I took away two joints. So therefore my range of motion is smaller, and my body weighs less because it took away literally part of my lower limb. And maybe that lunge is more successful. Simply put, greater tension, more hip flexibility, less of a range of motion and get hip flexibility with a lunge. Coming back home, that would be an example of how to do a position tweak adds delay, and still do a lunch. Once we moved to the driver driver, this is where we get kind of endless options truly but one we like to use often especially with a lunge, saying what can my upper body to to kind of create tension to feed into my lower body. So we’ll use commonly a, what we call a type one reach type one reach means one arm swings to same side rotation, while the other arm. Choosing one arm reads the same side rotation while the other arm goes to lateral motion the opposite side and And if you go watch that motion pattern, it pulls my core through tension lengthening, it pulls my, my lateral hamstring, into my glutes into more tensioning, and allows me to load up all through this core into the hip. So actually feel a greater stretch sequence through this tissue, therefore controlling that knee, hopefully more than I can push off and actually have way more power. So that could be the wrong thing to do, too, because it may put too much tension through the glute, when there’s already too much tension through that. And it causes the adverse effect. But the key is that to understand why, if that did happen, what would you do? How does do the opposite motion pattern, just go the opposite way, feed through the inside thigh, versus through the posterior hip, same type of reach, same type of reach? What about direction? Well, this is where the cool thing is, especially if you understand kind of a matrix pattern of movement. forward lunge hurts. Well, you do you know you have five other options of lunges, you can do a lateral lunge, you can do same side rotational lunge, you can do a posterior lunge, you get an upside lateral lunge, you can do an offside rotational lunge. And each one of those changes how the physics goes through that knee, and through the foot and through the ground. Will all five of those be good? When this one’s not good? Probably not. But at least you know, you have five other options, still lunging, still can’t climb in that method in that mindset. Still training the same muscles, just a different percentages. And still, hopefully putting in success. I then we got to height, I would like to use this one, how you change height. To make a lunge more successful. We use boxes, often, just like we use the wedge, and the bosu ball, when I learned up to a box, I get much more biomechanical reaction faster. What does that mean? It means that if I can get more hip flexion, which activates more posterior chain, which helps control the knee better if this has the ability to and a five step here, you can measure how much hip flexion I, I have, versus here, I have way more hip, hip flexion, therefore much more hamstring engagement, much more glute engagement in the sagittal plane. Pushing off that is a lot easier, because I don’t have to push off from from 12 inches lower, I can push off from 12 inches higher, I’ve already left the ground by 12 inches. So therefore, I can reduce the pain in that knee potentially with option. Number six is distance. Now this one’s pretty simple.

That bigger range hurts. That doesn’t was a smaller range of motion. Makes sense. But what if that range of motion hurts? My foot’s gonna go off the screen now that range of motion doesn’t? What’s the HOW COULD how’s that possible? How can bigger be better? Well, more tension through the rubber band, the more you pull bow back, the further the arrow goes. So it’s really interesting that it may not be a flexibility problem, it could be a strength problem, but you need to load those tissues more. Also could mean you gotta love those tissues less but I want you to have the option to think Wait a minute, is everything just go small, small, smaller? What about bigger, obviously have to use that within your guidance of kind of wisdoms? Like is this a person who I can go bigger with? And what if I’m wrong? What if you’re wrong and is are you going to create excessive more and more pain, just something to consider. If that’s the case, I usually grab onto a mob stick or grab onto something stable, and I’ll go bigger. So they have some other way to help themselves come back home versus if I’m wrong. And that says she says Oh, even more strain. So that’s how you use distance for that set case and use distance in any of the planes of motions that I previously spoke about. These last three, load rate and duration. This is typically where we see most trainers make their tweaks, they make the load less, because it hurts the rate, they go slower. So they can control the mechanics better. Or the duration, they just say stop or reduce the reps, reps or cut down the cut down the time. These are not bad tweaks by any means. But I want you to think way outside the box, I want you to think again, those are the three that most people make changes in. There’s another six is there’s a double of what most people do. And I want you to think about them to make sure that you are there kind of in your toolbar ready to fire out in order to make sure that we’re making everything smooth. Now kind of this is what I experienced and even had the experience today we’re kind of people say wow, that’s kind of magic. And it but it’s really how you apply them and when you do so. And I really recommend applying a single tweak first before you start layering in maybe multiple tweaks. Right because you can change the environment. You could change it The direction and you can change the driver at the same time. That’s like a super tweak. And we can even we can literally apply all nine, at the same time. No joke, we could do that. What are you really doing? You’re showing a massive support for that joint that’s in question or the movement pattern that they’re not very good at yet. So key thing is a, you do not want to overwhelm your athlete with so many of these crazy options. But be you as the coach, you want to know what tweak was the one that made the change, so you know how to address it. In the instance, outside of the workout, you give too many things like cash, which, which was the one that really made that biomechanical change. So this is where you want to be able to drive into the narrative of what is happening and what strategies you can implement to guide your athlete, the best possible outcome. That’s really what it comes down to. So again, if you’re listening to this right now, and if you’re saying yourself, man, Michael, I knew exactly what you were getting to say, for every single one of those tweaks. I just want to say like, just put that in the in the comments, because that means that you are on an amazing track. And that’s amazing. That’s that’s absolutely absolutely the greatest thing possible. But for me, this was like one of the biggest game changer things like I never would have thought of those things out all I was sticking on load rate and duration. But understanding these things changed my programming, literally night and day changed my programming. And really, it was better, not just the program, it was managing a group in front of me, and able to apply movement therapy as a service offering. I like put her on my side. But it was one of those things like a client comes in is like, gosh, buggered ups like don’t worry about it. Don’t, don’t cancel, still come in. Because I have in your head, everything, I have nine different ways to figure out where this thing is coming from. So that’s a big, big play a lot for for trainers not be like, dang it, they’re in pain. What do I do, you know, cancel, I’ll see you next week. Huge opportunity missed. But you have to have the confidence and the resources and the tools and know how to apply them. So it’s like you said, it’s like I said, time to refresh. It’s like you have a kind of a bucket of possibilities at your fingertips, just waiting for you kind of just like almost licking your chops. And I’m just waiting for a client to say something’s bugging me, or waiting for a client to say, You know what, I need this performance gain, how do I get to the next level, I’m at a plateau. So I want you to have the ability with great confidence, key word with great confidence to guide your athlete address function, and discomfort, and to into a more efficient, functional and better daily life pattern, movement, comfort, you fill in the blanks. So this is where the mt mc comes into play. This is what we teach. This is what we dive into deep geeking out on almost every video has something to do with tweaking, right may not be physicality, but could be mindset could be how you coach could be how you set up your environment. So this is where we want to kind of really understand that it’s really how we see in environments, it’s like, give me an environment. And I’ll go and coach it versus saying this is the coach I am, I can only do these environments. That’s how we look at it. I’ll say that one more time, instead of you saying this is who I am. And only give me the Select clients, we say show me what you have. And I’ll modify myself to fit into best guidance serve. That’s how we view it. That’s how we keep teach. That’s how we want to mentor doesn’t mean you have to do those things, you can still specialize, but it’s like you’re never stuck. That’s the most important piece. So I have a big thing for you guys. And what I want you guys to do is a bring up scenarios to me, whether it be now live or in the comments to say, here’s a scenario what how could I think about it, I have a client XYZ, and it hurts when they do this, or that’s one side of the equation. They need to perform better at that. How do I program to the next that that that next level? So I’ll give the opportunity? If you’re gonna do that now. If not, I got some homework for you for later on. So please, anyone have any, anything off the top of their head that they want jumping on? Yes, it’s up to us. Like the one thing that I looked at as a as a coach is like, when I first started out, it was truly give me those people who are young, motivated, and no pain or discomfort. Because it doesn’t matter what I give them. They could they could take it. I can ever produce anything wrong, you know, and that’s how I kind of looked at but that’s not the reality of most people. Because if you’re young, have no movement problems, and you can get give anything you probably don’t care about or have the depth of awareness about human movement to hire someone to help you because you’re doing it on your own. Nor you’re not firm enough in your lifestyle to actually have the finances to afford a personal trainer. So it’s kind of like when I was interviewing a lot of people or at least Have my friends first time in training at our big box gyms like me, I want to train athletes, I want to train athletes, I want to train train athletes. Why? Because of the easiest to train. At that level professional, you got to get super detailed. That’s what the point 1% of trainers who get the opportunity. And actually, I don’t wish for that job. I have too many friends that train professional athletes, and I do not want them on that job. Red tape politics long story short. So it’s basically to say, I can train anyone, if somebody walked through my doors now, I would literally be at a point where like, let me just hear your story. I know I can help you. Can I be your Savior? Maybe not. Yeah, and I mean that with most respect, you know, but I know that I can give you a good starting point. I may only want to work with 55 year old golfers. But I have the availability to be wherever I want. It’s really kind of a confidence piece. We want people to have their niche. But you may not even realize that your niche is those people with Parkinson’s. And you have, you’d be like, No, I’m not going to touch him. I’m gonna go there. But if you didn’t try, then you would never would have known. And that’s kind of what I’m alluding to. I don’t want our knowledge to to limit where we get our clientele from. I want our passion to focus where we get our clients from. This is guy shoots. I think this is Tony Robbins who said this, maybe Dean grassy OC is kind of a I don’t want to call the the Robin to the Tony Robbins bat Batman in a sense, but he says basically this the P or maybe it was maybe it was Elon Musk anyways, he says the bigger problems you solve, the more financial gain you can have. And I was like,

the bigger problems you solve the more okay, that makes sense. Because it’s a bigger problem. It’s gonna solve more a bigger set of issues for bigger number of people. Okay, well, that’s one way to look at it. But if you have someone who has really chronic lower back pain for 20 years off and on, how willing Do you think they would be? To say, I want someone to help me with this back pain? And how much money would they pay? Not saying we’re driven by money, but I’m just saying, how much would they would that be worth to them? If you say, You know what, I have a, I have a high hope. I have to see you move. But I have a high hope, based on what I’m seeing with you under a quick movement assessment that I know, nine different ways, or nine different doors I can take you through to make sure that your back pain is XYZ there gonna be like, there, there would be, I just don’t believe it’d be like nap. I don’t I don’t believe you. Like if someone came with that type of confidence. And it’s not a misplaced confidence. But that’s what I’m seeing more and more and more, I’ll get people who have been to physical therapy been to chiropractors, been to acupuncturist. And some friend says, Hey, you gotta go see this one, this one guy. I’m not saying that’s a private, I’m just saying like I we can look at a lens of so many different ways of doing it. And it all starts with just the simple options that I that I gave, it doesn’t end there. No, no, of course not. But just starts there. If you could do it with training and conditioning, then where do you want to take it? And think about that amazing college athlete or that high school go into college athlete or even that pro athlete that you maybe have the opportunity to go to go train, I had an opportunity. And as a young in my career before I had this education to train an IndyCar driver. And I was like, Wow, that’s so cool as Louis, a friend of a client who his buddy was the Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year. And I love car racing. I love it. I’m actually going to an f1 race in a month. I’m stoked, absolutely stoked. I digress. And I got the opportunity to train him. And I studied for months, understanding the physics and the G forces of driving that kind of car. And honestly, I still trained him like a traditional trainer row machine push ups, pull ups, sit ups, I just made it more intense, because I thought that’s what he needed. But in reality, if I were to understand the biomechanics of how the neck goes into the cervical spine, and how that plays into the scapula into the shoulders, and how it turns the car under g force loading, that would have been like a whole different level of tear. And if I could have solve a bigger problem for that performance athlete, which took them to the next level, or does help them in reality, help them get to the next level. That’s a huge opportunity. And that’s just for moms to give a mom with with with pelvic floor pain. And they don’t tell you, they don’t tell you that doing a jump rope or speed letter makes them essentially pee in their pants. You can help solve that. Either directly do it by just activating more abductors and more glutes that feeds up into the pelvic floor. And that diminishes that’s a big that’s a that’s a big Deal, that’s a big deal. Because, well, having a wife who had that experience that that changed us like, like, this is my life now, this is what I have to deal with, you know, for the rest of my life anyways. So these are all problems that we can solve just by the way that we think about movement. Okay, I some homework for you guys. In the movement collective discord group, I want you to come up with one basic exercise, one basic one, push pull lunge, whatever you want to call it, and then take three of the nine and throw it into that. And you can either type it out, and say, I’m going to do a push up with the ad, position, driver and environment. And it’s going to come out like this, or we can film yourself, upload it to like a YouTube or something like that, or Amazon Video and then share that link in the discord. And I’d be stoked to see that and we can talk about it, break it down, geek out about it. So next week, we’re going to talk about how the passion of learning is the final one. It’s really a kind of a short thing on how I view learning and how we I think as a collective, we should view learning especially as a trainer and or a trainer and conditioner of people. And then we’re gonna kind of open up to a huge large q&a q&a. So we can kind of do deep dives on all the topics or kind of get some case points going. So thanks for your time. Thanks for being here. Appreciate it. And I’ll see you guys next week for the for the final go. So cheers. Appreciate it.

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