
Efficient Bodyweight Exercises to Workout at Home

Posted on December 17, 2021 CJ Kobliska

Hey athletes, we’ve got a very dynamic strength day plan for you today a lot of prone, a lot of upright, a lot of power, we’re going to be going for one minute of action and 30 seconds of rest all the way through each of the six stations. During those 30 seconds, I’m going to show you exactly what you’re gonna be doing next, you’d like to do more rounds of it, just hit three play, once you get to the very end, your very first station coming down to the ground or toe box and that’s a little bit lifted off the ground, get our W E and L W E hands, and we’re gonna do a push up and then a type two rotation towards our back side. Side, that’ll look like so when we’re in our W E dropping down to a push up, looking up and over your left, come back to your pushup. 30 seconds through, we’ll switch sides. Here we go. We’re starting in three, two. And one. Let’s get it our web First, find your beautiful push up. Then driving the hips down as you look up, been back over that downside arm with that back arm. So dropping down to that push up, left hand is back behind. We’re looking left, coming home made sure the hips drop as we turn so that we’re not just getting the head to go, but the hips and thoracic spine follow now Eight more seconds here. Then we’ll switch sides as low as you can get that push up all the way up into the extension and go ahead and switch that L W E now. So we’re looking back into the right push up. Drop the hips, look into your right, right back to your push up. Looking up and back right now big thing here as you go into your push up. Start to add an inhale, exhale as you pop up. And then come all the way through that full extension right back into your next push up in the tweak here has just come down to the ground. Even let your knees touch the ground as you go for your push up, then up to your toes as you drop the hips and look up and over to your right side. That’s it for station one. Now for station two, we’re going into a squat hold, you have an option here to do a lateral walk a full squat, hold and shift your weight or bring the hands down to the ground little more Animal Flow like seal drop into wide feet, squat hands, go to your right heel shift to the right, then hands go to the right again, shift once more hands on your left, shift left. And to the left. Other option hold a squat and transition. Let’s have some fun with this one starting in 432. And one sit low, we want to have control to that flow. Hit to to one side depends on how much space you have to to the other. We want to feel the hip sliding through this motion. So settling into your squat hands right shift right hands right shift right, then hand shift left and shift to the left. And again feel free if the arm start to get a bit tired back starts to grab, just go into that side walk off to one side over to the other. Otherwise dropping back down going right going left, not a lot of space, just hit one side to the other hips lift or semi hands lift every single rep left, go left, right, go into that right side. 20 more seconds here fighting all the way through to that buzzer. I know it’s tough to breathe because we’re compressed, fighting for it. Breathing more down to 10 even add a little speed one to the other reach in that foot for some distance, making sure we can always see what’s also at the front of us. So we’re not stuck in too much of that flexion got two and one. For station number three, we’re gonna go kneeling, gonna need that knee pad, you’re gonna go for your opposite side foot. During an anterior step, as you step forward, you’re going to take your opposite side hand and reaching across or up and over the head tweak up, keep the foot up in the air. As you reach the hand. Now it’s going to be a bit more that diagonal core, the step allows you to get more of that most ability 30 seconds on each side. So for right kneeling, now left is going to be stepping into one go forward that left foot, right hand is coming up and over or reaching across if that sort of tends to get you or if you’re going to alternate it go for a low one, go for a high one. And the Tweak up here is to lift that foot reach and reach an ankle height reach from that up leg. mixing them up, get a few low, even lower, and then even higher and back in behind. But again, you have that step. If you start to lose your balance or fatigue on that knee, switching sides and two and one left knee is down right foots gonna be doing a step forward as your left hand comes across, or even up and across. So we’re taking across about 45 degrees, make sure that thoracic spine comes through and it’s not just the arm, but it’s the arm and the core to pick up foot lift, mixing up those directions on the reach or just picking one that you feel best with can always add a little weight into this hand as well to get some shoulder work and a bit more. Reach in front of the three, two and one for station number four.

We’re going into an RX x x x foot position weights at about 75% on that front side leg. We’re gonna build some powers, the hammies the glutes and the quads. So if you get your right foot forward, head is over your right foot. It’s a squat But we’re going to jump at 45 degrees, come back to center 45. The other way, if you want to have any impact today knees or grabbing ankles or grabbing, just go through your squat and do a little turn of your chest. I’ll show you both options here. So you got right foot forward, you’re going to be starting to one squat, 45 degree jump, back to center, then other side. And back to center. This is not about speed. So find your deep squat, pop through the hip, pop to the hip, and tweak option here is to squat and turn your body squat and turn right, center, left and center that’s gonna start to work the back of the hammy upper hamstrings. On the right side, as you turn right and more, it’s the inner thighs, you’re going left 30 seconds now switching sides, left foot forward again, squat option or jump squat, turn one back to center, turn the opposite way back to center, you can make it five degrees 10 degrees, you can make it 90 degrees turn all the way to one all the way to the other. It’s really up to you to find your threshold and be working for the range of your squat, not for the height of your jump necessarily, but more than depth into your squat every time got 65432 and one your final two stations here. Now we’re gonna be going for a foot reach, coming across to one side, back to center and then reaching the foot away to the other side. Little breakdance move here. Gonna start the knees slightly flexed, taking your left foot to the right side, right elbow comes to your hip and my weights in my right foot, I’m going to pull back through right foot comes across, left elbow is in my left hip, and then back to center. And I’ll throw a little tweak option at you here too as we get started. So here we go to one, take your left foot across right elbow drive back to center, right foot across left elbow drives, tweak here is just to take your foot across, and foot across, we want to see if we can come all the way through sit out to center and sit out. Once you start finding your groove and you feel the shoulder stability, not slumping, but you’re pushing through the palm come through push the your pumps your stable, we can add a little jump up to the left, center up into the right and center. Then sit through one foot, other foot and then jumping left, center, right center, kick that foot through, feel free to just keep the kicks coming through. If you’re finding your coordination through those, we want to see if we can stabilize through that full palm and shoulder notice and if you’re going a bit too far, and you start to slump, stay tall be able to control your range of motion, one to the other. You can even add a little bit of speed to the left and to the right still work in strength your shoulder. But now a bit more speed through your core. For our final station for today. The single day balance opposite side foot, it’s gonna be an answer your lunch with an opposite side rotation, type one arm reach. So if we’re gonna write single a balance, left foot is going to lunge forward into your right hand across left hand overhead. And then pull yourself back to the balance. Find a little wobble, lunge forward, other hand across other hand over the top, pull home 30 seconds we’ll switch sides. So here we go. Starting the right foot and three to one left lunges into your right hand across left hand overhead. That’s your type one spine reach here rotating and leaning the opposite way that left foot goes rotate and left leaning to the right. Pull yourself back. So we’re using our core and our hip to come back to that balance. Going to go for a full 30 seconds so they’re 10 on this leg, getting a little bit deeper, challenging the end of that barrier. And then coming back here with switch legs. Left single a balance right foots going for an anterior lunch, left hander cross right hand overhead, pull those elbows back and you can always tap on the way back as well. Coming back to the foot tap to allow you to get some more range and some more reps. But I encourage you once you feel stable, come back to that foot. Teach that foot how to wobble but held still and then come right back home for 10 seconds here. Working that lateral core get some length and come back home should start to feel the glutes working if we settle in deeper into that lunge, get once more here and relax again if you want to add a few more rounds of this goal is to get three to four of them today. Good luck, enjoy hit the replay.

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