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Coaching Personal Training & Fitness Services Online, Outdoor and Hybrid During Pandemic

Posted on December 14, 2022

Hey, welcome back to the Gymnazo podcast. This is your guest host CJ Kobliska, the director of programming here at Gymnazo. And in this podcast we’re going to be discussing part two of navigating 2020. Getting a deeper look inside of our coaches minds with Coach Mitch, Coach Kaleena, Coach Goose, aka Coach Jonathan, and myself, and we’re going to break down the goods, the bads, the uglies of 2020, where our mind was at when the first restrictions were put in place, and how we navigated around it, how we adapted, and not only survived and fought our way through the year, but set ourselves up to thrive towards the end of the year and have a successful start to the 2021 year of growth. We’re going to be talking about the triumphs, the victories of overcoming the challenges that we initially were faced with some of the fun stories and fun moments that we got to experience from 2020. Our resistance to some of the changes and some of the challenges we faced individually, mentally, physically, and with our community. And then also how things are now and how the future is looking for us individually and as a team. Hope you all enjoy listening to this conversation gives you a little insight into our relationship as coaches very much a brother, sister, that kind of mentality here. So bear with us. As we as we break down what we experienced last year, it happened so quickly, yet it feels like multiple lifetimes ago. So kick back, maybe open one of your favorite beverages, and prepare yourself for a reflection of 2020. Enjoy.

Michael Hughes
Welcome to the Gymnazo podcast where you get to peek behind the curtains of what it takes to create and run a seven figure fitness facility that ranks in the top 5% of boutique fitness studios for revenue. But to be honest, that’s the least important thing about us. Founded by me, Michael Hughes, Gymnazo has created an ecosystem of services that blend performance with restoration techniques and attracts top coaches to its facility hosted by its owners, Paden and myself and our top coaches this podcast shares our best practices on everything from how to build a sustainable fitness business, to how to program for maximum results to how to build a hybrid training module that’s online and in person. We have marketing secrets, movement, innovation and breaking down trends in the industry. If you’re a fitness professional or fitness business owner, this is where you learn how to sharpen your skills and to see maximum results.

So 2020 what a what a wild year. I think the best way to kick off this conversation is if you could put 2020 into one word. You personally

excited. definitely exciting. Exciting. All right, exciting. Yeah.

The first word that came to mind was chaos but remain. But maybe dynamic is the Federer’s you go with dynamic just so many different levels and like highs and lows and pivots. That is just very dynamic year

it’s more of a not really a word but more of like a grant like sound effect Can you spell that for us? Like Like, you just think 2020 Like going camping it was like a well said,

no, no other words needed.

Just a whole mixture of emotions, none of which are good at the end of the day, just that as a year.

My words, disorienting. just kicked us off of a path. I think we had a mindset going in at the end of 2018 to 2020 going this is the year we make shit happen. This is the year that we really take off and enter the enter the world as a not just a training facility, but with our own methods, our own mindset and kind of release our training to not only other athletes, but other trainers launching a multi dimensional movement coach program and certification and we were hoping to do some live sessions and that got ripped away from us, I think, the second month of 2020. So it was certainly disorienting. It was like a shift of path like you just get knocked off. Off course where you go, what’s the direction you take next? That and I think one more word be mystifying. Like it was so confused. 100 keywords I got two words sorry mentioned, mystify in the sense of like, everything becomes so so confused and obscure that and mysterious is like, what is this invisible enemy that we’re all facing? And it was like, yeah, COVID But it was also, all of a sudden these restrictions are being placed on us. And it was like, we have a whole new rulebook that we’re going off of that we don’t even know what the rules are, they’re being made as we speak.

That’s the exciting part of it, too, though. It was so many opportunities for us to have to figure things out, like forcing us to be creative. I found that to be like, exciting, having to pivot having because obviously, we weren’t just gonna sit back like, alright, let’s you know, write it out, like alright, let’s figure this out. What’s the next move? How can we be successful do this so I was excited about it.

We’re excited right off the bat, like when the restrictions first came into play, like that day, where it came down to Hey, are we going to close tonight? We’re going to close in three days. We’re going to close in a week what’s what’s the deal? What are other gyms doing? Like when those first restrictions came in saying you cannot be open? You have to close your doors? Where what was your initial reaction

when we closed early, actually? So we had that little the little Wednesday meeting, poured some bourbon or like, like shits going down? Say no, like, I was concerned before we shut down because some people were taking it like super seriously. And there’s definitely concern for how many people we interact with. You know, it’s not not like, we’re gonna get in dive, we just didn’t know anything really about about COVID. But when we sat down and like cheers, like, we’re gonna, we’re gonna shut our doors, but we’re gonna figure it out. My mentality was like, I can survive or die. Like, bring it on, let’s go like, if the ship’s going down, grab the bucket, guys. Because, like, we’re not gonna go down without a fight. Like I didn’t. There was never like a doubt in my mind, for sure. For the first few weeks. There’s never a doubt in my mind that our CIO was gonna like not make it through this. It was just a matter how hard do we have to work and what do we have to do to make it happen? And it was it was it that like, hey, bringing on with every new wave of of bullshit, like, okay, they said, they don’t the chips go down and grab a bucket to start start bailing out and we’re gonna make it

a lot of uncertainty at first, we’re just like, alright, we got to close down. Billy was like a 17th or something like that. So around that time, are we going to be closed down for a couple days? Are we going to be closed down for a couple of weeks to figure this shit out? Is it going to be just closed down until she gets back to in our booth normal? As like, No, we’re gonna pivot as fast as we can. And we’re gonna get some shit dialed in and get it going.

Remember when they’re like oh, we’ll be back open in June

like two weeks and it was like two months yeah, you’ll be cleared they’ll be good to go.

We were like well, we know it’ll be longer than two weeks but like by June by June we’ll be back like Psych was

also a lot of trust with the crew though. Like like you’re saying uncertainty and not knowing how long was going to be not knowing what it looked like but also like, if Orion was like this team, this is the team I want to be right and with like full confidence in us figuring some shit out pretty quick.

With the full spectrum my brother and sisterhood we hate each other. Yeah, because overnight for a weekend we reset play games. We love each other again. They really screw you.

Unknown Speaker
I love you guys so much. I

wouldn’t do this with anybody else. But God I can’t standing.

Unknown Speaker
You your goddamn job. You want a breakfast burrito?

We stored the happiness. Yes.

Yeah, you’re really messing up right now. You got a barbecue this weekend.

Reset? No, honestly, that kind of like carried us through I think is that that team bond that team in ship that even though we had no idea we were about to face, we were told we gotta shut down. We’re like, we’re not shutting down. We took that shot of bourbon. And it was we’re closing down we’re going virtual in three days. And we had no virtual content, except for something new and Michael had created a use it was that like a seven day reset, like a vacation workout that we’re just kind of testing the waters of virtual. And so we at least had that to kind of send out initially to give us a little bit of a cushion. And then it was full on program, film. Get people equipment like that was one of the things too we just started renting out equipment. emptying out the facility and I think that was a game changer for us as coaches because we’re inside and stuff was leaving the walls and the Vipers are gone and then the dumbbells are being rented out and it was really cool because we’re seeing members coming through and spraying stuff off and just handing them out but there was a point that it was almost like fear. I came over came with fear when our facility was, like half empty. And we’re just sitting there with a giant computer or a computer and a giant TV, we’re looking around at each other and it’s just quiet like there was you could hear a pin drop in there between sessions. There’s no music playing, we always had always had music blasting. And it was like, it hit me in my heart so much so that I was just like, What the fuck are we doing like this? I think Mitch threw on some Bukhara or something. And then it like restored that energy so quickly. But it was almost like it always comes in, always comes in clutch, I kind of paired it to, you know, video games, we play a lot of video games, there’s like story mode, and you got to face a boss at the end of each level, that’s you’d have no idea what their skills or their their expertise is, or what their moves are. And they’ll kill you again and again. And again, then you start to learn their skills, and then you can beat them and get to the next level. I feel like we’re in if you played Super Smash Bros. Story Mode, the end, you’d face the hand, and the hand would be coming in smacking you down slapping the shit out of you, and then come it like disappeared, like I’m good. And then it comes out and punches you again. And she’s just going crazy. Like, why? What am I going to do? And I felt like that for quite a bit of times, when you’re getting each little level of restriction. It was like, first you gotta close your doors, can’t do any training inside. Couple weeks of that, then okay, you can go back inside, but you got to have six foot distance. And then you can only have so many people in at once. And then we started just get crazy with it and try to do both at the same time coaching virtually and in person hybrid mode. What was your initial reaction to that? When we went hybrid? No.

No, but we’re like, try it?

Well, yeah, we’re like, well, we’re gonna try it, but I don’t think this is gonna be great. And it definitely

is and my phone was against the wall.

Then it goes so much more smooth. And then it was like you catch a sub A couple people who are like in person don’t want to be on camera I got trying to interact with people on camera also interact people in group in person, you’re trying to ask a question a day, or like a read on the camera, folks. And then these people are getting distracted. Same thing opposite going back and forth. So it seemed a lot more smooth than theory. And then when it happened, it was like, Oh, this shifts a lot.

Yeah, but I think it’s how we learned right, like direct experience, we kind of go all in, and we don’t really know what’s on the other end, which is trial and error and risk and reward. And we’re gonna

come up with some kind of knowledge hybrid might be the only model fitness training that we’ve ever done, where all the code is like, Yeah, this isn’t gonna work. Like we don’t like this. Like, that’s the only program I think it’s like, we’re like, like virtual works in person, socially, distance worse hybrid, who’s like, we hate this, like, it’s just not fun. It’s the only model that I have ever, for. But as long as we’ve been here, that’s the only like, type of class or session was like, This just blows this is just like, I felt like I was losing every class. Like, somebody lost like either virtual didn’t get enough attention, or like they didn’t get the love that they wanted or like in person last because I was so focused on hybrid, because you could have her on virtual because you’d have like, seven people doing virtual, and like, one person in facility you’re like, Well, I’m going to talk to the camera because that’s where they’re at. Or, or vice versa. It’s like it just and then when you walk away from the cameras just gonna ask because screen they face in the camera. Oh god, how do I demonstrate this with with all of my body parts in the right position? Not right at the camera.

Yeah, that was a rough time. I’m glad we would do that together, though. Oh, yeah. And never knew like, they’ve actually knowing what it felt like to be in that scenario. Because when you think about the teachers right now to they’re going hybrid and imagining teaching 30 kids where half are in person half are online. I mean, we’ve got we don’t even have that many. We’ve got adults, but to deliver a quality experience. It’s it was damn near impossible, because you’ve got to focus your attention on a 2d screen, or you focus your attention in 3d space. And you’re like, Man, I just,

it doesn’t work. If we were shitty trainers, and we didn’t like being good at our jobs. How would it be fine to deliver a word, transaction? Do it but I think all of us care too much to be like. Yeah, it’s it’s whatever. It’s fine. Like also like, No, it’s not good enough.

That carried us through I think it was tough though, because we had is we have a diverse population, you’ve got members and athletes that, you know, don’t really care about all the restrictions and stuff and they were respectful of each other’s space and whatnot wear masks. And then you get to decide that they don’t want to be out in public at all. And both sides have had their calculated risks. Right. And so to serve a diverse population, it was like the only thing that we found could actually just carry us through for the next what do we do it for a month, maybe off and on. But it’s really tough as a coach to want to deliver a quality experience and not have that that That understanding or that ability to focus on a specific group, you’ve got now two separate groups that are taking your attention. And people have different equipment at home. And the program is written for this kind of equipment. And it’s easy to make a modification. But when you’re on screen trying to pay attention to all these modifications and constant words and encouragement, it’s just a turn into a cluster, I think, what are some other like bigger challenges that you think you faced, we faced

getting 20 The baby boomers up to speed on technology? Like for how many troubleshooting? Do you like? No, your camera’s not on. You’re still on mute. Like no click this button. Like just like just every scenario, we became a tech experts on how to open and operate and create zoom accounts. And I think that was one of the hardest parts. Like I feel like the first four to six weeks just like completely blacked out on what we were really doing with training because we were just trying to get people caught up and comfortable with using technology and even people who weren’t uncomfortable in front of a camera, or coaching in front of a camera. Like how do you train somebody when you can’t completely see all of them are people like who didn’t have enough training space? So I’m here today with Barb’s in like, Hey, can you pivot your foot and she’s like, how do you know that I’m not pivoting my foot like well, because your hips not moving? Like we can just tell now we don’t need to see the whole picture to tell the rest of your body what’s not happening. It’s just one of those weird like, you know, virtual adaptations when like, you know if somebody’s kneeling and you can only see their top half but you can tell how their body is moving based on like, which knee is down you’re like, hey, switch legs, or like switch directions you go towards the knee that’s up like how do you see that?

It’s like follow that chain now without having to see like the rest of that picture. Yeah,

like in a way it almost makes you like you got better at seeing motion because you have these limitations. You know, it’s like wearing one eyepatch. You only see like half the picture

with a tag on our side to like again props like Michael for that because my wife like troubleshot so much shit that could have went wrong from getting like microphones dialed in new computers like Ecamm live stuff set up adding a logo adding timers to the screen adding a workout words to the screen like all that stuff that I there’s no way I want to do that at all there was one day we’re updating some stuff had our own computers in here and you know we’re just gonna get new computers dial it all in stays in for the weekend. Show up on Monday and say hey just do this this and this will be good. Oh shit, thanks man like that save me probably a week of work of trying to figure some shit out because you spent your weekend doing it.

I think getting all of our technology platforms linked up to so that everything worked the way it was like Mitch and I for sure want to throw shit multiple times because Yeah. Like when something’s not working and it’s like it’s not your fault there’s a there’s like a glitch somewhere else in this system like zoom doesn’t send out the link or like we used to have to manually input everybody’s email address and send it out like how much she knows

I copied and pasted up mainly individual email

Yeah, but you I mean, but still you’d have to go like look into your class list copy all their email addresses open up your email and all and like copy the Zoom like like you just had to open and do so many more steps and now like so they called a click open to things like start class Yes. Didn’t have to email anybody it’s just like I think that was the one of the things biggest like things we took for granted was to be able to walk into the facility and just like have everything set up turn on the TV turn on the music turn the lights like great workouts ready to go but then having to come in and like okay crap veteran TV got to email these people like all the little steps that you have to to go through it’s just

like mine by everybody like a whole thing. And one president get it Karen email as you receive these emails. Oh my gosh, they didn’t get it. We got to figure this out. Last second. Department in cheese. Definitely a lot a lot smoother,

which will work for front desk. In those situations happened. Like they would never have gotten my class. I was like, Well, you just got to sign up the next morning.

I mean, the time is, right. You don’t have time to

troubleshoot, go back in and figure out a 10 minute process and 22 seconds.

You got clients waiting for you. Yeah,

that’s a bummer. Your email took too long.

What was one of the toughest is to talk to each and every one of you, Mitch, wanna start with you if you have one. If you look back at 2020, the toughest challenge for you like if there was a day or a session or some kind of situation, that 2020 That COVID had created. And how did you how’d you go about solving it or dealing with

it? Oh, it’s probably depression because it was just like the bouts and just are just like so much extended time of just not doing what you actually like, like we’re all in this because we’d like to work with people. And working with people on TVs is bullshit after a while it’s just over it. And it’s the same thing over and over again. And just like I will like, how do you cheer yourself up and everything that you love to do? You can’t do it, it was like, so you just gotta get creative and find a find a natural ways of opening up your mind and trying to get past it a little bit then. But I would say that’s probably like, the hardest part was just dealing with that on and off and on and off and on and off for a full year plus.

I want to I’m gonna tack on to that to you, because that’s, it hit me pretty hard throughout the year where I was like, I was loving, you know, being in person, exploring the energy of each session, having a diverse group of people coming into every session, you can kind of feed off the energy and you get through the day like, Man, this is like a good day, some days are rougher than others. But for the most part, like, I felt satisfied with what I did today, and I had fun doing it, I learned something. And it was really tough to maintain that positive mindset going through 2020 It was almost like, positivity. Just find something that’s stable, strong, powerful that you can kind of latch on to and just hang on. Hang on for the ride.

Checklist, man, you got five classes. Great. one’s done. Four more to go. Cute. You’re done. Two more to go. Or whatever it is.

Three more. It’s hard

for me, man. Short term memory is a real thing.

Yeah. And I mean, having I mean, you guys, obviously it was it kept the energy up there. But also we could we feel each other when we’re going in that downward spiral we did. We almost pulled each other down. Because we’re all just upset, frustrated, angry. Had no idea what was gonna happen next, right? It was like, Alright, do we have to deal with this for a week? Are we dealing with this now for three months? Are we dealing with this for six months do we Am I gonna lose my job, I’m gonna maintain this job, like what’s going to happen, like everything that you saw for the future now gets put either on hold or just a side. And you got to focus on one day at a time, which is really tough. When you you don’t have the people to feed off of you don’t have the energy in the room. Yes, depression, I mean, not just for us. But for the members who come in two who used our space as a positivity booster he no escape from maybe some troubles that they’re having at home or at work or just in their reality. And then they can come here get an hour and just like being in this space, and this space holds so much of that, that positive vibe. And we

have this like unwritten rule where we’re the ones that are supposed to get people to be energizing me to good mood and this and that. I was like, Well, who the hell is supposed to get us in that mood? Yeah. She had a personal trainer who we can do it ourselves, but like shit, like, who’s supposed to help me with these depressive issues? Or this anxiety? It’s like, well, it’s

like, hey, like, we would jump on vert. That was that was the most challenging thing for me was when we were completely virtual. And say, Thank you Coach for classes. And everybody’s on mute. Right? So you got to clap class of 10 Everybody’s on mute. And it’s just feels like you’re talking to yourself for five outdoors saying the same thing over and over eggs. You’re teaching the same class. And then so it was like people were so excited, like, Oh, thank you so much. That was a great class, like, you know, we’re uplifting or positive you sign off it’s like who’s gonna uplift me? Like I would just say it was that weird thing where it was just dead quiet in here because we didn’t have like multiple virtual sessions going at the same time. So it was like, you know, I’d be in for four or five hours you were hibernating the whole time but you’re the coach for like six months I was real gone for like a full month

I didn’t go to the facility not one Yeah,

so it would be like okay, well Mitch your turn like tap in see later and or vice versa like CG would come in and it’s just so different like we were all in our own little realms but honestly coming into work at least saved me mentally like being at home would have sucked

so I definitely dog with a dog got a dog and I got a bunch of toys but same kind of thing so like that first month like it was going smooth because I was also like focusing on like gifts and stuff trying to like dial that kind of thing in so I was using a lot of like my extra time to dive in to like just studying and watching videos and taking notes so I was always had something to do but once that like week four week five hit like I felt myself get annoyed with everything by people back home like all you guys work dog. How have they ignored myself? What do what is going on? Oh, I haven’t seen people in a month. All right. I need to tap back into that like cruise back in and it was like, you feel like a little bit of a spar by seeing everybody again. You came over like once once or twice just like pull the show on the ship for a little bit. Like oh yeah I like being so sure that’s. So then yeah, come back in here was big. But yeah, we all kind of hit that same kind of wall. What about

you guys, but like I feel responsibility to provide that energy and that positivity, like whether it’s in front of the camera for people. So like, you provide all this energy and then you get done and you’re gassed. And I think that’s part of that like, same thing I recharge, being solo. So it’s like, you coach for five, six classes in a day. And that’s, you know, six, seven hours of your energy, like all this positive energy that you’re giving away, then you’ve got nothing left in the tank necessarily for yourself. And you’re just like, Okay, I’m going to take like, I have to recharge and I just like, don’t need to, I can’t give any more energy, like, even if it’s just being social, with friends. And just like, nope, shut down time. Pals and paddles. Stop the middle of the ocean. Yes.

Being positive hold downs hard. Yeah, definitely. Like not like easy, Dave, you’re just positive all the time. Hey, man, it’s tough to it’s tough to keep that there for

so long. A lot of times, like every week, it was like, what’s next? Like, just all right. You know what else you got to throw at me? Because it seemed like every single week, there was always something that that popped up. Like, that wasn’t going to work for us. Like, we got to open and only was at like, 5% and 10% was like, just kidding. You can’t do that. And there’s so much just bullshit. It’s like, what else are we gonna get? Like? It just sucked. Right? They were bits and pieces

with those two, though. Like we were opening like a small percentage. And you saw like a couple like faces again, like you saw at the atoms and stuff from your site, dude. All man like I’ve seen you in so long. And like for me, it was just like, yeah, so even hybrid, like as shitty as it was seeing people in person. I was like, Oh, dude, there’s some more energy for at least me to feed off of to where I can get like some kind of something going versus just talking to the camera all day. Yeah. So there’s definitely a balance of Yeah, it wasn’t the best idea. But at least I got to see some people and use that energy to kind of energize myself a little bit.

I got bumped on the fact like, because Mitch and I had just finished gift in 2019. We just finished FFTT. And we had all this cool hands on stuff that we could do and that like finally I was like, Oh, my God, like hitting this stride like feels so good about getting hands on and practical with all of our like FMR, bodywork, and then COVID hits minutes, like, oh, by the way, you didn’t touch anybody for six months. And then now it’s like, well, certain people aren’t comfortable being that close. It’s like, okay, it’s now it’s like, relearning how to teach and train movement without physically putting your hands on somebody. I think that’s actually one of like the triumphs of 2020 was to work with people virtually, that I had never met in person before, or never physically put hands on. But you fix their back pain, then it’s 100% For sure. felt like that was one of the most not like gratifying, or like proving to yourself that you know your shit. But one of the most validating things for you, because then somebody else can say, hey, they didn’t ever touch me. They just watched me move and coach me through motion. And my back doesn’t hurt anymore. And that was pretty cool. From our perspective, because it was like, Yeah, we know our shit. Like, we know what we’re doing. You just want to listen and like trust us, we can see it, and we can coach you through it. So that was like, if anything that was like a sweet little time for 2020

is the power of applying principles, as opposed to just learning a bunch of techniques. And yeah, trying to make well now all my techniques, were all hands on stuff. Now I gotta learn how to do all this stuff without my hands. Versus when we go into principles of why are we manipulating the fascia? Or why are we going in and working on a certain area of somebody’s body? Or why are we assessing this, we can start to extrapolate those principles and then apply them to new techniques that we developed. So that’s sweet, I think. Any other big wins from that? For you, Mitch, or goose wins from 2020 triumphs, like just overcoming some of the challenges that now looking back, like, if that wouldn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have had this new insight or new information to work with my clients.

I know for me, again, like I was saying, like going through the gift and stuff, the opportunity of having people like muted it. Let me speak through motion a lot more. Whereas like with music in the background and stuff going on the background, like I like getting distracted by stuff like you know, bright colors, moving objects, I’m all over the place, but when it’s like everybody’s muted, everybody’s dialed in in front of me. Now I’m talking through the warm up like very intentionally I’m talking through emotion very intentionally, where there’s no distractions. No one’s kind of butting in like, hey, what about this, it’s like, just getting in and it really helped me ingrain a lot of the material that I was going through, as I was going through is like almost instant integration like watch a video alright session right after apply that watch a video session right after apply that. So I feel like for me it was really good at ingraining the detail is helping it stick

for listeners those of you that don’t coach and move talking while moving is extremely exhausting if you don’t practice it I mean think back to like when you first started coaching first started demonstrating exercises in your you get six exercises demonstrate in five minutes. You do the second exercise you’re like I can’t show that I’m winded through figuring out how to breathe differently so the stations before five and six don’t look like it’s tearing me apart. Which it really is right so yeah some vocal cords strength and some lung strength so when you do wins not just in conversing but in capacity to capacity. Ru can hold my breath for over a minute now. Suppressive

breathing into the mic like to like take the mic off

you guys actually go to the bathroom of that so on my bad

Unknown Speaker
drama stream coach.

It was like right before it was I had I think I had air pods on so it wasn’t I was like you know, pick up everything No, we all do it.

Definitely got you comfortable on a microphone and in front of the camera, though. To always on Sunday. That’s another big win. Yeah. And

you see yourself to you’re able to reflect on your body position. Here’s man I’ve been standing in one spot for 30 seconds looking like I’m bored when I’m just focusing on the screen like people are looking at me, you know, look, they’re looking at us and we’re looking back at them but they don’t know that we’re studying their movement. They just they see our face like this. staring at the screen like what’s going on? They’re

looking like a miracle.

was kind of this weird, like rapid masterclass in public speaking because you constantly have the the eyes and the focus on you. And like you said, you have this you like you have to talk while you’re going through it. Because otherwise you just feel like a jackass standing there in silence. So it’s cool to be able to actually educate people on movement and like what they’re doing and like what they’re feeling, hey, this is actually what’s your hips going through something that we don’t get to do in in like in person group training necessarily, like you know you because you don’t have everybody’s just kind of attention or they’re just doing one exercise. But it feels really easy now to go sit and do like an online zoom or like recording yourself when we’re doing our, you know, MDMC educational videos or anything just like standing in front of a camera and talking which, like, I don’t know about you guys, but like the first week I was like, I hate this feeling of being the sole focus on the camera. Like it feels so awkward. And now it just is it’s second nature, like you’re like, Oh yeah, sure, no problem. I’ll go film a couple of videos like that’s super easy. And you can look like I can look directly into the lens of the camera and feel like it’s not awkward, like I’m just having a conversation. But it’s not this weird like, oh, like tightening up in front of a front of a camera. Like when Luke came to shoot those videos. And he was like, Hey, can you guys like talk about these things? He was like so impressed. He just crushed us and like one or two takes like you didn’t need to do any reshoots yet fumble over your words like Well, we do this for six hours a day we’ve been doing for the last six months now. So talking into a camera is just like talking to a person it doesn’t feel weird. So it’s kind of this weird masterclass in public speaking or, you know, acting in front of a camera.

Yeah, I think that was watching a Facebook Live of you doing a kettlebell class kettlebell session, and you were working out and talking. And somehow you’re peering into my soul through the camera screen. I was like, she can’t even see me right now. Like, this is Facebook Live? Like, I know, she can’t see me. There’s no, but I feel like she’s staring at me right now. And like talking to me, and it’s powerful is weird. I think initially, just to hear yourself talking first, nonstop, do all your moving, and then there’s no feedback from an audience. It’s like, I hope that message got through. I just handled it for a bit. I don’t know where that went. Hopefully that message got through Facebook Live

was the hardest actually. Because, you know, we were shooting that on our phones. So it’s not like you’re working out you’re like, Ha let me go run it but check the comments real quick. Like if you’re just going you’re like, Okay, I got nobody to watch is just watching me and so, you know, it was kind of like tapping and like, Okay, what am I thinking? That’s what they’re probably thinking to like, this sucks, but you can do it, you know, like tapping into that but that was Like the absolute hardest was Facebook Live either talking like coaching, multiple move with no feedback whatsoever. And again, it’s just like me talking to myself, again, for an hour, here we

go virtual certainly became another level, I think with where we’re at now compared to when we started, it was just, it was quite a show. I mean, the setup we talked about took time and we kind of dialed that in. Michael had set us up with a TV, computer, a mic, camera, everything’s so next level that our experience on a coaching end was, I think is much more enjoyable, especially now, like virtual is something that will never go away. You know, it’s not for everybody, but coaching a virtual session and seeing people’s minds or their, their their emotions transform from like, ah, do my workout to by the end of the workout. They’re like, Thank you, I needed that. And just like it just talked you through a workout. But it’s kind of that camaraderie, that accountability, and to still do live sessions virtually. And now to have this whole control panel, it feels like, you know, we refer to Gymnazo facility and slow as like the mothership. And we have our control panels on these rolly carts that’s a giant 55 inch screen with the full cord hookup like zip tied on but it looks it looks just looks official. And to have that experience as a coach is it’s certainly energizing, uplifting and kind of inspiring to since like, I never saw myself doing this and about you guys doing virtual but it was like I’m not I’m not wanting to do that I’ll do anything but that I don’t mind being on camera, but presenting a workout for an hour when you’re used to being and feeding off of other people’s energy around you. And having conversations little local conversations. I think that’s what’s missing too is that we’d have little side conversations with groups of people. Now when you’re on virtual on Zoom, and whatever conversations being had, everybody’s involved and you’ve got 18 people potentially trying to butt into it, you’re like, just please go on mute and listen to me talk, you know, and then it becomes a point of just matter of keeping things running, as opposed to just having to add social hour. And I think a lot of that social aspect is starting to come back into virtual now that we’ve gained more comfortability. With it, we kind of know our timing, we’ve got the timer on the on the app, we’ve got the workout boards on the app, we you know, find out how to use the chat function, people have some funky things going on being able to, to modify and tweaking cue without having to embarrass somebody for something that’s going on. If it’s a pain, discomfort, or they had something going on with this, it’s more personal. I think we’ve leveled up just as a as a coaching staff. And not just here, but we’ve now set another stage for those who are trainers outside of here that have never done virtual training before. They’ve got a path that they know works. They’ve got we’ve got programming that we know works and keeps people engaged. But not only that, they feel like they’re also progressing in their own movement, ability and capacity. You know, thank God for fibers and fibers and sandbags, you do a lot of things those then bringing in kettlebells and dumbbells and seen people’s at home gyms grow it’s like something that was so rough in the beginning has kind of blossomed into something that’s still tough, I still don’t know where it’s all going to are going to end up but people are now working out from home and finding space in their house to have positivity to bring a slice of Gymnazo a slice of their movement practice home with them. And I think it’s a it’s a huge win, not just for Gymnazo but for for fitness and health in general. Like that’s not going anywhere. We just need to help people find the value in it of not having to just go somewhere but to create that space at home. I got a question for you guys. How like How have your at home gyms or the practices changed?

Solid. I mean, I’ve pretty much built out like bought to Vipers got some more kettlebells hardcore bag like it picked up all these toys to build out my little own mini gym. My practice is varied this year. Getting pregnant was certainly a challenge where I just like Niyama doing shit for a while. But like having more time with the ropes or just being able to do stuff at home has been nice because as much as I love being here, this is still like work. Like don’t you just work out here all the time. It’s like well, when you’re done with work do you just want to like stay at work and hang out? Like like for other people? You know? It’s like you just don’t hang out at the office like so sometimes yes and sometimes no I just want to go home so but it’s been cool to have that capability at home now or to feel like I can still get a Gymnazo style workout but not that the gym. Oh did a lot more I guess fun stuff not fun not working as fun but like I did

working out it’s not fun

I did way more like surfing and golfing and trail running because I was just like, Let’s Get outside I think part of being on virtual was like I don’t want to experience that and I don’t want to be in a little inside confined bubble because I’m inside all the time now so it was wanting to like get outside and have that mental break of doing something other than what I do all day every day.

And there’s a really good point because I didn’t really think about that at first but yeah, I guess it feels like it’s been so long but prior to pandemic it was more so like sneaking workouts in here doing stuff around the facility grabbing a piece of equipment like moving around always had stuff at the house. But now it’s like almost every workout I do is outside like in the front yard or at the dunes or in the arena now that we got that going on. But it forced a lot more movement outside whether it was just like rope flowing outside low propulsors outside Bosu ball and some stuff outside it’s never really in facility anymore or in definitely my house but yeah a lot more outdoor movement than anything which is awesome. Rain shine cold hot outside. Always outside just builds character. Yeah gritty gritty workouts tough guys in the elements

stuff guy

Unknown Speaker
some may say

Goose is one of the toughest guys slow county

roll up on him

Unknown Speaker
do top individual

oh yeah bought bought a lot of shit too though. I think like you were saying bought a lot of toys and stuff bought a lot of she got like two mosaics. At one point had three mazes hydro core bag two kettlebells Bosu ball med ball three ropes now I got a full facility

home for the front yard won’t be a backyard again when I’m on the road exactly got

Unknown Speaker
the one for show but the one for function as a whole it’s the whole thing. Mitch and

I bought kayaks

for eight months do my gym just like I bought equipment and never really used it. Like I bought a bunch of kettlebells took a bunch of sandbags from here like our old I do like six like I did a couple of them and I was like This sucks I don’t really like my backpack for working out anyway. But I was like Screw this Let’s buy a kayak like this this by another bike leg so I literally just ended up like cleated it like just 20 30 plus miles on a mountain bike 1020 plus miles on the road bike trail runs some 20 to 30 minute whatever routines in here from time to time I’ve got a bunch of rollers I got so many rollers

Unknown Speaker
I think it’s great elbows and then it’s like they’re here now Yeah. So

you turn you turn yeah at home facility into the Gymnazo just some up in new equipment for system to get some kettlebells and that was next level

sometimes you just need to bring them in when other people persuade ownership to buy him

definitely 2020 was definitely retail therapy here it was like just oh I can use that I can use that by that

we didn’t spend any money going out or going anywhere so like one might as well invest in stuff that I’m gonna use they’ll tell

you what I’m okay I came in the guys dropping off the kayak people 18 wheeler truck guys you got kayak I was like yeah I got a kayak super stoked to go out in the water you know it’s right over there. It’s gonna be great. He’s like yeah, we got like five of these in the warehouse right now. Something about not floating coin is about to get real interesting. Let’s see if this

doesn’t even flip man.

Luckily you’re

getting money and you were deep in like a mountain biking. I mean just so much more outside stuff. Yeah, I think across the board for all four of us

is miserable for a bit because that was like the only thing you could do so so busy outside and everybody from out of town even down south for coming up I was like do this actually wasn’t fun for a while. But that was like I kind of found that I found myself not doing it as much of the weekend and just going like three days during the week. Just cruising out like in between sessions or whatever. Yeah, till you get a flat five miles out with a class of 45 minutes. Oh,

oh, that’s

just not functional strength

overcoming challenges man.

30 mile on a 30 pound bike by miles back.

That was one way you came back so sweaty and poison oak man

Unknown Speaker
real than poison.

People you just didn’t like unicycle that bad boy down the hill.

Oh, you know what I did start writing it down. It was like drifting a car. No control. I was guessing.

The world is your playground niche. And you just brought it here.

Because now we have urban kayaking to explore.

Yes. Good call. Other big wins when 2020 we build that whole outdoor space like a whole nother outdoor facility slowly is we just gotta build walls and a roof now.

Yeah. Basically like being in

that process I think was pretty pretty rad to witness because it was like, Alright, now you guys can go train back outside. And we’re like, Well, great. We have a parking lot. That this is just weird oblong and we have some equipment we can bring out there and we have a small you know, 50 square foot storage. Shed. So you hold stuff in. We hold all of our vipers, all of our sandbags and yeah, hoist them out, bring it back in my blood. I purchased some horse stall mats and made slo county sell out of them. So everybody who had horses couldn’t buy horse stall mats, we had a better facility for outdoor ground. And now it’s turned into a 220 yard turfs and storage containers. And then like all the equipment out there,

all the all the Easy Ups and stuff to like people oh, here like I got an extra easy if you guys can use this. I think there’s like a mission prep one out there, they’ve got two of them. There’s a fluid one out there. So if you were just kind of like helping us out at the same time, but the progression of however many little horse stall mats taped together. Slide the TV out in the morning, posted up to what it is now is like, I mean it’s night and day. That’s a badass outdoor spot.

The only shipping containers to be turned into a great sheds for true stretches. Equipment attachments, and TVs speakers, lighting, movie nights.

Disco neon Friday, it

definitely felt Yeah, I felt like the community was came back like it created a space that was safe enough space for people to have that six foot with a full class and to get back into the groove of not just using two piece of equipment but use a bunch of different equipment and, and kind of have that fun exploring the adult playground,

if you will. Yeah, definitely felt like, like January being back and like having the new programming with six stations. Like do we get to put cones out today? Like what station numbers and then like, traded the music using more than just a viper and a SAM Bell. Like we’re back like it felt it felt like I got that vibe like do this feels actually really good. Like to be able to do that. I’m gonna have people you know, walk out be like, That was a great session and my body hurts. And it just it was nice and uplifting. And it doesn’t it doesn’t hurt like thank God we live in California. You know, it’s nice out right now like January and it’s free in negative 16 and snowing in places and we’re out here like in shorts and tank tops. Go and bring out the ECF is gonna be hot at noon. Like

because it’s too warm.

Unknown Speaker
It’s 75 perfect, it’s perfect.

Yeah, so it’s been a it’s been super rad to have that feeling of, of like normalcy because it’s always kind of you know, the the what’s next kind of mentality and how are we going to have to pivot again and so it’s nice to have something that feels familiar and you know, like pre COVID BC times

familiar but new at the same time like I have probably had a handful of folks this morning in the six AMC that they actually prefer the arena over if I if we do come back to in facility stuff whenever that does happen like I would like the arena better. Would you guys like to fresh air you’re outside running around? Just a different feel

sunrise and sunset workouts? What what’s better than that? Oh, nosh.

So yeah, something new, but also feels normal and, like consistent. Like, you know, it’s not gonna go anywhere.

I want to give props to I mean, we all we all appreciate our community, but props to the athletes that have all like, kept pushing and adapting with us. Because, to be honest, we had no idea what we’re doing. It was kind of like we’re just rolling with the punches and we’re going to deliver the best sound content we can give like we put in the work and put in the intention. It wasn’t just some bullshit program. And we’re not bullshit coaches like we got to deliver our quality experience. We got to have a good time with this and we got to get people still leveling up, got to make progress because if we stay in stagnation, doing nothing or just maintaining where we’re at, we start to hit that plateau and we lose that that momentum. And so just having having athletes show up whether it be virtual whether it be in person, whether it be just supporting us not through showing up but purchasing on demand content or having people that they know show up to to virtual sessions and bringing in people that we’ve never even met before in person into virtual sessions like that’s we’re absolutely blessed to have that opportunity. I know a lot of gyms a lot of trainers have lost all that. Many have gone virtual and have found success. But so many have lost their facility that they were training at shut down now they gotta go do stuff themselves they don’t just have a facility where people come to them they’ve got to search stuff out so props to to our community for for rolling with us it’s it’s definitely mutual was not just on us we could we could create all we want but there’s nobody there to to participate enjoy what’s the what’s the use

and to trust is trusting that we’re going to figure it out even if we are rolling with the punches going day by day week by week dressed in like a they’re still gonna provide quality, quality whatever it is and trust that they’re going to enjoy it like back and forth that mutual trust I guess is a huge part of it.

Yes my favorite things about training is like being able to work with with people on an individual basis on a group basis and feed that energy so that’s the World War some of my other favorite moments that you had from 2020 Like I’m talking about full on moments now like overall like this the theme of what was cool but what would you got us

I want it always stands out and I think I was talking about maybe in the last one with Michael But Audrey and Mary getting that row flow row and shipping it out to Nicolay that that was one of the coolest closing so two clients gifted a rope flow rope to another client how to move away if I’ve worked stuff live stuff and it moved away which virtual cubes was part of the community which is super dope as opposed to just saying like peace out so I can’t like hang out can’t train anymore. But them surprising her with that rope flow rope with them. That meant so much to her was still to this day one of the coolest things I’ve seen since I started working here it was just such a dope experience for me just to like even hear about to see them purchasing the rope What do you do with that? Oh gonna ship it up to Nicolay

Michael Hughes
oh so badass down

I don’t know have this specific moment so in the kitchen

clean up Mitch Do you that was like one of the best shows in the history shows that was where I live for was a Monday nights

it was mostly me cooking in which drinking and just talking crap about Miss checkout mayonnaise but

you talking trash about me and you talking to you and talking to everybody else commenting and then we’re talking trash does, little context

on it clean and Mitch we created a Facebook community that was strictly for Gymnazo crew of people that were involved in virtual and in person and we decided to start some shows to keep people entertained and positive vibes flowing because we couldn’t have those local conversations and those opportunities to just connect with with people on not just a daily basis but every session there’s opportunity there and so we kind of lost that so the Facebook community helped to bring that back but then the shows like just live shows clean image created in the kitchen with clean image and they would do a cook a meal was every Monday for a few weeks. Once a week

goal was to highlight the goal is to highlight that it wasn’t as hard as people thought to eat healthy and eat food that tasted good at the same time. But mostly it was just us talking shit back and forth while I was cooking you know I had this elaborate two camera setup and mitchard Like I’d be talking and like looking down at the frying pan and then I look and like Tammy conversation I thought it was mentioned I’d look up it would just be like a blank screen like he just he just went out light is using oh right back he just left and it’s like well pretty standard Actually,

I didn’t know you kept your barbecue inside your kitchen camera up


I didn’t really have to communicate with everything I had to do

want to see the process that was the goal kind

Unknown Speaker
of an inside glimpse right now but of what it was kind of like my brother or sister

we had such strict guidelines

but overall moments I thought it was actually really cool to see each individual coach thrive in their own environment and owning different pieces of movement indoor training like seeing goose or body browse and come up with that and have like, dude, that is awesome. It really I really love that like mindful movement going virtual was pretty rad Mitch Jane like MOBE stick workouts with Mitch Yeah, but just like having each person kind of take ownership over something that they were good at and not being afraid to be like No, I’m gonna do this. Like I think this is a good idea. And I think people are gonna like this and seeing that be successful was really cool. I think that was cool for our our bosses to see that, you know, it’s we know we’re not just a cog in the wheel per se but that you can contribute and bring something and have these innovative ideas that work and that people like hey, we are tapped into what people like and that we can do this and do it well and people will continue to do it. So that was pretty cool to see.

Outside of work. I’m Hang out if you’re going to like a bar bar I love our weekend stuff WD unites with our group because we were in our own isolated bubble. That was great, but like we’re going to enjoy much

to just make it through. Yeah, fair enough.

Just make it through sir thriving,

not quite thriving. Surviving

pals and paddles. That’s just word related. Gotta get on the pedal boards getting kayaks get out in the ocean and open air.

Yeah, pals and paddles or PG dish

and save that for another podcast. we’re skyping and live from the ocean.

coaching from her Yeah, actually.

Rock man

cleaning or luxurious sit on top kayak.

Hey, you know, I’m jealous. I’m a little jealous. It’s okay. It’s okay. To cozy on it. It’s pretty nice.

Looking at 2021 where we are right now, this year, it’s almost been almost been a year. It feels like it’s been multiple lifetimes lifetimes I’ve had, I’ve discovered multiple versions of me that I did not know existed. Not all positivity. Personality. Like a tri polar disorder. There was definitely more than three of me and they’re quite polar over there. Yeah. We’re going east, west, north south, I don’t even know what other direction

every degree in between.

So looking at things now, how are we doing? How are we doing individually? How are we doing to how do you see this year playing out. And like where’s your mind at right now as a coach, as a human being really

not sure can get worse. Don’t say that. Don’t

put that out there. I just did that even on the

Unknown Speaker
29th. It’s clear.

Like if you think about what we just did the last year and adapting and changing anything, I’m going to come inside great, super easy. And it can’t be any more stressful than the stuff we had to do in the past like nothing we’d go do going forward is going to be more stressful than what we just did. The past year with our pivots is already dialed away to be successful and everything that we need to do, unless there’s something that we change in a new way, like a whole completely different something that we all have to learn to adapt to like everything that we do with what we’re doing now. It’s easy to I think to adapt to change to

stripped away the organization and the structure the foundation of what was easy in our in our job and we had to figure out a way to make it easy again, right? All these flow fluidly

and now it’s flowing fluidly. So if we need to pivot again, for X, Y, or Z, whatever the reasons are, I think it’s all relatively manageable and easy to do. It’s kind of like Oh, shit, all right. Another one first, like another one

you’re helpful there’s there’s nothing that’s gonna your whole body

Star Wars movies,

or something like that? Do you have a word for going forward to 2021 Mitch?

Unknown Speaker
Two syllables this time.

It’s more of just like, Man, I hope you don’t get rain. That’s Oh,

Unknown Speaker
good call.

I want like, this is actually what I want. This is what I’m hoping for a drought. I’m hoping we don’t get rain where we don’t have to deal with having to deal with the rain outside. That’s it.

Man I like don’t want to say like things are good. But things feel stable, at least, you know, I think my outlook for for right now is positive and to keep, keep owning what we’re doing and keep finding ways to, to make each session or make each workout like killer, and to keep just being positive and doing a good job at our jobs. And then, like, I feel like we’re we’re owning this right now. And it’s kind of cool to see I have this feeling like things are going to now it’s like we’re in this growth phase like how do we grow virtual to not just be the local community? How do we grow female Corp conversion now that we have these new capabilities with just virtual training, you know, for people that don’t live here directly, or we have all these capabilities for parents who can’t leave their house moms who can’t leave their house, but who can mute themselves and still watch and participate from home, you know, in their space. I feel like there’s these cool little avenues and potentials for growth, which last year was just like survive, like try not to drown and figure out how to make it work. And now there’s this weird areas like no we can actually grow in these little areas now and like get better and be innovative and succeed. So that’s kind of cool. Looking forward to 2021 and seeing how things, how things go, like, how can we make this work long term, but then also at the same time, it’s like next, like, you know, how are we gonna have to pivot again? Like when they go like, Oh, yeah, it’s all quote unquote normal again, like go back into being like

Unknown Speaker
or shut down their

coach, I think that’s, that’s powerful. That’s powerful growth in this year because it is it is stabilizing, in the sense of, we’ve had to adapt, adapt, adapt, pivot, pivot, pivot, and it’s like, everything that can be thrown at us shut your doors don’t train outside, you can’t train at the park, you can’t train it your eyes open. You can’t use your ears. It’s like, what are we supposed to do just speak telepathically to people and get them to work out it’s like we find a way to connect no matter what we’re gonna find a way to reach our community we’re going to find a way to make sure that people are getting not only their their physical training, but they’re they’re positively positivity dose, they’re getting that, that that pill of positivity that I think we all need, and we all gotta encourage each other. It’s, it’s tough to get our own positivity, we can self talk, all we want, but there’s nobody there to reflect and mirror that positivity that we’re looking for. It’s just gonna be a lie for ourselves. So continuing to feed, feed each other, that momentum and celebrating the wins, even if it is I didn’t work out for six months. Today, I got my kettlebell up and I didn’t 10 presses like, Yes, just now just do that. Just do that. You got to get up and do something because it’s easy to become stagnant, it’s easy to stop doing stuff because we just have no idea where this unknown goes. And you either stop in the unknown or you just keep pushing through, you keep pioneering a path, and others are going to follow if your path has some light at the end of

it. Like the effort kind of 2020 you got to pick your heart was like, like working out his heart in his heart. Being obese, it’s hard. Pick your heart, like which one? Are you going to go for it? It’s kind of like mentally to you know, keep being motivated to get outside. Like, that’s hard being being depressed is hard. Being happy is hard. But like you have to pick your heart. Like 2021 It’s the same same thing going into it. It’s not that it’s going to be easy, but if we have choices, that’s always the light in the tunnel, you have a choice to make

choices. What do you guys use for 2020?

Probably same word excited. I think for all those reasons. Like Mitch was saying, if you know shit hits, the fan shit does get worse I happened to get worse, I think we’re ready for whatever worst could be like we’ve established a nice like base foundation of we can maneuver this way we can maneuver that way we can go back to full virtual we can go back to fully in person, we can go just outside we can go fully inside the growth like Coach was saying we have so many opportunities to try new shit. Whether it’s new programming of like CMA stuff, body brow stuff kettlebells most ik like rope flow, whatever it is, we’re finding different ways to grow in so many different directions and hit so many different people. The LA the Bay Area, the valley OC, wherever you’re at out of the country, we have so much opportunity that it’s hard not to be excited for like whatever is gonna come our way. Because no matter what I feel like we’re gonna crush it. So I’m excited

like mobile resiliency. Yeah, like we have such a strong foundation of it. So be resilient another way. Another form, battle tested,

ready to go.

We just won’t dive in. We got no quit.

For video games, that’s for real, like, they already have, you know, loaded up after this past year.

And you know, we’re ready for I mean, all those like you’re saying all those end of the little bosses like, like, what’s next, Brandon, what’s next? I’m ready.

But we’ve got a squad, we’ve got a squad. And it’s not just here. Gymnazo we got other trainers, other people in fitness that are rising to the occasion. They’re putting themselves out there. They’re trying things, they’re failing miserably and then learning from it. It’s easy to fail and be like, Oh, no, didn’t work. But that failure can feed momentum to find success because you’re gonna keep getting frustrated with yourself, keep getting angry, keep trying to figure it out until something clicks and then you hold on to that little that little win. And you just start reaching out to more people or you start to instead of just getting into this certification, you’re applying your techniques and sharing it with the world and saying what you learned, it’s like people are finding a voice or they’re completely shutting down and you get to choose one or the other. And you may sound like a complete idiot, but share something you know, get your voice out there so you can hear yourself speaking we had the whole year last year to reflect on ourselves talking and sometimes watch a video like I’m not watching myself talk you know, could really watch live or listen to a podcast or video when I’ve said something it’s like it’s it’s tough to hear your own voice especially when you know you can do things better and As a perfectionist, or as somebody who’s wanting to do their best to know that you’re not doing the best that you think you can do, just knowing that yesterday, you’re only so good tomorrow, you’re gonna be better today, you just gotta get what you can. There’s some saying, it’s like, I’m not as good as I’ll be tomorrow, I’m better than I was yesterday. And so you’re enjoying this present moment, and like really treating this present as a present, it’s a gift, it’s an opportunity to make a choice. And you don’t know that it’s on the other end of that choice. But as long as you make a choice, you can go back and reflect on that choice you made. It wasn’t wrong or right, or you decide, but it’s not necessarily there’s a wrong answer. It’s just you can keep doing better. And so I think this year is it’s a, it’s about being better. It’s about balancing and balancing better, you know, we’ve hitting these other peaks and these lows, and now we’ve kind of seen both ends of the spectrum where there’s a lot of success, we found a lot of failure, and how we’re coaching and in our programs and what our athletes enjoy. So finding that balance of, of making the choices and being satisfied with the result. And doing better, do better. Do better, do better to 2021 thinks he is I think it’s a good conversation that we’ll look back on this and 2022 and go hon do whatever you Mitch said,

we’re gonna go back and go Jesus Christ, that two straight years. We shall see. Hopefully that conversation didn’t happen.

Mitch, thank you so much for that. Thank you so much, Goose. Okay, Jonathan. Thank you so much. And thank you listeners for tuning in to our our beautiful conversation catch you next time on the Gymnazo podcast when time.

Michael Hughes
Hey all. Hope you guys enjoyed today’s episode. And if you did, please share it with your fitness obsessed friends and peers who are also navigating this world of fitness and trying to succeed the trends and misinformation. As you guys can see this podcast is basically a masterclass for trainers wanting to level up in their coaching skills, and their fitness business model. We launched this in 2020. Because you and your fitness tribe deserve to see an unfiltered look at all the aspects of what it takes to stand out as a next generation coach, and build a successful fitness business sell, share far and wide. And please, when you do do me a favor, take a screenshot of this screen and share it to your social media accounts and use the hashtag Gymnazo podcast that’s hashtag Gymnazo podcast that way we can see you and share your posts with our audience. And finally, when you’re ready to go to the next level as a coach or in your business, and to reach more people, please go check out gymnazoedu.com. We have put together the best 90 Day coaching program on the market for trainers wanting to become a masterful practitioner and build a business that gives them the freedom and impact. So let us help you do just that. We have online training and one on one coaching to guide you through a full 90 Day certification. We even get you training our clients live because it’s always better to work out your kinks on someone else’s clients than yours. But we promise you this, your clients will be blown away by the transformation our program will help you make you’ll be masterful at a whole new level and part of an incredible community of coaches worldwide, taking their skills to the next level. So if you thought today’s episode had some fire to it, and inspired you to take action, wait until you see what we deliver on this program. So just go to gymnazoedu.com. And we’ll see you on the other side. Remember that turning your passion for fitness into transformation and sustainable business is critical to reaching the people and lives you were put on earth to help it matters and truly can make an impact in other people’s lives. So, hope you do that. Keep sharing a passion and we’ll talk to you soon.

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