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Functional Agility Drills to Dramatically Improve Sports Performance

Posted on December 28, 2022

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/srMdWUSRC5w

What’s up coaches, athletes, Michael Hughes here with Gymnazo Edu talking about moving to the feet locomotion patterns, making this body move on these two feet across the ground in ways that are going to impress people. But also more importantly get around your opponent get around the defender, and make your body agile, quick in ways that honestly you may not even thought about. We have an entire locomotion series or way of thinking about it that colleagues have drummed up and thought about and we’re now sharing with you to get that baseball to get that football to get that basketball, ticket soccer, to get me anything on a court tennis to get these feet moving in ways that your body maybe you don’t even know you have access to. So we’re going to kind of unpack for you, I’m going to show you the basic top tier in this video. And then if you’d like please comment below if you want to see more and more and more of this demonstrated as we look at our locomotion series. So check this out. This is how we think about locomotion patterns. If you look at the very top here, we’re looking at all the things that kind of symmetrical flip patterns, maybe we’re our foot, right foot left foot are doing the same things together. If they can do the same things together, as well, then they can move in pretty good good patterns, right. But on the bottom half, there’s things where one foot does one pattern and another foot does another pattern. So we’re gonna be talking about this sequence right here. Again, I can show you all of these, but we’re just going to talk about the top tier. And what we see right here. We’re not about lunging, hopping, jumping, I’ll show you what that means. I’ll define it for you leaping and of course jumping. But not only in their pure sense, but in three dimensions, or three planes of motion, because that’s how sport and athletics are right? You don’t just always attack for defense is not always about going backwards facing one direction. It’s about changing angulation and having the ability or the the mental capacity brain to foot to make that happen. So we’re gonna talk about three dimensional coordination, when I’m going to show it to you. And this is going to vastly improve your body’s ability to go through three dimensional space. So as I show you these different drills, and we start about with with lunging, let me show you an all of them in three planes of motion. Why am I doing that? I’m doing that because your body needs to have access to a large movement vocabulary, to be able to choose subconsciously the right move for the right time, for the right moment. And again, that’s what good athleticism is, is being able to put yourself in the right spot at the right time. And if you don’t have the access to that, well, therefore you’re just hoping stuff happens. So that’s why you’re going to see a pattern with the way that we move. So let’s start with essentially, the lunge. How do we go through three dimensional lunging and a three dimensional lunging is really considered as a step to a weight shift. So an anterior lunge would be a step to a weight shift forward, boom, pretty, pretty simple. opposite foot forward. Awesome. Good. You can also go backwards, right? So step two, a weight shift. So put my full weight back, lunge into it. flat foot, just as I was in front, right, push off, come back, step back lunge. Come back from a side you can see that more. Does that look like a typical backwards launch? More than likely not but as defined? That would be a poster your lunch? Lateral lunch, easy. Lateral lunch. Easy, good. Let’s go opposite side or right, going left, right went right. What about right going left? Oh, come out of that point. Left going right. Coming out of that point. What about open rotation, transverse plane, open up, come back, open up, come back. And then the ops side, right when right, left went left? What about right, going left and left going? Right. We’ve called it a lunge matrix popularized by the green suit. Gotta give huge props for putting that all together and making that sweet package for us all. But what about the next step? What about going through? More ballistic right so that those lunges gave us the opportunity to kind of access space? Right? But what about taking that ballistically? What about that agility and the jumping component. Let’s go to a hop hole, single leg hop, one foot take off to one foot land. But that’s only vertical What about through angulation? Travel? So an answered hop. Back to center, post your hub poem? Back to center right lateral shorter, right, boom. left lateral with with right. Right rotational to right, left rotational. Come back home. What did that teach my right leg? I taught my right leg how to absorb single leaf cord Single Leg coordination, but progress through space. Now am I going to do that pattern on a cord? Index exact way? Of course not No way. But I’m gonna need to access some sort of little steps toward the local trip. Can I take an axis that movement pattern to get me around when needed when it gets stumbled up, or when I have to. Again, it’s about giving the body that vocabulary for therefore it can make its full sentences, it’s for paragraphs, it’s for novels. As a sport Rick requires, okay, so now we’re gonna take a hop. But hop is one foot to one foot, a jump is two feet to two feet. What if we combine those we have made up the term, the jump, I’m going to jump off to but land on one. And through that progression, now we’re going to take that through three dimensions. So I’m going to land off or take off to land on one, come back home, land on to anterior, posterior, same side, opposite side, same rotational, opposite rotation, I’m going to slow that down for you to, to anterior back to home, to to posterior, back to home, to to right, same side, lateral, back to home, to upside lateral, back to home really working inside adductor kind of knee valgus, deceleration, same, rotational back home, and then right to left, upside rotational combat calm again, working, the different angulations, the diff different decelerations and how the body must adapt to the environment. Awesome, nice stabilization. Of course, I’m not taking into any consideration whether the knee is healthy enough to manage this or not, unless you do that yourself. But if you have questions about knee pain, we have plenty of videos, I want you to check out on our channel, to how to think about that. And then go there for give your clients or give yourself better training and conditioning through it. What about a leap? will leap pattern is essentially one foot taking a flight phase to another leg and back home? So how’s it look in the anterior chain? Right to left? Pretty, pretty simple. What about going the opposite way, push off, right? Land on left, come back home. What about lateral right push off, land on left going left, come back home, push off right, land on left going right? Come back home. What about rotational push off right land on left same side rotation, push off right land on the left, opposite side rotation theme of the different positions my hip went into my knee went into relative to my foot and hip and how those different muscles would have to control those patterns. And also just have the coordination to access those patterns. Then ending it all with a jump which is two foot land to two foot take off. Really doesn’t happen that often in sports to be quite frank with you. There’s also these patterns are just good for good general training and conditioning as a jump for the gym. Anterior. Posterior, right lateral, left lateral, right rotational, left rotational. If you would go down to the microscopic level of how the my joints went through different pronation supination. To push off you’d see how different muscle fibers were trained a little bit better, a little bit differently, a little bit more precise a little bit more through a case by case scenario. You will know that if you go through these patterns, train them well make sure your calves are healthy ankles are healthy knees of healthy, hips are healthy, you can progress yourself and like I said give yourself the variety of choice that your body needs to crush it on any court field, etc, etc. So please check out some of the videos give us a thumbs up if you’d like to add some comments if you want to see more of our locomotion breakdown series. And hope you all have a great, great day and I’ll see you next time. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.

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