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Peltrunkula | Melt. Mold. Move. Live Recorded Session

Posted on January 4, 2023

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/3aUVQhV3JK0

Good morning team Happy Wednesday. You’re ready to get some people jumped on here you’ll get movin’.

Wow. Good happy beautiful Wednesday

Good morning Carrie, wherever you’re popping in drop comment let me know that you hear let me know if there’s anything specific any aches or pains you wanted to work on today. Like you’re jumping in live you got anything going on let me know trying to hit it was today we’re going to we’re going to work on the Peltrunkula, which is to pelvis trunk and scapula complex. So this kind of big trunk a portion here, but it’s majority of the body actually, it’s called trunk here. So it’s all kind of interconnected, intertwined family connected. So we’re gonna kind of do a nice little opening on up of the Peltrunkula There. Good morning, Carolyn. Thank you. Thanks. A lot of vision. I had a lot of fun doing that cooking class last night if you didn’t get to catch that. So just the camera. All right, really started starting with the scapula actually. So your scapula is that shoulder blade actually those are synonymous scapula is the official shoulder blades is the unofficial term, but we’re gonna go around the scapula to kind of go in between the spine and shoulder blades yesterday there was a fascia which muscles that all run down through there to kind of work our way around the scapula to give that a little bit more mobility day. So starting with the ball, we’re gonna go with the wall X is gonna lean into the wall and get underneath that scapula there. If you don’t have a ball, you can use something like a tennis ball or lacrosse ball. Or if you’re just using the big roller, that’s perfectly fine. Just might be on your back face up for that one. But going into that, that scapula leaning back into that there rule far away. But yes, so you’re just kind of roll and yeah, given that a little explorer skin and takes up a lot of that upper thoracic area. So your thoracic spine is from base your neck down to the base of your last rib to your thoracic spine heiresses scattered henties. A good portion of that, we’re just gonna go that slow, roll right through there. And hidden all the nooks and crannies. Finding some tender spots to sit on that was tender sponsors areas that lack of oxygen, they just need a little bit more blood flows to those areas. That tenderness because of areas are especially dehydrated, only their hosts are hydrated. We’re in a role super slow, shouldn’t be no bouncing up and down look kind of this kind of slow, methodical little push and hold. Give the tissues a chance to adapt and a chance to actually sink in and feel that pressure, you just kind of go right over it and they miss out on that opportunity to adjust and adapt and actually create a response. You’re looking for responsibility choose to relax and release. So you have to give them that opportunity by holding that tension as opposed to continuously rolling over. Even when you get a massage. No, they’ll stay in a relatively safe spot where they’re using their thumbs and fingers. There’s a much smaller surface area they’re getting into that you feel the movement. So if you go a little bit more pinpoint, just kind of hold it. You can come all the way up to the top of the shoulder that traps truckload muscles are right up here. rule is that we’re all like you’re not on the spine, you’re not on the bone, just on tissues in between. We’d take either one on my left side, take that left arm bring it across creaky boards mine here,

but pull that arm across and this is gonna move your scapula around your ribcage so you open it all up. So now you can get deeper into those nooks and crannies that are underneath that scapula are attached directly to the ribcage. your scapula is kind of this free floating bone. It’s not actually directly it’s on bone on bone with your ribcage but there’s layer of fascia and muscle in between. See if your ribcage muscle fascia is actually ribcage and you have muscle attached attached to the underside of your scapula. Right and then muscles and tissue and fascia that attach to the top part of the scapula or the part that you can physically touch, you can get underneath there, probably you might be able to do that with baffling reach your hands in the butt. So opening up that shoulder blade exposes those tissues that you can get into a little bit more. If you find a spot, just kind of all in there for a second. Give that tissue opportunity to relax. Make sure you’re still able to breathe that’s one conversation but culture is just kind of a good old fashioned mobile move just get some of the cobwebs out the biofilm a little bit looser, get some blood flowing there spend a good amount of time kind of getting around the scapula portions and opening up all the tissues around that there we take it over to the other side to go to the other side there was thinking on this is actually these are really good spots to roll a really good suspects for actually a lot of pain that can happen if the elbow wrist or shoulder you have 17 different muscles that attach to that scapula just keep rolling out there guys check these measures Hey Audrey here Lauren. So hit known that

there was you 17 different muscles that attach to the scapula. So there’s a lot of little problems suspects or what can cause pain in places in the body. Typically when we send this pain somewhere I have shoulder pain, it’s just this symptom that we feel that we sense it’s not the problem. So it’s usually this tissue is overworking for another tissue is not working correctly or not working at all. That way lengthening enough doesn’t have an action to it. So what it was gonna try and compensate you by simply even though you might have taken this the posterior shoulder doesn’t need it you still can’t do the activity body’s going to figure out how to do it she’s going to figure out using different muscles that’s one of those muscles getting mad because it was not my job hurts compensating for somebody else

because that scapula has so many different attachments to add it good place what a probable suspects here we go even yesterday I had some I saw right shoulder stuff instead of gravel but nothing painful but you know I just feel it rolled out a little bit today rolled out there’s a good spot right behind that right shoulder that I will be I’ll put money on it was part of the contributing factor to that bad boy they’re more than three just jumping in we can bring that our cross it’s the most tender spots thank you that tissue tied to just adjust you might be more closer to the Spider was in the scapula both are good both are good so I’m going to be wrong right there

this poor portion here especially with all the all the citizen all hanging out with to open up their body here and stuff move in we’re gonna do essentially this while I transverse plane stuff for our our move portion sets the power from place to place the top plane power you get the most lengthening of our tissues. Takes spirals. Spring creates more tension, more tension and spiral and a new set of Poles straight line where that US tisby that bounce that pop. So it’s so important that you guys maintain training in the transverse plane and not just in sagittal plane. See, when we run or when we hike or walk we still get all three plates in motion, no matter if we’re doing a primarily sagittal plane motion or primary motion, you get all three. You can be more efficient in all three, or even just two planes, you automatically get more motion in third plane. You can’t get strictly isolated motion at any joint necessarily. Okay, we’re gonna take it down a notch in the comments here. Good. All right. Oh, good morning, Mom. Mom. Just a good morning Adam. One morning guys. Right? So we did the scapula. Now let’s take it to the floor. Oh, we’re gonna go chest. We’re gonna go a chest can hit posterior chain hitting that anterior chain now kind of sinking into that. One thing I really liked especially for my computer desk bound chair bound athletes is to show you where the pec minor is. A pec minor is the smaller pectoral muscle that lives under your pec major Granger’s. Big guy, pec minor lives underneath, you can actually kind of get in your fingers almost into your armpit and dig underneath that tissue there. I know, all of a sudden, oh, hey, there’s that some kind of going down in towards my chest, the pec minor. So if we’re roller, it will start in my armpit. Sink into that. So I apply pressure and then move my body. So I’m rolling, you’re not going to follow that out. But that pec minor can get really shortened when you’re on a computer all day. If your mouse clicking here, that that position that you’re in naturally shortens that tissue. So getting in there help releasing that giving that more blood flow more oxygen. Always good. Want you to find kind of a nice little little spot here and just give it a nice little wiggle is reaching Dr. Ford back on the on that one spot, still not moving the body moving the tissue around the foam roller. And then given that a little wave side to side here

and if you hold that are out to the side, just want you to turn your hand. So I’m going to kind of turn my thumb is almost flat fellas facing forward towards you. Yes, yes. See that? My hand right there. thumb forward, go ahead and find a little spot and feel no tenderness. And then take that thumb go down for it before rotated all the way to now your palm up but your thumb is facing back towards your toes. And then just go through that little rotation will rotating the palm up and up before you get that nice little rotation. So here we’re actually getting lengthening and shortening of that chest muscles or muscles. So lats refeed is a deltoid. Do some of that bicep gets a little bit longer as I rotate out there. mean that kind of rotating that spiral isn’t creating more tension from the fingertips, all that shoulder. Let’s go ahead and switch over to the other side. Your side here. Yeah, I’m going to kind of dig me in a little bit more pec minor. So I’m gonna start any armpit rolling in. And just kind of doing a little explore seeing what feels tender

that a good human work at a desk all day and you experience pain in the back of the shoulder. Another good place to start is that the chest, he think about that position you sit in, when you’re at a desk kind of hunched over in this little curve, we drew a line from your neck down your spine and at the c curve and it would be longer, right, the secret will be longer on the back than it would in the front. The tissues in the front are compressed. So everything compresses in the front, right, expanded compressed compression is tension. And this isn’t necessarily good tension, this contraction of tissue, so that when you try and open back up, so this is my bike, my heads up here, hips are down here, curb the back, when I go to stand up, all those tissues need to light and that goes from the toes and the toes, the foot, the hips, all the way up into the chest. But when you sit in that computer position or driving position, all those tissues get really good at living in that position. makes it harder when you want to go do things like hiking or running where you need your body to expand and you can’t do that. So you will roll in little stretching help reopen those tissues that will reach your 40 back here.

You guys are enjoying the law didn’t catch the first episode of In the kitsch. Mitch and I had a ton of fun doing that last night Michonne April little cooking show he did not know we’ve lost that. Take that upper hand you will kind of wave side to side there is a great strategy whether it’s for the hips or the shoulder or the chest any muscle holding pressure in place and then moving so that the muscles getting little likened little shortening around the ball as opposed to moving the ball around the muscles is a great strategy to get hands on like you did before when that little rotation up to you should do take nice breaths in Milton Milton way relaxing away here

rather than on to the roller or you can stay on the ball your choice we’re gonna do the LAX. So lax is going to be right underneath the armpit the end. Kind of like so we’re gonna hit all the components that surround the scapula and give that a little bit more mobility to hips, thoracic spine, more mobility, for getting into those lats. These are really big muscles is kind of the bat wings that swimmers have this this guy right here, those those bat wings. But those lat muscles, if you’re working on your pull ups, if you’re working on your push ups, lat muscles that are going to be something that trainers will usually tell you they want you to engage with and jiggy naturally, we’re actually to do that, we’ll show you how we do that in our stretch and move portion. But these labs are huge. And when they don’t work when they hold tension. When they don’t like it when they don’t contract. That’s when other portions of the body start to hurt. These muscles are huge, right? They’re like the bullies at school. And when they don’t do their job that little guys hurt you picked on. You find a good spot just kind of relax into it. I’m going to do to move muscle around. I’m just gonna hold on one spot, but I’m gonna roll my chest back, chest forward. This is a day to hear really good spots you can take a look cross ball and get in here you can use against the wall and get deep into subscapular you’re actually gonna get underneath the scapula but from the outside the body working in and as a good one. If you’ve ever had the joy of having one of us dig into that sub scab fight she had had muscles that you did not know existed or tension that you did not know existed.

How do you know maybe if your legs don’t work as well as you’d like you do overhead presses where you get a lot of tension in your traps. That gives your shoulder pain with push ups pull ups, neck pain, elbow pain might be a good indicator those lats aren’t working as well as they need to be.

A few seconds here.

But those legs don’t just have to live up in the armpit. They work down and back from the the backside of the body. They do go along the ribcage. Those lap muscles actually connect to your pectoral muscle underneath the armpits, right if you poke into your armpit, eventually you’re going to hit you’re going to hit bone as your ribcage or that thoracic spider pedal pressing area. There’s a cage but that’s what his lap muscles they run along the ribcage and they attach down underneath the humerus. She’s the upper arm bone they’re the pectoral muscle. So even if you go who you feel is right now actually go a little hand or allow will handle it right tender spot. You might go whoa. Internal Rotation lengthens those lap muscles. So as you roll that hand, young men might find some new sensations there. Feel maybe tightening up in a different spots

Go ahead, let’s switch it over to the other side here. So we’re gonna go left on the other side. sneaking into

what aspects you guys have noticed about your bodies maybe during this time that’s new to you finding new places that are maybe not working as well as you’d like them to go, Oh, that was a lot more challenging. You’re getting some more restorative work in now that you’re at home, you have some time.

But doing restorative work, taking care of your body in between workouts is super critical because it’s essentially preparing your body for the next workout that you want to do. Your tissues are fatigued, if they’re tight, guess what you’re going to carry out right into your next workout. You’re frustrated, because all of a sudden, they can’t work out very hard, because they have these nagging injuries. limited range of motion, they can’t do push ups, they have shoulder pain. You can’t do planks. Say nine times out of 10 It’s a musculoskeletal dysfunction. Muscle issue, something’s not working the way it’s supposed to work. Because obviously, most of the time you don’t have a terrible experience pain, it’u have a tear. Like our job as movement masters and movement specialists is to figure out what’s not moving the way it’s supposed to know why it’s causing that pain. Believe it or not, we’re not like you just really good looking trainers. We do know a lot about biomechanics.

And what works and what’s supposed to be working at every joints in your body at any given point in time.

Give that hand little movement by that tender spot in the arm little wiggle. Hear finding those tender spots. If you’re fighting some knots, like I’m fighting to knots, don’t worry about kind of rolling over them and making sure you like get them out and just try to hold in a spot around it where you’re feeling that tenderness. Give it about 20 to 30 seconds. That’s the time that you need to take in order for that tissue to relax. There’s that constant pressure to get a nerve to relax muscle spindles. Relax that constant pressure. Sure also be blood flow into that area by applying pressure to the tissue and your muscles are like sponges, you will be able to press the muscles should have elasticity and there should be some bounce to the tissue and press into your forearm muscles. Right there should be a little bit of bounce, it shouldn’t feel as if you’re not flexing right, it shouldn’t feel super dense. Feeling as much if you have that pliability that viscosity to it Do you want to take down the anterior core, through go back to the hips here. Back to the ball, I should say we’re gonna go the anterior core. So you got so as muscles, there’s the inside of the pelvis. And right up to the top of all this via the iPhone stores up in here. We’re also gonna go through some of the anterior core that gets shortened when we’re in that desk position, right most of us don’t really sit like this and tight right and hands up steady front. So even just right here a start to get that shortening of the tissue and when you’re seated, it’s even more shortened. So we’re going to open that hole and tear your core up. I’m going to start a little bit higher almost up towards my ribcage and I’m going to work my way down

your core muscles, your abs, they can get just as tight as anything else. Right. If they stay in a short position, they can get tight, they can hold tension. A lot of women especially because we always, always want to suck in it. Right but if you’re constantly bracing through your core when you’re walking around or upright, you’re sucking it in. You’re holding tension through your core muscles. And you’re holding essentially a contraction of tissue in a way that is not conducive to the body. It’s just holding on to tension Like imagine you’re walking around all day with your foot clenched, you’re going to create bad tension. It’s going to be hard to move hard to walk. And then when you want to just to relax, they’re not going to know how to relax very well. Body only does what you teach it to do. And if you teach it to hold tension, especially through your cork and a little tension through your course and be harder for your hips to extend, it’s going to hurt your upper body to get through extension. No mindful that next time you’re walking around, somebody, you hold the tension there and you breathe, you hold it, suck it in and walk around like that. Hopefully. It’s good, good one you might love though. Workaway just a little bit lower. We’re just kind of inching it down. Swore through all that anterior core because you think you’re so as tight as Nestle has to be decided to be anything that anterior partment all four layers of abdominal muscles

remember, when you’re rolling you’re not actually on any bone. In this area, you might get a little bit onto the ribs but the last few ribs are a little bit more pliable and have some squishiness to them. They’re not super rigid to create your own nose probably won’t even notice you honest. Taking a little bit down all the way into the pelvis really into that hip flexor show as your area Yeah, this is a really sensitive area for most people. Make sure you can breathe make sure you can talk too much pressure you can adjust your wall you can pop up to the hands

30 seconds right here take you over to the other side. So yeah, I’m gonna start kind of up in the ribcage area and work my way down. And just below the words that you say I’m still in my my core in the abdomen

get a little stretch going we are going to use the wall for some of the stretching just get better stretch for traction so if you need to just move that move your computer or phone

have that in in your mind where we’re going to move to a wall to do some chest stretching.

So he’s a fun strategies for activating or using your lap muscles in your chest muscles a little bit more work

kind of taking it a little bit lower. Right and that midsection between the hip and the ribs Yes, it feels like you’re pushing through all your internal organs. You’re in the right spot. See why you’re all that? Everything all the tissues all the organs it’s impossible to just hit so as curious to know if any of you have seen or purchase or used. See those the so as far rollers it’s called so right and it was called so light. There they’re like these little prongs that you get to plastic sack and let’s say it was a giant piece of Lego. Almost two little prongs that come out and you just lay on it just put it so as just lay on that curious as to how those feel

give this a try team with that. Finding that ball that tender spot roll your foot Since football, they’ll enter rotational external rotation, kind of opening up that femur closing it down. Theoretically, actually should feel tougher when you roll your heel to the outside. Because that’s internal rotation. Internal Rotation lengthens that so as muscle. How do we know this? Well, your muscles have attachments, right? They don’t just like live in the military, there’s places they attached like Rembrandt, the only one here one here, you have certain directions, you’re gonna get tension. Well, so as connected a couple different spots inside of the pelvis, lumbar spine, and that even down into the femur with the medial side of this university inside of the femur. So there’s my femur, I’ve got that. So it’s touching on here and it’s my right side, as I rotate my femur in gets that rotation and power. Plane power is a rotation twist so you get more tension out of it. So as you roll that foot in, you’re more lengthening of that hip flexor or so as so it’s going to create more tension Miss slow, it’s maker way up or he can add on to add Bostick.

Alright, so I’m gonna do a little homework but like hiking sticker and grab onto that. So I’m gonna go my right hand at the top of that moped stick there and make sure you have a little touch. If you don’t have a moped stick, you can use a Swiffer, you can use a broom might be a little bit lower, or, you know, move stick and just go with a bigger reach, can’t just thinking about where my hand is that I’m going to set up where you are breaking out from the left foot is indicated that mid range motion, step forward. And then just going to hang off of that I’m gonna get some of that hip. Once you look up at the hand, and then pop out of that. There’s going to be a nice gentle lunge where we’re we’re focusing more on the mobility and more of a stretch, less on intense works. Gonna look your tail hands nice and tall. We’ll step into it, look up what you breathe in. Drop down, come back home. Just think about making this right side of the body as long as you can, as a breathe in. Again, lengthening of the core by drop down, but lunge into it. Push my right heel. Now I’m going to get more draw from the hip, hand. Relax, have it make it slow and methodical guys. Drop it in the breath, you hold the breath we sink down.

It’s okay, if your back heel comes up. Okay, especially if you’re not getting a stretch and you keep the heel down. You’re like I feel like my cap I don’t feel that I have

so she over the other side. So you have that left hand. Right, it’s gonna step but one thing is that a breath, sink it down. Mostly uses your powerful tool because it adds an extra element of tension. Right, I’ve got a rubber band attached to provide my Bergen is my fascia fascia attached to the top fashio attached to the ground. So getting a bigger pool of all those tissues. As opposed to just reaching and reaching industry, you’re just reaching the end. Make sure you sprint fingertips and reach up as high as you possibly can. Two more here, get it nice and slow and a big Brennan limited chess. Dropping down.

One more here

laughs out of that. We’re gonna do a little lateral lunge now. So I’m gonna go right hand at the top here. And I’m going to go the lateral lunge to my left side, left side, just kind of sink it down. Again, I have this nice big long line on my right side, relax out of it. When you do that lateral lunge. Just keep your feet wide guys, goal shift over to one side but sit down to the hip goes down and back towards the ground. Make sure you’re not leaning forward into it was sitting back and down. coordinate that breath work. And when you get into it, big deep breath, hold that sink a little bit lower. Come back out. So breathing is actually one of the best ways to lengthen and train the core. Because you can’t you don’t think about it. It’s a subconscious system. So subconsciously we’re getting tension and lengthening out of your whole core network which is great. What things To the subconscious your body, your emotional should be a subconscious system where, you know, you tell them what to do showing this high, but they know how to do it on their own, like when you walk, you don’t think ankle foot goes into dorsiflexion you know, arch collapse heel collapse, it just doesn’t want that body function was was function. So you were the core breathing helps the core lucre load and unload or he will get heavy weight lifters, they have a breathing strategy. There’s a reason behind that, you know, preload the core, get it to expand the truck spinning contract, or priming the pump.

One more there.

We’re gonna get a little bit more of that lateral for the lats to open up a little stretch, I’m gonna do is I’m going to offset my MO sticks I’ve got shorter on one end longer on the other here. So I’ve got my right side is longer, right side is longer so it’s good at right side longer for you guys. Right foot is going to cross over into the right foot cross over, I’m gonna lean to the right side so I’m trying to ended up Bostick. To get them to touch the ground there who will touch the ground, you will feel a stretch more on your left side. Opening on up maybe at the hip. Lean at lateral for toe pal truck Hilary pelvis and trunk right here. The the scapula is a little bit more involved so that feels a little easier, feel good. lengthen it so now on my left arm is able to be totally straight. I’m still a little unbalanced here. But if I lengthen that, now I have more pull up through my shoulder. Get a little bit more into it but I lengthening those lats supposed to hit up keep a little tension. So I’m pushing them overseas down into my shoulders a little bit so it’s not going off. Once you just be a little aware right now of what you’re feeling the body do is bailing you out. So if you’re spinning real one more there than we actually are going to rotate we’re going to add a little coupling to especially multi planes. So hold that little flexion there and do a little spin spin that Bostick forward, spin them up stick back, rotate, rotate through try to keep that pressure against the Bostick.

And breathe breathe the breath in court more

come on up and under that you might use your real quick if you kind of do a little sensory like I feel longer on my left side my right it feels a little compressed and I’m gonna even doubt so I’m gonna go a little unbalanced a little bit longer on the left side shorter on the right side to start. And I’m going across that left foot over. Music set Oh sit down first before we’ll reach that and we’ll exhale and breathing in here. Gonna lengthen the cord length those intercostal muscles

think about lifting from the ribcage like keeping that foot fixed over you can uncrossing cross it’s fine

once you’re here, being breath in one more time

can I go that rotation hole by rotation

is known as work work twisted up here like oh my gosh, you feel such a great stretch, we got all that rotational from the ground up your spiralizing buddy paying more attention to our crowd. Relax, reuse the wall real quick for a stretch for a wall here, stretching up the chest. So I’m going to go away right handed the wall to start right so you can see my hands is parallel to me. But I’m going to go to kind of walk it held back so it’s kind of behind me and that I’m getting that opening up that chest. So I’ve got my right hand against the wall, some facing up fingers facing away from me. And I’m going to go my outside foot or my left foot forward here. Drive the hips and drive that chest forward. You bet hand back behind you and you should feel a big stretch that right chest. Another great way to do this is in a doorway you can grab onto the doorway penalty now if you’ve used Get used our cages right grab around the cages and stepping out. Same thing, use your frame. Hold that forward here and take the hips, little side to side. Still feel in the stretch, but now we’re adding a little coupling during that second plane of motion there. Now we’re gonna go full rotation, we’ll turn the chest away, we’ll take it again, I’m gonna rotate out, but I’m using the hips, start my drive, and the upper right, finish that drive

incredible active tension here. So that can blow or once you measure, you’re going to grip your fingers or press your fingers into the wall, close your eyes, grab those anything, but you should press the fingers that your palm will actually be off the wall or gripping those fingers in hold that tension now is right mental foreign back, you’re going to feel tension through the forearm, the bicep all the way up into the shoulder and into that chest.

hold that there for three suiteworld to one,

slowly relax out of that. And you should feel a little loosey goosey on that side. People want left, right Oh, wow, that feels way different. And compare that to your other side. Whoa, a lot less mobility right now on my left side, we’re going to open up that joint capsule. So I’m going to left hand here that right foot forward driving this forward back. So definitely isn’t it, it might not be necessarily true. It’s constantly your muscle, it could be the joint capsule, right? The actual space within joint can get compressed. So sometimes you there’s a difference between like a joint stretch and a muscle stretch. And they’re different. And that’s okay. You always have to feel a stretch to get something out of it. Take the insole side to side or not pressing is for a bit and just trying to get those tissues to move and reopen on it

and then take that right hand will rotate open

up a deep breath again, anytime you can read the coordinate that do it, do it you’re gonna get more tissue to lengthen your attention to the inside out this breathing creates a tension that I cannot create against any pulling or stretching as any surface right comes from the inside out.

Go ahead and grip that left hand into the wall. drive those hips go forward that

pressing the fingers is really an active tension of contention. They tend to be created low that link our creating strength with that new mobility, grip and press listeners and a hold that for 54321. slowly relax out of that wound a fire that seem newly feeling at the chest. That sensation is new range of motion. That’s your proprioceptive is turning on and going whoa, that’s crazy. That’s great. We haven’t used those before. We’re gonna use the most sick now or any piece of piping that you got, whether it’s a Swiffer, we’re not. We’re gonna show you even some more activation and turning on the lats as we go through this. Okay, so we’re actually ready to teach to you with the chest. Or we’re going to do a little poll or a poll that moves take apart, okay, as you pull them up to the front. Make sure just be mindful that you’re not up in the shoulders pulling here, hey, I should be relaxed in a comfortable position. Wasted just bars just sit just I hear when I create that poll who’s thinking about pulling my shoulder blades together. In the back only pull about 10 to 15% of your max effort. But with a little poll, we’re just going to start with a nice easy downswing to upswing. I’m gonna go downswing, I still have that tension, that gentle little pole, going up slightly from the shoulder height, who’s keep that little tension and keep that little pole there. And breathe up that. Now getting the hips involved, the court involved, use a pool. Take that pole, and now bring it all the way up overhead. So the pool is in red. This one’s going to be a little bit slower, guys, when you can relax that tension as you kind of come down. So I’m just completely relaxed here. As I drive up, breathe in.

Poll hands apart. Pause the top hold that poll.

Go one more there. Breathe in poll routine on it.

We’re gonna do that same thing, but take care. I’m rotating up to my right. I’m taking my right foot forward. You’re rotating up to your left take your left foot for you go that little pull the Rotate Come right back down. Now just by taking that foot forward. Now you more lightning from my left side, especially at bigger diagonal, bigger

core pole, bigger hip pole, drive the hips. Hold that right there team and just go a little rock back, little rock forward, back, little rock forward, getting some laps into your core.

Switch over the other side. So tired and kill Oh, no sore. Well, gentle, start at my right hip coming up to the left, come and just to shoulder height to start, okay, just to show her how it would go that I saw Paul. Breath in. Taking that up to overhead Now, pull that tissue park all that mostly in part. One more.

Now going to step forward. So I’m going my left foot forward up to my left.

Hold that back, one more.

Get hold that tension there

will never lean back, lean forward and back with a square. So again, that gentle little poll here.

Woofle relax, simple, relaxing. Alright, we’re gonna do those lats now to get those lats to turn on, activate. So same concept as the pole. But now you’re gonna push, pushing the move stick together there, okay, again, just a gentle little push in the hands together to kind of close his eyes pull that tension, you’ll start to feel that back to the shoulder or those lats work or don’t drive the shoulders forward, and it’s not what we’re looking for. So instead that’s dragging the shoulders for it. But if I’m upright, and I just push together, still keeping everything right in place, you shouldn’t see anything actually roll forward, but I can push. And I’ll start to feel that in the size here. Those are those lat muscles starting to work shouldn’t feel it up in the traps at all. Okay, so I’m gonna go that push that same concept. Push, keep the arms bent. As you go through that.

Push, that’s the other mood is that

we’re going to keep the arms bent as we go through this.

Take that right foot forward,

I’m still squeezing or pushing that won’t stick together.

Good. Hold that right there. Rotation hold that press. Reach out, you’re gonna feel well, you too high. But they push all the way up.

Regional push button all the way back. One more time.

Good. And we’re taking over who to the other side. So I’m gonna have right hip up the left shoulder that will push.


Beautiful. Do you feel as last where he knows we’re rotating, we went on that diagonal, sort of pulling in a lot of core, mobilizing through the hips of the feet locked in and we turn to the trunk. You mobilization at the hip joint. A whole lot of mobility. So that whole truck utilization, take that left foot forward. Rotate on up. And this helps mirror those biomechanics if gait of walking or running.

Keep that squeeze keep that rotation

Go that nice little press.

Probably not going to get a full extension. That’s okay while being intention.

He said he was so good. Two more. One more. Oh, relax out there guys. Oh is the alright leave that low seat there. We’re going to do a last little shoulder. Thoracic Spine called trachea activity. We’re going to do all six of our SF T foot positions. So just going one foot from the other by kind of hands go together kissing fist. I’m gonna do a little elbow drive right now and go backwards to forward backwards force. And just got a little elbow drive me and have some fun with the hips. We’re gonna do a little dance sequence right here, but kind of flown those around will not be rotation but drag those elbows. Go ahead switch those people or foot in front. Go on that drive. Going underhand helps give a little bit more lengthening of the core. We’re like in the chest motion this nice we’re gonna do that oh underhand. Figure Eight. You got to rope us a rope. He’s roping off his apple feet narrow. This is a good midday move and groove actually, yeah. 15 minutes, go through your SFT foot positions and go through the underhand figuring to be a little bit wide. You’ll hit all major joints here. Get Old mobility through those hips and press the spine. Goal toes out.

Your overhand throw, it’s not your new name. Overhand is going to be power, speed trying to improve your running speed. running biomechanics is a great way to get a little power into that. Good go a toes in last little hit here.

Beautiful. Looking at 3210 Yeah,

hopefully you guys feel pretty good. I feel pretty good. It was great. Actually.

I’m ready to jump start my day now. Guys, thanks for tuning in this morning. I hope you have an awesome Wednesday and we’ll catch you next week.

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