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David Weck on Functional Movement Principles, Philosophies and Innovations

Posted on December 14, 2022

Michael Hughes
Welcome to the Gymnazo podcast where you get to peek behind the curtains of what it takes to create and run a seven figure fitness facility that ranks in the top 5% of boutique fitness studios for revenue. But to be honest, that’s the least important thing about us. Founded by me, Michael Hughes, Gymnazo has created an ecosystem of services that blend performance with restoration techniques, and attracts top coaches to its facility hosted by its owners, Paden, and myself and our top coaches. This podcast shares our best practices on everything, from how to build a sustainable fitness business, to how to program for maximum results to how to build a hybrid training module that’s online and in person. We have marketing secrets, movement, innovation, and breaking down trends in the industry. If you’re a fitness professional, or fitness business owner, this is where you learn how to sharpen your skills and receive maximum results.

Hey, y’all, welcome back to the Gymnazo podcast. I am your host, CJ Kobliska, the director of programming here at Gymnazo. And we got a special guest on the show today. His name is David Weck, people have been asking about you saying when are you going to be on the show? When do we get to hear from Weck and understand what the heck is going on inside of his brain inside of his heart kind of his gut? And what is he doing to this fitness industry? Welcome on my man, welcome on CJ. It’s an absolute pleasure. I love seeing your posts and our alignment in the mission couldn’t be more parallel. So this will be a great discussion for your audience. And hopefully we can broaden the audience so that people hear the important information that will be discussed. Yeah. Welcome, amen. I do want to give a little preface just on who you are, to me who I see you as the person that Gymnazo and how you’ve influenced us greatly. I got the pleasure of meeting you in 2019, after a experience I had in Peru with DJ Murakami and Tom Mountjoy, strong kampsen primal movers on Instagram, I met them out there in Peru for the first time, in the course of about a week and a half. When I was there, they pulled out these ropes like like jump ropes to me, right. And they’re swinging them around on this beautiful green grass, looking over the mountains in the Andes. And we’re just sitting in the Sacred Valley, and I’m observing them swinging the rope. And he’s kind of a figure eight or infinity pattern. And I observe from afar, I didn’t I didn’t participate because I was more so just like what is this in my practice, personally, I’ve done a lot of kind of rotational diagonal spiralize motions, moving cheer around, if you will, but just experiencing my internal intent and action. And after talking to them about the ropes, I was like, I need to go sign up for a walk method qualification course. And so two months later, you had one in San Diego, and I’m like, Ah, I’m going to this get to meet you get to meet Chris Chamberlain. Um, after I went through there, like hold their cheat torque course as well. So I was playing with a lot of my intent and recognizing the gains I was making in lifting and in performance and in speed, were just simply changing my mindset. And I was being blown away and just feeling so energized. Like I was, I felt like I was floating just in terms of my energy from that point. And so I was super stoked to come meet you at at that time in your life in my life, and had the pleasure of going through the web method qualification and downloading, not just the quitting core and understanding an application of the spinal engine theory, but also the opportunity to explore LFV workforce elastics and understanding how to properly use a Bowser the way you intended for it to be used, as opposed to just a flat surface that’s kind of wobbling back and forth, and dove into a lot of other movements that I hadn’t personally explored, but personally resonated so much saying Where has this been my whole life? So before I go into more of that story, if you don’t mind, what kind of going into the the foundations really the principles of like quilling core spinal engine theory, and what what is that really as the concept and then in an application, okay, so as the concept, basically, what we want to do is we want to control the body with the greatest degree of coordination so that all of our effort is aimed at productivity and not protective, Sensatori tension for lack of balance. And so the number one thing that we can think of for functionality is relate to gait because walking is the universal functional movement that essentially we do to do every and the capacity to transport yourself through space involves shifting your weight from the right and the left. And it turns out that this three dimensional balance articulation of figure eights is really how we keep the continuity, the fluidity and the perfect balance throughout the entirety of the movement and balance for me equals coordination. So for example, if a cat is on a roof that pushes the cat off the roof, I’m gonna say that the cat is not out of balance because the cat knows how to extend and flex and extend the spine and spot the ground and land on all fours without any issue because they have the control and the coordination and the human being when they’re transitioning between the right foot and the left foot. What you have to do is you have to roll the figure a

It shifts the head to where the foot is going to be at the landing. So the moment that matters when you’re at peak ground loading force, you have to have the body coiled and set to go to the other side with balance and in walking, if it’s not stoppable and it’s not reversible, it’s not balanced, and it is simple to walk orally, and it’s simple to walk extremely well. Walking with your head in the middle of your feet is a suboptimal way to walk. If you do it enough, you’re likely to have chronic back pain, which most people have experienced, or you can put a little bit more confidence into your stride a little bit more swag and move your body transported with a true balance meaning everything a lion doesn’t have a bad fact right? The cheetah doesn’t tend to have a bad back, they can get injured, but they don’t have chronic pain because they they’re not so smart that they’re somatically stupid, right? They rely on instinct, the instinct and efficiency they can’t you know, they can’t go to Trader Joe’s and buy the meat right where it doesn’t matter how you move. So anyway, so yeah, you jump in guided I’m trying I want to give everybody is complete a background and to simplify this thing to basically say if we can walk stronger with balance, we have the foundation for a better human species that can actualize itself preserve liberty and justice. Okay, that’s a very important fact right now, physical education is fundamental education. And we can build on that. So the most important foundation you’re saying is we need to walk more efficiently and allow ourselves to stack our head and our core or spine in our hips over our foot so that at that point, when our foot hits the ground, we have effortless motion to our next step versus being pulled into maybe a certain attractor, well a stiffness or rigidity, there’s not a fluidity going from one side to another that is balanced on the pendulum of right foot, left foot, right foot left, but maybe somebody’s more right foot, what, what I would say is that the word stack, we have to be careful with the word stack, because most people I would imagine will that will imply like, okay, segment over segment over segment. So what we really have to do is spiral to the other side so that the stack is actually the head over the foot, but the center of mass is still in the middle moving straight. So this spiral articulation will stack the head over the foot, but there will be a coiled core on one side alongside on the other. And the figure eight will make that transition. So it’s not blocky, where I’m attempting to hold the neutral spine and shift my way and unfortunately in the Yeah, and yeah, spiral stack. And unfortunately, the fitness industry somehow got off course teaching this concept that jet the brace your core to do everything to run to throw to kick to swing, you know, while we need a neutral braced core because you know, the core doesn’t generate power, it only transmits power the ball and socket joint and it was just this misunderstanding that led to suboptimal training. And unfortunately, it was the science community and you know, the NSCA and the CSCs community that really built into this concept that you got to brace neutral and they were also led astray in terms of the utility of the BOSU balance trainer, which you know, the narrative within that community, which is probably one of the most influential communities that sets the agenda for everybody else. So, you know, their impact cannot be under or overstated, right? There’s some of the most influential coaches in the world, this NSCA CSCs sanction, and they basically determine scientifically without studying a Bosu ball, they study the different device, the Dinah disc, which is just an air cushion, it’s not as stable and stable like a Bosu ball, but they made the determination that BOSU balls make you weaker because they’re unstable. And that became the narrative and so what I that used to upset me tremendously and now I looked at it as okay, but this is the ultimate opportunity to sort of bring the pendulum back into balance, we can all get along and exercise it’s gonna take honesty, scrutiny, genuine attempt to be better not defend positions. And then best idea when and I was just on the Joe DeFranco podcast that aired today industrial strength Show podcast with Joe DeFranco and Og legend in strength training and the honest as you could possibly get, and it was agreement, agreement agreement, new concepts and a willingness to hear them out and understand them as opposed to a reflexive rejection. And that’s why I am so grateful for my relationship with you and others like you who are truth seekers who understand and know with certainty because of feeling first and foremost, then measurable. That’s the objective reality that we absolutely need. And then success, greater success with clients then prior to this form of coordinating the body and rope flow is this amazing community that is now worldwide and you are one of the leaders and pioneers in this movement who’s inspiring everybody to say you know what a jump doesn’t have

has to be a jump rope or a rope doesn’t have to be a jump rope. It can be a flow rope, it can be both a flow rope and a jump rope. But if you haven’t taken the time to understand and learn the patterns of flow that do not involve jumping through it, well, then you have sub optimize the utility of that tool. And I would say that it’s the most important training tool on planet Earth, it’s democratic, you don’t have to buy mine, you don’t got to buy in or you can buy your own. But what will happen is you’ll end up wanting to buy like other ropes, because each one’s a different experience as you can feel,

I want to touch one thing. So what Yeah, yeah, go for it. And we’ll come back to slash two because I love to shout out her. But you wrote a really cool points in there, especially about true balance, especially about truth seeking, especially about the thinking versus feeling components. So I want to break down some of those pieces so that there’s more clarity around what you mean by feel it, and then you’ll know it because those who feel it know it, but to try to extrapolate that go into that experience and share it with somebody else. It’s a matter of coaching them and teaching them the path that you took, but not necessarily it’s the only path there. And so I want to come back to that. First and foremost, the thinking and feeling portion. You said once you feel that you know it and I think there’s something in us that innately says like, yeah, we know this feels more fluid or more efficient. But either a prefrontal cortex, something inside of our brain says that’s not what I learned, this isn’t correct, this is what I need to do instead. And it’s bracing. So let’s break down that concept. First of it is more natural, especially as a child as a baby to find that spiral stacking coming from a crawling position, working into our standup and then into walking, we start to find that you know, baby’s head, especially it’s so heavy, it’s kind of pull in different directions, we start to find that center, which isn’t necessarily just between the feet, maybe when we’re standing. But as we’re walking, you see this a ton. And if we can’t control our head, we start to sweat. At what point do you think we were led astray? When we got out of touch with that natural spiral stack that is more efficient? It is more effective? It is sexier to when you get into it? How do we start falling into this trap of keeping our head between our legs keeping our core stiff? is was it part of the industry? Was it just something that we are exploring as humans? Where does your mind go in terms of where do we get off track and lose touch with that natural ability to spiralize our load and find efficiency? Oh, that’s

a great question. And I would say that, you know, if school is, you know, rows and columns of seats, and you’re sitting there and you know, you have to be quiet and you know, okay, repeat what we just told you to learn type of, you know, this rote memorization and sort of stay in your little cubby cell, I think that might not create the most confident human beings. So you know, standing up in front of the class and expressing something articulate sharing an idea is something that most people dread terror, right? The public speaking and so I would say that, that perhaps casts a certain light, then there’s just a misconception of old a straight line is what’s shortest between points A and B. So why would I want parts of my body not going straight. So it’s just a misconception of how the biomechanics actually work that if I want the center of mass to go straight without compensatory, sort of like, you know, shifting balance to be protective, so I don’t fall over and I get these little aberrant forces throughout the body repetitively, it’s you know, that stand up straight. So that misconception like you said, it will betray your natural instinct, especially if you’re socially inhibited because you care what other people think of you and you don’t want to be different when there are imposing figures in the fitness industry who will chastise you and ostracize you make fun of you vilify you, ignore you if you don’t subscribe to what they teach. And what they teach is behind the art because they rely on science. And so if you want to be behind the game, wait for the scientific study, if you want to be ahead of the game, well then go with the art and the feeling is the only way that you can gauge in and hone on a skill. Like if you can’t sense your output and then make a determination about it because you just you’re nervous and can’t remember it because you didn’t even feel it well then you don’t learn it. And the example that I use is orange juice if you’ve never tasted it, all the words all the words in the world cannot meet that task of you understanding knowing because you tasted you felt right, give me a sip and bone conversation. Not necessarily now you know what orange juice tastes like for you. And balance it tends to be what we want to do for the training is we want to exaggerate the balance, right? really exaggerate it, and then bring it in to where it’s going to be. But if we never exaggerate it, well, who knows how far you could have gone because there’s times and athletic movement. It’s far from just straight locomotion. locomotion is in all directions. You know, athletes do more turning than they do straight running straight running for most athletes is punishment. You know, stop horsing around, go run 10 laps, you know, people don’t know let me wear the baseball glove and play the game. So that feedback that when you learn to trust yourself and you your own feelings and you’re not encumbered by this social pressure from guys, right? The girls are mean in different ways. Guys, most guys are an asshole at some time in their life. They’re an asshole until they grow out of that phase. There’s some who aren’t. But you know, especially if you’re competitive. I’ve certainly, you know, card carrying asshole for time. So the guys in the industry, they’re very insecure. They’re not the best athlete, right? They’re not off making the money. But you know, with the super high intellects, they’re not, you know, putting people on the moon, as it were, it teaches people how to do squats and push ups, right? Oh, we’re gonna do it better. And it’s not belittling it. I’m just saying that, okay, their ego Trumps their ability to feel and understand and know what is superior. And I think we’re coming to a critical mass where this training can no longer be ignored. And I already see signs of it now, like, you know, the NSCA CSCs guys will start to now talk about oh, we got to use the lat. And when we said anti rotation, we didn’t really mean anti rotate. Okay, got it. Okay, right, this story will come through, right, I noticed first, and I’ve been banging on the drum. And I’ve been vilified and made fun of EDS. But it’s the people like yourself and the real flow community and the athletes who are performing better with these ideas, concepts and practices, that old definitely makes it obvious all along. And then we can all get along. And even if we don’t get along, let’s be cordial. And let’s best idea wins together in a relentless pursuit of better. That’s it,

let me touch on a few things, man, because that’s, again, brilliant stuff. And I want to share some of my experience so that it kind of brings something tangible into this. And when I came into web method, qualification, back in 2018, I was doing a lot more trail running. Just before that I was having a great time, we got a bunch of mountains here and slow, it’s beautiful. It’s like you can go for a mile up and down. You can go for two miles up and go for 50 miles, wherever you want to go and almost working kind of in this three to five mile range of how fast and how efficient can I be on the uphill on the downhill? What’s my time going up? What’s my time going down? What did I do the day before, it’s kind of like just engaging with my experience more to tap into a more enjoyable experience as opposed to a chore I need to go run I want to trail run, I want to go experience the sunlight, the earth, um, you know, running barefoot here and there, I’m gonna put my earth runners on my Bebo’s or my tennis, whatever the case is, I want to be in touch with my environment, right. And part of that is the experience of running. I mean, I I’ve enjoyed running at times in my life, but I feel like eight miles or so from like, let’s there’s no point I don’t need to do it. But also, there’s some times in my life where I’m like, I don’t want to go run a mile or two, it just seems like another fun thing I need to go run. But again, I was recognizing my mindset and his trails saying I got my dogs out here they’re getting a work, I can walk here and there. I don’t run the whole time. My times are important, but they’re not the most important I want to know how I feel at the end of this run during this run. And so when I went to method is three days, two days I was there for three days, we did a lot of rope flow techniques, learning the basics of the underhand the overhand and even going into the dragons and the snakes and at that point, I learned things pretty quickly in terms of movement I’m really engaged my hands on my hips, my feet know how to route but I was watching some of these other athletes at the Select method qualification that they were making this dragon roll you know the twisting right and left and pumped down and pumped up and rolling through it. He’s like, No, I’m getting my full body trying to like globalize this motion and like how are you making it look so effortless while I’m sitting here getting toasted after six reps of a dragon roll or what the hell am I doing I got the rope to move but I can’t figure out how to talk to parts of my body to stop it and disassociate and in that process of talking with Chris Chamberlain talking with you talking with Alex and just the the environment we’re in of everybody’s supporting each other and learning this together. We’re all leveling up together it was encouraging to continue to figure it out versus like I can’t figure it out put this down I’m frustrated I’m done. It was kind of this understanding of of entering a flow state and all we’ve got there as athletes and as coaches is we get into this zone but it’s tough to do it intentionally if you haven’t practice working into that space and us finding that like okay, my skill levels here I’m trying to do something too challenging. I’m getting frustrated okay, my skill levels here I’m doing something real simple this is light but I’m kind of getting bored and then we started getting to the sneaks and stuff and figuring out like okay hand is pronated or supinated or rolling with the thumb or the the ring finger and like oh, I felt like I was diving into this this rabbit hole of beauty and like just projections of of all this like sacred geometry stuff like wow, this is like just sacred geometry but with the rope. And so anyways, in that course of learning the workforce elastics playing with the resistance bands and understanding how to use a 45 degree angle with intent and there’s a lot of things like what’s the intent for the event or rotational intent for the event, I came back and I knocked off five minutes off of my fastest trail run and if I didn’t do any weightless, it was all ropes and bands and bozos and I was like pulsars. I think that pulsars were a big piece of that too, that I was doing it but I wasn’t doing it intentionally so I’m losing some of that efficiency while I’m running and I’m getting out of touch and I’m getting tired like I’m gonna play run well I was now applying that double down pulse I was applying this underhand figured I was applying some of these ringing techniques that I was smelling when I was running uphill. I’m like what the fuck is going crazy but it was it was so lovely that as a kid is true to this and oh my god, that’s the feeling. This is joy. This is this is freedom. This is ease. This is effortlessness This is exploration. This is curiosity. And it just kept pulling me deeper. And I was like, I have to bring this to Janaza. Now, so does rope flow course, we did some workshops and some of the things that people were getting better no matter what athlete you were, or you’re a general population, you haven’t done any rec sport, everybody got better. And you know what happened, they didn’t just get better, they smile, they were smiling while they were doing it. And they’re like laughing and then they’re helping other people learn techniques that they learn. And it was just as simple as learning the overhand versus underhand and like this, like unwinding years of self talk that’s been negative or just too rigid, or just not even our own voice. It’s been this wall of ease and effort, we’re in this state of dis ease and putting all this effort and force into something when it can be done so much easier and you can become stronger while doing it easier. And so I just wanted to share that because that was it was a game changer for me. It brought a lot more joy into my training and now I’ve never lifted a barbell and dumbbell and medicine ball throw it the same way. It’s

always been I would say that what Weck method is is basically putting principles in practice across the widest set of modalities possible right and we have certain go to modalities that are rites of passage. You see what I think the fitness professional of the future has to do is practice with proficiency what you teach now you go to the NSCs you know CSCs certification, you sit in a chair for four hours like what are you learning you learn how to do a tall kneeling shop with a brace for and okay, but did you get better at moving right? Like, can you walk with true balance? Yes or no? Right? So if you can’t even walk with true balance, What business do you have teaching functional movement if you can’t even walk with your ballot now? Okay, answer the goddamn question. Right. And the way you answer the question is you feel you know, you do you teach and unless you’re doing that, I don’t think you deserve to be in the fitness industry. We got guys like Ben Patrick knees over toes guy who is ridiculed and vilified. Like, he’s got the blame. I mean, it’s unbelievable what these people are doing to him. And he can he added, like two feet of vertical jump to himself,

which is insane. It’s absolutely insane to him.

That is the it’s one of the most remarkable athletic achievements ever. And he did it with a unique methodology that is scientific, and he’s getting the results and so many results, but it’s not a get reviewed study. So Oh, and it threatens me because my expertise now looks like it’s in the shade paired to the sunshine that he’s portraying, right. You can’t do what he does. And so you have this I think it’s gonna be a burden people who aren’t used to that were Oh, you know, I know scientifically because 13 soccer players for six weeks did this twice a week. It’s all just a ruse. It’s a sham. We need movement coaches who can move themselves, I’m not gonna go to a dance instructor who can’t dance. I’m not gonna play guitar with some guy who studied music theory that doesn’t matter. Make the guitar sound good. And that’s essentially what we have from the most influential branch in the fitness industry. And I’m putting the feet to the fire, obviously, but I’m not doing it with bad intentions. I’m not doing it with meanness and vitriol. I’m doing it with just no bullshit. Like, come on, guys. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. If you’re right, you’re right, get on the side and write and let’s work together. But don’t just ridicule me and boo me and ignore me when I’m introducing something like repulsors to the marketplace that are so game changing and revolutionary. They were patting the fact that nobody on this planet that we know of in any way as ever notice that we can create greater ground force reaction with the arm coming forward. If we just engage what we actually do. The actual fast people actually do they don’t break their core and they don’t swing your arms like yeah, that’s a it’s fine. So my

I admire you so much. Because you do practice with proficiency what you’re teaching, this isn’t just like,

I am 52 years old and you get me in NSCA coaching you tell him to come push me around, come beat me in an agility race. Come on, let’s do it. Right. Oh, I’m 52 and you’re stronger than me gonna push me around. Unless you’re like college wrestler or pro MMA guy boxers. Like you’re gonna have to study by discipline a lot if you’re gonna push me around. And it’s because my training my athletic inadequacy was the motivation to be a better man, because not as big, strong and fast. So I got to do something. And if I do your training, then I’m leveled up with you. And if you’re better than me, I’m worse than you. But when I have insight that are unique and revolutionary and game changing, that a stubborn ego driven, you know, drank coach just has a real problem with the high jump suffered this same attack, you know, a demonstrably better technique that in hindsight, get the hell out of the industry. You don’t believe Fosbury is biomechanically superior because you don’t understand physics you don’t understand biomechanics at the center of mass doesn’t have to go over the bar but it takes eight years for the accepted because he ever didn’t allow it to be shown in the light of day for a year. Right. So this is reality. And what we have to do is we have create a critical mass and I believe we are literally steps away from critical mass where we can all get over and I won’t have to have the conversations like this that sort of put a little spur in your side and say, giddy up, giddy up. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. You know, I’m gonna I’m gonna take you to water. I can’t make drink. But here’s a little bit of salt, right? You’re gonna drink soon.

I gotta ask you when there’s been you’ve been at this for a while. You’ve been at this for a bit and this is kind of just like he’s talking about this critical mass like, and there’s enough people doing this, it’s not people that are passionate about it, they’re not people that are practicing it and bringing it to their communities that at some point, those communities are just saying this just is, this just makes sense. This just is the way it is. And I feel better doing it. And I’m getting better doing it. The proof is in the practice of what I’m doing, you can see how I gained more mobility, more functions. Now, when you started, what was kind of your entry point, I know you kind of like the with the bozhou. And I want to hear more the back history of this because I know where we’re at right now at this critical mass. But I think that history is important, because you have I don’t wanna go too much into the battles you’ve had to go through in the history because we know that’s a big piece of bringing something new, especially as an adventurer, especially, that’s something that’s going to challenge the status quo. Now, what drove you into this path? What was kind of that initiating event or thing that you did, and maybe it was the bozhou, maybe it was just watching athletes and your mind was there kind of take us through that little bit of a story, if you don’t mind, of how you’ve now made this. It’s a lifestyle. You This is just what you do you it’s how you live and your passion shows, obviously, in how you speak and how you move. And also the people that work with I mean, just talking with Chris, and how he applies the principles we’re talking about into actual techniques. And you this guy’s kind of profound one of the strongest guys I’ve ever met in my entire life and the sweetest guys that are met, right because of what he’s applied and how he’s mentally gone and physically gone in to experience it. And now sales as well now creating the whole landmine system, which is an easy way to install the coil and then have more fun with vertical lifting at an angle. So it’s more of that forward intent, what was your path into that Ford intent that started to drive you to where you are now.

So basically, when I invented the bosu ball, I recognize the opportunity, I knew it would be a big success. So I worked hard to do that. And I said to myself back in that day that I was going to become the world’s foremost authority on the subject of balance measured by locomotion that set it into motion, then I did a lot of work on balancing the brain and the reflexes and you know, letting go so that I’m not tension isn’t rising, that prevents me from dropping my force to go fast, right? If there’s apprehension or something, you lose your balance, the force goes up, it’s protective, it’s not seeking a solution. So then what really the biggest insight, or the biggest factor that led to the greatest Insight was my focus on my hand. So I basically had this philosophy that in the motor and sensory cortices in the brain, the hands have more real estate than any other organs, except for maybe eyes and mouth. Right. So and especially for motor, the hands can do just about any, right. So what I did, I recognize that if I can now pattern my hands with these spiraling figure eights, and I can do that, like with her fixed synchronicity, so I understand the ratio, well, that basically, you know, and bone connected to the wrist bone connected to the forearm bone and write all those bones and you have a fascial integration that gives you continuity and harmonizes the brainwaves of your body to create a flow state, I remember there were times when I’d be tired or sore, and I just didn’t feel like doing the session that day. And I would pick up a row and I go really slow, and it would start to pick up and I’d be getting a juice and I was like, Okay, I’m ready and raring to go maybe. So I could ramp myself up into that flow state where where my performance was better because my brain was imbalanced, and my body was imbalanced. And so that led to a deep study in the hands. And I mean, the success of the bosu ball earned me the right earned me the ability to American dream it so I get devote everything to the study of movement with athletic inadequacy and of heart and a fire that jersey strong like Jersey just is you gonna kill me, otherwise I ain’t stopped, right. That’s how I tend to I am on winning and contributing, right, the more people who win with my methodology, the bigger my win. And so it’s not this competitive drive to crush it’s a competitive drive to apply it to my ego gets to be extremely satisfied if I help every person on this planet walk stronger with balance, and I have an ego when I want to satisfy it because I believe it deserves it because other people deserve to have this information. It just wasn’t it wasn’t in focus, people didn’t notice certain things and ended up being off the mark. And if you’re off the mark, you’re not on the mark. And there’s nothing more important than true balance. True balance means that you’re using all of yourself productively and unless you if you don’t have to balance you don’t have to balance balance is 100% or nothing in terms of the compensatory tension that you’re laboring in burdening yourself with and back pain is the scourge that harms just about everybody and I had chronic back pain for more than a year and it from weak feet not knowing what I was doing, you know, a slight injury to set it off and then it was pain every single day without the knowledge to fix it. If I knew now what I knew then or what I didn’t know then I’d have been better in less than two weeks clinic pain and I would have solved it within day. Knowing what I know that right. So it’s important information and we’re all competitive in the fitness industry and we all have a unique selling proposition why you’re going to go to second best right The only 24 Hour Fitness competes on price but we compete on expertise. So I cannot go to the marketplace saying I’m second best, I gotta go to the market saying I’m best. But where that backfires is when Oh, I’m the best, I’m the best that prevents you from becoming better. And that’s sort of like, okay, you can climb up the ladder of the known rungs. But unless you figure out where the unknown rungs are, that’s your limit, you’re not going to go past it. And so what I’ve done is I’ve now identified key factors, causal factors, physics, biomechanics, reality, the clock says faster, so faster, is faster, it’s objective, 100%. And that and five minutes off your time, and all you did was roll a rope around and stretch, analyze the band, the limited define and understand your maximum coiled spring. And you’re elongated, no slack in the system so that when you move, you move, every ounce of you was productive. And that’s five minutes off your time running up and down a mountain, and I felt better, and I felt better. Like I worked much harder and you smiled and you see I view certain training, information and modalities that I introduced, created as rites of passage you enter through the doorway prior to doing the ropes less integrated and just unbelievably coordinated for the most basic things which is shifting your weight and moving yourself you know, with absolute perfect deliver and capture everything right delivering capture everything, every sport gets better. And that’s what the ropes, are they ever a rite of passage, isn’t it interesting, that wet method really kicks off with ropes as your foundation, right? Because you can’t know yourself as well as you will know yourself without that level of integration. And it is so simple and basic, you can take juggling, and if you take away the balls, what is it, it’s this and you can take the rope and it’ll take away the rope. It’s this right? It’s perfectly coordinated, as coordinated and precise as juggling. But it’s a ramp up so that anyone can do it. Not everybody’s going to juggle well, but anybody can learn to roll a rope. Well, with a little bit of patience and good instruction and the motivation of understanding the value in it. Why should I take my time and my effort to do this or that? Well, the reward at the end of that rainbow is now you have better skill and you’re able to assimilate any other skill faster, including mental skills, because of the brain balancing effect. And this, again, is just the information that it needs to be known right? I don’t want to go to my grave having people still bracing their core and neutral trying to walk that way that’s not fair for them. So bang the drum and practice what you preach with proficiency. And if you don’t walk with true balance, well, I don’t trust you you better have an injury that’s why it better not be a lack of knowledge or stubbornness and this you know, ego stuck in the mud kind of thing that unfortunately, is the norm it David Sachs the rope.

This is one of those things that people it’s a jump rope, but just history in a different the inspiration that you got for the ropes like where did it wasn’t just a spur of consciousness. Were you watching another athlete do it. I mean, I know some of the story. But I think it’s very important part of this piece is recognizing that I don’t want to say didn’t create something new, you did create something new. But it’s always been at a tool has always been there or body has always been there, every piece has always been there, you just happen to put it into now technique, bring the principal and say, here’s the principle, here’s the strategy using the rope. And here’s the techniques with the row. That’s something that we do a lot of janazah we work from a place of truth of principles of movement, understanding fascial movement, understanding his biomechanics and individual pieces, but there’s also this full unit, and also recognizing there is an unknown territory. And that’s gonna continue to be unknown and recognizing that the more you go into that you’re going to realize the less you know, because how vast that space of unknown is, but you have to have an entry point that says I can keep discovering and that’s what I love about the rope is you showed your team showed us some techniques, and then we’re seeing stuff that I’ve never seen before. I’m sure you’ve explored the ins and outs of it and seen a lot of these things that people like oh my God, look what I discovered, like Yeah, awesome. Thanks for discovering that. Meanwhile, you know that you’ve gone through some of those similar entry points because they are doorways there are opportunities to explore it but that entry point for you with the ropes you’re like, Hey, I’ve been working with my hands as fascial integration I throw a rope in there where did that come from credit

where credit is due absorb what is useful, discard what’s not and then add what’s uniquely your own in 2004 I melody Lee one of the best jump rope performers in the world and what I noticed was a lot of the time the ropes going around and you know, did the jump to jumping around and I’m like Alright, well I want to learn the round part. I already know how to do this. I can jump through it like this. I’m not as good as him because I don’t know all the around stuff. And so I also I’m lazy in the sense that I work super hard that I don’t got to work hard, right? So for me movement efficiency, I’m not even in great shape, but I can bake it and I can hang with most people because I’m so efficient. I’m much more efficient than most people because I’ve devoted my life to this efficiency. And so I you know, took buddy gave me one of his ropes. I took it home. I said alright, I’m not jumping through this thing for 30 days. And as soon as I started getting that, it was like, Oh my gosh, like, now I can understand martial arts and I can throw a ball better, I can move my entire body better. And there’s four fundamental patterns that just emerge if you keep doing it, you know, you can go over and you’re gonna wander and you can drag it side, or you can sneak. And that’s all you can do. Everything else is derivative on that, right, so I just organized it, and I put it to the cardinal direction. So I created a compass on the ground. So it’s north, south, east and west, and then enter cardinal direction. So I got eight, eight slices of the pie, I’ve got, you know, eight steps in the circle, eight steps around the circle, those are 45 degree angles, and the row, each pattern associating with a particular, you know, map on that Cardinal on the cardinal compass of the cardinal direction. So now I’m scientifically organizing my bounce, right, because if the rope can essentially do the same flow, and I’m changing my orientation to it, well, now Oh, my gosh, a muscle memory that I now have in the subcortical capacity to use this. Now, it goes through the roof, and I care about performance. I do love rolling the row. But it comes in stages, like there’s been years where I’ve done it, like so much. And then there’s been months when I haven’t even used it, and then I come back to and then go deeper, and then I don’t use it back. But I go deeper. So it’s a rite of passage that gets you to some objective through carryover. And there’s people who love to roll the rope in the moment, because it’s amazing. And I understand that, but that’s, I’ve already done that. So the reason why I do it is the carryover to everything else. So I care about performance. And I’m spending a lot more time in my life without a rope in my hands than with or open my hands and I’m doing a lot of activities that are not just rolling a rope but having done the work to sink this down to just pure muscle memory. So it’s reflex an instinct that I know where I am in time and space every part of my body and it’s all integrated for action fight flight response ability and the rope nothing does better. So it was that Buddy Lee recognition oh my gosh, that guy is amazing. He moves on unbelievably well and I can download similar intelligence without beating myself up and getting tired that leaves me with if I never touched the rope again in my life, I can still throw the ball better I can run better I can onboard new skills better because I’ve gone through that that doorway, that rite of passage. And so that’s the way I look at training or one angle from which I view training that I want these NSCA you know CSCs guys to understand it’s not just tall kneeling chopper right? I want to take you through a doorway that gives you a skill that now you can do things with more complexity, speed, power, endurance, all things efficiency. And now let’s get strong because the biggest knock on functional training is you’re no longer getting stronger and stronger is better as long as it’s ordered. And that’s just that’s all you know, oh, this functional stuff functional stuff. No way man, you tried to punch me in the nose with all your functional stuff, you still better be strong. And that’s what you said if you haven’t approach the barbell, the dumbbell the kettlebell in the same manner because now you’re employing these strategies where you’re getting more carryover from the implement and if you were to do a max repetition you are in fact stronger from this step defining the aspects that need to be strong which is side needs to be strongest side needs to be strongest I need to be able to pass it from side to side and then I need that internal and external torsion and all combinations there in I have the recipe for high level movement that anybody can onboard if they have the determination and the knowledge knowledge is power in this case, and again, that institutionalize Oh, well, you cannot be you know, NCAA strength coach unless you have a certification from the NSCA. So tall kneeling chop, right? It’s a game that’s not playing the game fair. Okay, that’s playing the game with a scarcity mindset that you’re terrified of anything that’s going to contradict what you may think is bad. I don’t subscribe to that you show me bets, you show me where I’m wrong. Perfect. Now I’m right. I didn’t have to go through all that trouble to figure it out. You figured it out. And then you showed me bang, snap your fingers, I would have preferred it ironically, is if when I was born into this world, the people around me were rolling around and the people around me moved off like I would much rather have that this scenario rather than laboring through it or you know, 40 years 50 years to figure it out and have injuries and stuff in my past that I can bet money I wouldn’t have had those certain specific injuries I would not add had I had this movement skill when I was younger in competitive sport. So the Buddy Lee wrote 2004 I recognize the value of it I trained like a madman for 30 days and I just never stopped you know, this is okay periods of intense training, take a break and straining. I want to ask you have you gone through a phase where you’ve gone to three weeks without touching the rope yet or have you

always done what I’ve started recognizing more my training especially with the ropes because of When I first picked them up, I was like, Man, I got getting three hours a day of rope low, I was getting reps of like you said kind of start slow like I don’t want to move today but we’ve got the ropes I end up being there for three hours. I got the luxury of that time here and there without me kids right now and my job is where I can kind of find some freedom in there where I’m in a state in my life with that was it’s worked out really well. And then I got to teaching it in I found myself like without the ropes my hands I was walking and running with this motion like wait, I don’t need the ropes. I’m gonna go pick up a kettlebell start doing stuff. I hated the kettlebell. So if I’d be for 2020 2020, hit, I got some kettlebells in my house, I was swinging around, I was like, Ooh, I’m like holding it this way. This way. I’m grabbing different ways. And like just I’m an explorer are very curious in ways that integrate if a tool can be integrated, or teaches movements and principles and strategies that I can carry over to another technique or tool. It’s a good principle, this is something that is true across the board. Well, 100% of the time, it’s true. And so I would go through about a couple of days, no real plumber, I need to get back on that rope. But in that time, I’m like I’m rope pulling in my mind, for lack of a better term. I’m not visualizing myself throwing the rope. My thoughts are figurative. My thoughts are sneaking. I’m getting new. My dreams change. I’m reflecting. Yeah, that’s

so interesting. You mentioned that DJ DJ at home and others have read that like Chris Chamberlain, the coiling poor can tap into sort of that yogic Kundalini and that Serpentine, like fluidity and power that like, oh, my gosh, it starts coming up, and you’re like, ooh, this feels

breathing without breathing, too. There’s like, this is a sensation, like my mouth is open, and there’s just air flowing in and out. And I am putting no effort. I have like a thought of unlimited power. But it’s a feeling of It’s a feeling of true expression. Like I am now home, I’m in my heart. I’m here, welcome. And it’s like, I found my center. And I come back to the rope to bring myself back to that center. I’m like, Okay, I just spent 20 minutes doing underhand sneaks only and then Damn, I just spent an hour doing it. And then I don’t spend any time doing it come back. But it’s a yeah, there’s certainly stages in waves. And I’m finding myself more often to like I just did, my thing this year has been getting more performance while bear but I’ve been working on it for about a decade. And now I’m finally taking my shoes off for like Spartan Races for like eight miles, eight miles, 13 miles at a time pushing that boundary. And I find when I hit a fatigue level, all of a sudden, I mean, using your the reading techniques we’ve chatted about with the ring finger and the thumb. And I’m like, Yeah, I’m spending less time on the ground, but I’m getting a little bit more force into the ground. But in the long run, I’m spending less efforts to finish and there’s I’m healing faster. I’m not over exerting myself, I’m training smarter, and so that then I can train harder, as opposed to Yeah, transport or not harder. It’s like no train smarter, and then do it harder. And then check. Yeah, go a little bit and come back. Yeah, once you

can experience the effortless balance, you’ve tapped into the effortless power. And once you can master effortless power, just that effort is so simple. If I’m efficient, and slow, is smooth as fast. I’ve done that so much that I got it. All right, well, now let’s take it off and go. And now you can trust that it’s there for you. Because thinking is too slow. So if you have to think about it, well, you cannot use it in real life. And again, there’s movements out there that teach you stuff that is not in accordance with the biomechanics. So it’s like, I can do those drills till I’m blue in the face, you know, stuff out a cigarette behind me to go forward. Like that’s not what it is that moves the center back. And it’s like, okay, good. I mean, really, you know, I’m saying and like and then there’s other systems that sort of all rotation, this twisting stuff, oh, well, we’re gonna train the transverse plane, like that age strong, you would never teach someone to hit a baseball or throw or do anything that way. It’s a preconceived notion that is suboptimal. Okay? So if you if your thing is to, you know, do these little choreographed things on a, you know, on a machine where you pull it out, when you take a three pound kettlebell, and you can’t even get in the ring, get on the field, and I will dominate you, because we’re using verticalization. We’re using integration and we’re getting strong like this, this idea that I don’t need to be strong is so so damaged, it’s you know, don’t be afraid of strong like suddenly it’s like, you know, the polarities are like you either move well, or you’re strong. No, you want about

that in terms of so you get somebody let’s say they’re very deconditioned. I’m not saying that they’re, let’s just say they haven’t trained in a very intentional setting, they haven’t had a trainer in the past, they’ve never really attended a group class, they kind of done you know, they experience PE in high school, and maybe some kind of rec sport here, there. But there was no foundational set of beliefs. That being said, a lot of people come in our doors that have never been trained before in their in their 50s 60s 70s. So they’re like, it’s time for me to start training, we’ve had to find obviously progressions to a point where we can apply that coiling technique, we can do it pretty quickly just by saying landmark right on the elbow to the hip. But why we do it and how we do it and dripping education was not overwhelming because like, Oh, this is too much. I don’t want to do it. I’m just not going to get strong, right? We have to kind of the behavioral side of it is very, very important. And that’s something that we deal with Janaza is finding what’s the entry point what’s the what’s the start of their bridge? Where do we want them to go? Where’s a where’s the end? Can we find that unity where I can guide you along this walkway to you can walk the rest of the bridge and now go explore yourself or come back here

and share some more insight. Yeah, well both was Chamberlain and Alex and Ella’s are really really good at not over talking it and giving you a regression that lets you get a workout. You’re not going to retaining the client, if all you do is lecture them on, you know why you’re doing what you’re not doing. Like, you got to get them into action. And so certain exercises will just land them there. I mean, just literally telling someone to raise their arm up and you know, touch high on the wall, right? And now, you know, feel bad, okay, boom. All right, great. Now we’re going to, you know, use this here, and we’re going to do a coil movement, and then we’re going to do it on the other side. And now we’re going to do something bilateral, and they’re sweating. And there’s Oh, my trainer is kicking my butt, this is exactly what I want, and you have the medicine and the sugar has to be combined. because not everybody’s a geek, they don’t have three hours, they have 45 minutes, and then they got to get back in the car and do the other thing they got to do. They want to work out they want it. Unfortunately, you’ve been able to find ways to regress something, I mean, maybe it’s not too hands with the rope at first, maybe it’s just turn the rope with one hand right now you find what they can do. And you do it in a manner that exercises that. So it’s they don’t care about learning until they care about learning, they care about my Oh, I need my heart rate my fat, you know, my muscles, so you got to give them that. And that is the delicate balance. And you know, we’re demonstrating over and over and over again, we like to sell and as their capacity grows, now you can throw more at them. And now you can throw the unexpected at them. And now they have the capacity to construct a motor engrams that can assimilate whatever the next task is. So now working out isn’t boring and the same thing and you’re stronger than the person over there that went in was sort of oh, I’m going to do you know, I’m going to break doing things that are suboptimal. For the carryover outside of the gym, I want to tear down the walls between your life and your workout. So that you know, it’s not just when you’re in this room that you’re paying attention to moving well, you’re gonna you’re gonna move well all the time. And what we do at like mezzanine is we just say, Listen, first day, we want to put you on the path to independence, we want to train you in a manner that you can train yourself, right? Because that is going to be your best outcome is you know, I can get hit by a bus. Maybe you move across the country, we need you to take charge of yourself. And when you’re focused on that balance and continuity. It’s the inevitable conclusion. Someone has a fundamental deeper sense of confidence. We got an NFL guy who a little bit sheepish and you know, it wasn’t sort of bold, but you know, the way we read them and play with them and give them that confidence, right? I mean, now he comes in, he’s one of the guys uh, you know, he’s playing that game to what happened

was my home and I can be myself here. Yes, truest expression come out, you’re like, yes, seeing people smile and lifting and going quick and sweat their ass off and getting asked beat like, that’s one of the most fun things to me. You’re a crazy person, you’re smiling and working out, you’re absolutely crazy. And that’s what we’re right where I want you to be be there be there. Now with that I do have a confession. I mean, as I came up as a trainer, it was a lot about education, sharing. I mean, that’s how I learned in high school in college. I’m learning through Kinesiology. And it’s a lot of lecture, there is a point of hands on and learn by doing but it’s like 10% of the education. And so you’re I’m receiving a lot of these theories, these principles, these, these things are truths, but to it with a certain caveat, like you can only go so far with this truth. It’s not like a pure truth, not really a principle. It’s just another strategy that somebody found that works. But it may not be the bigger picture. It’s just part of the picture. And so I fell into the trap. And I’m still working through these kinks a bit. But I wanted to share, like, I get really excited and want to share all these pieces. And what I’ve learned the benefits, I learned to hide my cards a little bit and say you don’t want all this, I have all this, I can share with this. And I’m going to continue to find out where I can, I can let some stuff go on you where you can now use that cue or use that technique or use this idea what where people come in, like, what’s the benefit? Why am I doing this? Like, we’ll just do it, you’ll know it, but they’re like, I don’t want to do it. That’s where I have to kind of pull out some of these things like what’s going to help with your balance, your coordination, your stability? Both says, Okay, I’ll do it. Yes, yes. Okay.

Knowing your audience is very important. And if you got a 63 year old, who’s sort of, you know, getting into exercise is the message to them that we’re going to be extremely safe, and we’re gonna, you know, this is going to help with the activity that you know, do not going to grow, you’re going to, you know, maintain robust movement and help as you get older. And here’s why we’re doing this exercise if that person, especially if they have an intellect where they are genuinely curious, but you’re still allowing them to do work. So it’s not a 10% work ratio to information, which is, unfortunately, so much of the education is done in that manner, where it’s like, you know, physical therapists who would you know, here’s an ice pack, here’s the E stem, here’s the, you know, whatever, I dropped you later. Okay, done. So now I can serve as 20 people at once because all I’m doing is putting ice in ski stems as the bottom that’s not an enlightened way to make the most improved, right. And the personal trainer who is sort of locked in this paradigm of oh, you know, the three planes of motion operate independently. So I’m going to categorize my exercises Oh, this is a frontal plane exercise. Well, actually, everything you do is a three plane exercise if you want to know the truth, and there’s nothing so great as the figure a If I twist, I gotta stop and go, if I figure Ha, no stop, that’s fluid. And the really good ones can tighten the H. So you basically can’t even see it, it goes so fast, but it’s still a figure eight, right? You don’t want to go to one and sort of like stop in a twisty manner that doesn’t incorporate that roll, right, roll. And even by virtue of doing the figure eight, there’s a natural like external rotation on the downside and an internal rotation on the upside. So the figure eights are undulating too. So it’s eights upon eights and the different joints and you feel the benefit. Because I know when I see you running these Spartan Races, and you’re doing this, you’re going faster, and I see a smile on your face. And so my objective is with people like yourself, keep going blaze the trail, because you are inspiring that group who doesn’t have the time who doesn’t have the capacity perhaps and that trickles down and it trickles down. So what the best are doing five years, you know, now takes five to eight years to matriculate down to the rat. But every step stronger for everyone is a mantra that I take literally, I mean to take every post I do with every step stronger, because that’s my objective. And so I knew there was absolute crystal clarity on the outcome that I want to achieve. And you know, always telling it’s seeking truth and information with you. And now it’s chastising those who have taken a little bit too long to sort of come to reason and to say okay, I am willing to accept the relentless pursuit of better may include new thing. Let me ask you this,

because I’ve got you do it for so long now your whole life but primarily the last 2020 years or so right? Really focusing in harnessing in and learning how to simplify this for the masses so that they can walk the similar path and to excellence and to freedom and to every step stronger and really embodying what that means. Where do you think we can go with this is really physical education. This is what physical education is, is experiencing the physical side of it, and then getting a light reflection on it. But just recognizing what you’re experiencing this, which I think is has been disregarded in the western side, or for lack of a better term, just Eastern versus Western is we’re very much thinking thinking and doing or not doing it, but doing the thinking. And the eastern side is more than doing the feeling you’re just being the feeling. And so where’s this merger of doing the feeling of searching, but also just allowing? How can we change this whole physical education that’s not just in like elementary school or high school, but in terms of our human ability to be educated physically? How does this how can this start? Because obviously, when we’re born, we have innate ability to go to these spiral stacking or through this coiling core spinal engine? What needs to be changed? Or what has to be shifted? What needs to be pioneered and started? Or maybe it’s already started? You I mean, you are on that way? It’s all trickling down? How can this be the most effective way to educate individuals? What age do you think it is? Or what process

great question and I have a root answer the way that humanity is going to be best physically educated is by osmosis. It is not overt explanation, it is your mirror neurons witnessing around you the way that people are moving with confidence in the swag ahead over but and then that’s what you’re gonna do. If the people are speaking English, you’re gonna speak English speaking Spanish, you’re going to speak Spanish, not one ounce of like you weren’t sit down in a chair and explain what the lesson plan was. It was literally osmosis. So how it happens is we’re going to inspire the very best athletes in the world across all sorts to be better at what they do through better usage, general understanding the causal factors and then training them and they will inspire the next year down the athletes who may not become professional, but it’s a massive part of their life out affecting trainers that affects the regular people. And within a generation, we can make this all subcortical so you don’t gotta bother teaching people because they already know the tigers in the zoo and in the wild, none of them who were ever told what to do. They saw what to do when they felt what to do. And a human being comes into this world as plastic as a blank slate. You can carve whatever record grooves you want to enter that human being. There have been cases where a child has been put in the backyard to live with the dogs six to seven years later, she doesn’t speak they walk on all fours they eat with their mouth art. If that isn’t the best example of plasticity, you come in nature nurture a heck of a lot of it is the nurturer in terms of how you’re going to apply and use the nature. And so that’s what we have to do as a fitness industry. We have to come together and understand that I’m in this industry, I’m gonna treat myself in the industry with respect by practicing with proficiency back, which I teach and true balance is the most important fundamental foundation to support all things. So when I’m walking with my head in the middle are telling people to brace themselves stiff, throw a ball, I’m actually working against humanity. I’m working against nature, and it’s not sustainable. And so that’s the way it’s going to have and it’s going to have while we’re talking here, I just got a text from Joe DeFranco. And I didn’t read it, but it says, Hey, Dave, check this out. I think in the next text, I think you’re gonna get a lot of response like No, not at all. So we had a conversation that was honest, engaging and collaborative and he’s from Jersey up integrity. In that guy again, you’d have killed him. Otherwise, you know what I mean? He’s not gonna sell out. He’s doing it, well, you’re doing good. And what I try to do with my Instagram page is I try to engage and inspire and motivate and recognize everyone in row if you do a post on ROPO, I am following you. And odds are, I have reposted one of your videos into my story, because you are the people who are changing the world, right? If one of the best one of the worst traps that you could be in is having pure gold, and not the capacity to share with anyone else, I think if you go back to our ancestry, your greatest mission was be of greatest value to your family, your tribe as well, your greatest mission in life was I’m gonna go catch the rabbit, I’m gonna feed the family, right? It was a collaborative effort where you wanted to shine measured by the degree to which you could help your community and that works in these little small communities, once you start to make it big. Well, now all sorts of layers have begun to complicate it, right? Less genuine, a competitive drive on I’m here to conquer you and make you work for me. Right, that becomes the objective. But now we have the capacity to transcend and get back to the root element, which is physical education is the fundamental education of by betray myself at the very rude physical education, I have not Oh, to optimize my mind, and my spirit, beautifully

said, and I think with a lot of the trainers, athletes, coaches that are that are watching this listening to this, there’s a lot of beautiful points that I think we can attach yourself to. And it’s a matter of physically practicing it so that you can embody that we’re just natural. I mean, you talk so passionately about what you do, because you do it, you do the thing, and you feel the thing. And so from the outside, if you haven’t tried the ropes, you’ve been tried, the pollsters haven’t tried the poses away, but they’re intended going through one of the weightlifting courses, going in circles searching out or working with a qualified coach, or somebody who’s gone through that process with the landmines, whatever the tool is that you guys come up with, or even just applying that principle to whatever you already do. I think that’s the beautiful thing, what is something that may be a unifying message to inspire? I mean, you’ve already had so many but a unified message in terms of this physical education in terms of the future of this industry, in terms of what we can do in our communities to help for the better to make every step stronger for the betterment of not just our generation, but the next one is following so they can have this via osmosis naturally have it coming in saying these ropes This isn’t weird. This is my weird, this is how I do it. This is how you do it is how we all do it. It’s all very fluid. What is something that can unite and unify us we unify this field those who are inspired to take action and to serve at a much deeper level, not much thorough level of much more truthful and honest level. What made that message be today? Well, I

would say that, you know, if you just go to the analogy of what your own air mask on bursts boy, you try to start helping others because if you don’t have yours on Well, now that the clock is ticking whilst you’re trying to help someone else, and if a problem happens, well, now you’re both in big trouble. So what I would say is develop your greatest relationship with gravity and the ground right? Learn how to not live in sort of physical misery from chronic pain, injuries will happen, you know, bad things are gonna happen. You may have to compensate with a limb for the rest of your life because of something happening. You don’t want it to be that slow, torturous. Oh no, it took 10 years and now I’m really tied down to chronic pain. And if you’re going to actualize humanity to optimize the human condition, you want to give people the equal opportunity to do and accomplish what they can do and accomplish and you do not want equal outcome. So it’s okay if you’re better at guitar and I’m better at you know, violent as okay and if maybe I’m not the best diet source even if I love it, but I want to self actualize myself. And then we want that creativity and that independence, the independent dance the independent you come into this world, Europe, you know, you come out of Mommy, you’re alone, you go out of this world, you’re alone, right? It’s a limited window of time, how well can you fortify yourself to be a value to others. It’s very, very simple, because I believe that that is actually the most rewarding thing that a human being do. Rather than, you know, the creature comforts are the luxuries in life that if you get those great, fine, the better to have them than not, but they won’t lead to that genuine fulfillment that’s going to put your soul in the best position to go meet your maker. Right. So the more that we can help ourselves and others who conduct ourselves and orchestrate more fluid balance how powerful strong and competent movement, the better off everyone is going to be. And that’s why the fitness industry is one of the most important industry that is underperforming to a level that is unacceptable. Look at the fitness in America, and then understand that there is an industry devoted to fit a fitness industry. If the airline industry were like a fitness industry, you’d have a plane crash, you’d have several planes crashing every day. If you want to really evaluate what we are doing our colleague we have a responsibility to you know, come hell or high water whether it in for inspiring, positive peer pressure, or even negative peer pressure. Let’s get people on the same page. They coincide the reality that we’re all accelerating to the center of this planet at 9.8 meters per second squared, specifically at sea level and nobody gets to not do that. Don’t get weighed down by it use it to to be strong and then to gracefully aid. So it’s not it’s arc and then boom, if it’s art where as you visibly deteriorate your technique and go toward a nation continues to get better so that you’re actually performing net, those two factors that are with a and 52 years old, I do many things better than I did at my athletic time because of the coordination, the attention to detail and the detail being efficiency and not accepting efficiency. I know it’s a long game, I

think it’s an answer that can continue to be reformed and adapted to as life continues. And for every person that’s listening to this, I think there’s parts of that answer that are going to resonate really well. Yes. And I encourage them, encourage you, whoever you are, feel into that, because that is true. That is, I mean, it’s been an absolute pleasure talking to you, right? Because every time I chat with you, I just feel inspired, I feel this flame come through my heart and go like, yeah, we’re doing it. We just need to keep doing it and trust that process and realize, yeah, it’s not one person. It’s all about, you know,

caught Yes. And they say, you know, Einstein kind of, you know, if you do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, well, then you’re insane. Well, I’m insane because I’m doing the same thing over and over again, because I know that behind the wall or the diamond Okay, and so I’m gonna keep drilling even though I didn’t get there. Today, I’m gonna keep on drilling the same thing over and over again, relentless pursuit of better relate to gate every step stronger for everyone. Same, same, same, same, boom, pay dirt, and everybody’s gonna get better. And it’s power law, right? Not a lot of change, not a lot of change. You break through the wall. A year or two, the fitness industry is all walking stronger together. And we’re changing the world for good. I think that simple. It really

is. Man. I really hope we can do this again, whack if you’d be you’d be willing to, especially as

this year progresses, yes, time anytime.

Right? Amen. I think more people are coming around to understanding that there’s there’s answers that are those questions that are unanswered, and the only way to truly answer them is to drill deeper and to recognize that when you get to an answer, you probably need to keep drilling, there’s more questions, there’s more things we need to consider. But you know your truth, the more you practice what is right and what is wrong. And there is a piece of this that speaks to that true north, especially when you start working your your cardinal directions with the rope. I mean, that’s what separates the boys from the men. I think with this one, the real people going to the next step is recognizing what what are you intending to do? What are you actually doing? And can you meet in the middle? Can you become what you’re doing,

and you ended up? Well, suddenly, a guy who came to mind as you were saying that as Edward Joyce, so Edward Troy’s has taken Rob Lowe, and he’s taken our principles of cardinal directions, and he has perfected it personally to a level that is, I mean, it’s something that if you’re in the robo community, you should just check him out. Because if you want to enhance your lo the scientific process of calibration of orientation, the specific where and when, and if you have the cardinal Foundation, your flow will be more free when you turn off the thinking and sort of let yourself go in any direction. So the discipline of having that precise, mathematically precise information of angles and orientations will give you the capacity and hope to to glow with the flow. And that lets you show we all grow.

Now, rhyming comes in when you start flowing, yeah, the rhymes just

Oh, yeah. When you know, you went on the show.

Man, I truly appreciate you and the time that you’ve given us this conversation, and really looking forward to the next step in this, I don’t think there’s a there’s this top, it just continues to grow stronger. And we get closer into that source into this community of thriving together and not we’re competing, but we’re competing with ourselves to be the best to serve our community in the best way as opposed to I serve better than you do. And I need your community in this committee because there’s no way we can serve everyone individually. Or as one one spot, we have to do this together, we have our own hands, we got to walk into the center if we got to explore away from it. And we have to continue this process this pulsation this growth together so that we can keep this heart beating in this industry, as opposed to continue to let it die and suffer and be so aggressively out of touch

with nature. So I’m so grateful for you and all that you do and I love watching your practice so please keep sharing and drilling because I love watching your practice. Amen.

That means a lot. You hold a special place in my heart I guess until next time go check out what’s the best way to find you. I know you’re on Instagram online, want people to reach out to you and jump into the rope. RMC all that good stuff yeah, if

you want to go deep there’s at least you can do it. Whack method.com There’s resources in terms of training and tools and then the David whack on Instagram and I made just rally myself to create my own podcast in which case you will be a guest on my show. So if I can put that together then I most likely will Alright brother

love you you guys go check out wax it will change your life for the better

Michael Hughes
Hey all hope you guys enjoyed today’s episode. And if you did, please share it with your fitness obsessed friends and peers who are also navigating this world of fitness and trying to succeed the trends in This information. As you guys can see, this podcast is basically a masterclass for trainers wanting to level up in their coaching skills and their fitness business model. We launched this in 2020. Because you and your fitness tribe deserve to see an unfiltered look at all the aspects of what it takes to stand out as a next generation coach, and build a successful fitness business sell, share far and wide. And please, when you do, do me a favor, take a screenshot of this screen and share it to your social media accounts and use the hashtag Gymnazo podcast that’s hashtag Gymnazo podcast that way we can see you and share your posts with our audience. And finally, when you’re ready, go to the next level as a coach or in your business. And to reach more people, please go check out gymnazoedu.com. We have put together the best 90 Day coaching program on the market for trainers wanting to become a masterful practitioner and build a business that gives them the freedom and impact. So let us help you do just that. We have online training and one on one coaching to guide you through a whole 90 Day certification. We even get you 20 Our clients live because it’s always better to work out your kinks on someone else’s clients than yours. But we promise you this, your clients will be blown away by the transformation our program will help you make you’ll be masterful at a whole new level and part of an incredible community of coaches worldwide, taking their skills to the next level. So if you thought today’s episode had some fire to it, and inspired you to take action, waiting to see what we’ll deliver on this program. So just go to gymnazoedu.com. And we’ll see you on the other side. Remember that turning your passion for fitness into transformation and sustainable business is critical to reaching the people and lives you were put on earth to help it matters and truly can make an impact in other people’s lives. So, hope you do that. Keep sharing passion and we’ll talk to you soon.

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