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5 Main Muscle Groups – Stretching Myths Debunked 2020

Posted on December 15, 2022

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/vfgYYEVCpUA

Hey guys, so I’m gonna show you five ways to better stretch your front side hips, your hamstrings, inner thighs, outer hips, and your chest. Very first thing you need is probably a doorframe and then a desk chair. If you have one of these awesome cages, by all means use it. But if you have a desk chair and a doorframe, you’ll be good to go. Very first apartment off your front side hit. This is for you guys who are sitting all day long, going on long car rides, working on a desk all day taking long flights, we’ve been those who just haven’t had time to stretch and have your foot up on the cage or up on the chair, hands up on the side doorframe. If you don’t have a doorframe here, you can feel free to grab on to your desk, something just to give you a little extra support, we want to emphasize that we have four points of contact two feet, and two hands to give us the best range of motion. We’re gonna take our motions through three planes, we’re gonna go forward and back. We’re gonna go left and right, they’re gonna go rotational. So we can hit all 360 degrees, those muscle groups. So very first one, hands on the sides, one foot up, go ahead and drive forward and bring it back for emphasizing motion coming from the hips, pushing forward, about three to five of those, they’re gonna stay forward and you’re to push to the right and push to the left. And as you’re going through this, we want to make sure that we’re keeping our back leg straight and back foot straight ahead. After you get through to five of those, we’re gonna go ahead and rotate, twist the hips, twist the chest and keep the feet glued down and the weight forward. Once you’ve finished that one, good, push back out and switch sides to the left of that thread what’s coming up again, hands up on the sides, they’re gonna be pushed forward, even out a little arching through the spine and looking up for a little extra loading to the core. Once you finish those three to five, pushing left, and pushing right, and then the upper body lean opposite the hips. And from there, go ahead and rotate, hips, chest and head all go together. So we get to motion happening to the core to the hip and down through the lays finishes through the five pushing up out of that one, now for the hamstrings, we’re going to go one foot down and one foot up just like we did a hip flexor stretch, we’re going to keep our weight backwards so we can lengthen the backside of that leg and to form besides that doorframe or even on to that desk chair those arms and up in front of you where to sit back to fill a lengthening back behind the leg, not locking the leg up straight, keeping a subtle bend, swinging target both the upper and lower hamstrings. Once you sit there a little knee, bend the back leg, and we’re gonna have you shift to the right into the left, getting the lateral edge of the hamstrings and then the medial edge medial attachment of the top of the hips there, you have three to five going back side to side, you’re gonna go rotation, keeping both toes straight ahead and feeling the hips, the chest and the head rotated. From there, we’re going to end pushing straight back for those deeper range. And try to tuck the chin into the chest, that’s going to be a nice big load the back of the leg or lift that mid back. When he finished the three to five would push back out and we’ll switch sides. Get another key point on this making sure that we’re not trying to just force the back coming down, but the motion is being driven the hips, so sit back where you start, because that load on that right hamstring, push right and push left. As you go for that push to the side, we’re trying to emphasize the tilting of the hips as well. So it’s like the hips drop from the left side and the drop from the right side three to five, they’re then going rotate three to five, back and forth, not going too fast. Not trying to force the range, but just kind of fallen into that groove. And then finishing off within three to five sitting back getting that deepest range of motion in that sagittal plane. Once you’ve finished those three to five, driving forward, we’re gonna hit the inner thigh as these ones tend to get locked up when we’re sitting seated down and they tend to bottom low back. So as soon as we step out wide, we have our hands on that doorframe on the desk just somewhere to support the body or to go ahead and slide to one leg. So we’re gonna emphasize one inner thigh getting a little deeper stretch. Once we’re here, we’re gonna continue that three dimensional drive theme and drive back foot down and drive forward. Looking up some nice simple motion, make sure we’re breathing and the feeder staying flat. Once you finish those three to five, we’re staying up tall, keeping that right in the event and adding a very subtle rotation. Not gonna go too far because it’s already pre lengthened those adductors those inner thigh muscles, so they’re not gonna allow us to go too deep, but we’re still gonna feel that deep stretch. From there. We’re gonna finish with the deep side lunge, that’s going to emphasize the frontal plane or the little deeper lateral loading that medial load of the inner thigh. Finish those three to five and just shift over to the other. Now that you’re that left knee, go ahead, sit back foot down, drive forward, and looking at and as you’re going through these, again, emphasizing the hips pushing through that motion. You finish those three to five, they’re gonna go into the rotation, keeping the left knee bent, twist to the right, twist the left retro to overdo it and sick Wait, but keep them mainly in that left foot as your twist. And then finishing off with that side lunge and a little lean away in a bent knee, what that’s gonna do is give us a deeper load on the inner thigh, and even allow us to get a little more lateralcore lengthening as well finish those ones, we go now to the outer hip, it’s very similar to the hamstrings a little different bias to rotate that glute. These bigger muscles on the backside, they attach rotational or spirally. So if we just go straight back, we might just sit the hamstring, but if we rotate, hit the sagittal plane and hit frontal plane, we’re gonna tap into the full potential of that glute through step over to one side, kind of looking at an angle at your chair, taking that foot up and across to the outside foot up and across, and then going to bring your hands down on the arm of that chair or even on the side of that doorframe. You want to go very similar, what we do with the hamstrings are to emphasize the motion from that one side glute. So that red side is going to push back into the side, yeah, back into the right, three to five there. Then once you get back, slight dips a little further to the right and come home a little further. Right, bring it back. And once you get there, then you’re gonna finish off with a little bit deeper rotation, not trying to force it, but trying to feel the pelvis twisting over that right leg for the belly button rotate to your right, a little lunging, and we’ll switch sides. Same thing now kind of left side of his face in that chair left, it’s gonna come up in a cross light toe in. And again, the hands can come over and across or down on the arm of that chair from here sinking back, but you’re pushing the button back in an angle back into the left, it’s gonna fully lengthen the whole back side. And once you finish those three to five, you have a push right, and push left primarily pushing left, but coming back home pushing to that side, bringing it back, keeping your front foot flat, finish those three to five, and then you’re gonna go into the rotations can both feet or staying glued down as you twist, try to find that full threshold where you can tolerate that stretch but not beyond that tolerance. And then lunge forward, you’ll push out there, your final one is going to be for that front side chest. Now your pec attaches kind of up at an angle into your arm. So we want to bring that arm up to the side to already pre linking that tissue and then will drive with our hips to get a little bit deeper. So if you’re sideways facing that doorframe, you place the hand up on the side, place your same foot in front well that’s going to do is lengthen that whole side of that tissue. You may have seen three drive process driving forward, look up and drive back looking down. If you want to add a fourth point of contact, feel free to put a chair up in front of you. But this one should be plenty fine with just three points two feet in one hand. Once you drive forward, get a little shift left to right, so little side to side, that’s going to start to lengthen that PEC making sure the shoulder is not falling down in in but it’s staying back and you’re shifting your hips to get that load and then ending with a nice easy rotation to the lead away from that arm to fully engage that lengthening of the PEC. And then one more time through, bring it right back. When we do the same thing other side, left hand comes up back behind, left foot forward, and it’s that same process of driving forward, look up and drive back looking down. Feel free to allow the knees to get a little bend and straighten to allow you to flow through that range. Then you go a little side to side so you’ll shift away getting a little bit deeper load and then a little less a little deeper load a little less and then finishing off within three to five rotations away and not going beyond the threshold just right to that level. Finish that one. You’re good to go. Enjoy.

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