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5 Secrets to Training Your Body After 40

Posted on December 16, 2022

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/_IeE72Nca7c

Hey, how you doing Michael Hughes here with Gymnazo. Thank you so much for clicking on the link, put in your name and your email and understanding how important these five secrets are. So let’s go and dive right in essentially the five secrets to training your body after 40. I talk to clients about this every single day. And I just wanted to boil down into five simple little hitters that allow you to get the most benefit from your training from your health and from your life. So let’s go right into it. The first and most important thing that I’ve talked to people about is developing a mobility practice using soft tissue tools, essentially foam rolling and stretching, our bodies are bound down. And they’re really limited in their range of motion, how they move how they play. And even if we want to gain more strength, even if we want to gain more vitality, if we try to build strength on a tight structure, it doesn’t give us the ability to actually use it. So I say this over and over and over again, how well do you stretch, how well do you take care of the soft tissue, the binding agents of our body, if you have any sort of movement pain, and it’s probably not as much as you would need, or we’ve got to spend some more time on it and some great, great tools out there to get that going. Moving on to number two, make sure your workouts include multi directional movement, thing I hit on again, over and over again, is that the single plane motion, whether it be forth or back, side to side, or just a lot of rotation, like anything else, if you wear something, a joint or a bolt, or even your hand on your skin the same way over and over and over again, that wear increases dramatically, just like that, if I just do this on my finger over and over in the same direction, if I change my directions, back and forth, I never get that feeling of burning in the same location. The body doesn’t like to groove something over and over again, especially your ligaments and your tendons. The more you use a joint in the same range of motion over and over and over again, the faster it wears, think about your car tires, you rotate them, right, because the pressure on the four tires is different. As the weight distribution in the car is different. The more you rotate them, the longer they last, it’s really that simple. From here, incorporating whole body training as a as a minimum in a sense, again, leg day, arm day buys tries chest and back days, not saying that’s bad, it’s not bad. But our body is one unified piece. We know that there’s many different names to different oceans in this world of they’re all one body of water, the more we can train our body with simple motions that allow our body to move fluidly from our legs to our core to our hands, the more it trains our body and our nerves. And therefore the growth of all those systems to be unified as well. It’s a big, big piece, not what I was taught growing up, it’s not what we were taught growing up about how oh, let’s just train this. And this is a good way to look good for vanity’s sake. And then he’s not a bad word, but for vanity sake. But in reality functionality and how we use these muscles needs to be worked as one system, so it’s a big one. The next on four is really about nutrition. If we want to look good, if we want to feel good, it’s got to come from fuel it’s gotta come from the nutritional sources. A few quick hitters one, eat real food, as much as possible eat real food, your body cares about those little details. And that small little print on the back of the packaging makes a big, big difference. Also, digestive enzymes a big deal as our body starts to age, the digestive system just is not as sharp as it once was. So the more that we can help it with a nice, easy pure digestive enzyme, we’ve been helpful. And then as it says, hydration and sugar, those are big factors water, our bodies, almost 70% water and that lack of percentages as they drop start to change how the body systems and many of them, they start to degrade and they change for the negative. So it’s important that water intake stays high and water for water’s sake too. I mean, just water, no coffee and water and just throw some water in there. And then don’t forget about sugar. It’s the biggest sneaky little ingredient it’s in so much of our food. It’s essentially our body doesn’t like it it’s a I won’t use the word toxin but it almost acts like a toxin to our body. And it starts gunking up systems. So hydration and sugar are some big big factors. I want to leave those for the end on purpose and then stress tell you what if someone says Hey Michael Leave me the one biggest thing that I could do to make my life longer and healthier and just more vibrant, it’s gotta reduce stress. Gotta take this busy Go Go Go lifestyle and chunk it up a little bit more. Some key things is sleep. We got to get the sleep that’s when our body actually restores itself. That’s when our growth hormones are the highest is when our bodies in In that snooze phase, and then some good old fashioned meditation and prayer to get the body to be more introspective, versus just solving a problem next thing in front of us next thing in front of us. And then I have to add gratitude, being thankful for what we have. A quick little thing I like to do is every day send two text messages that are all about thanking somebody for something just reminds us that is that our life is in a pretty sweet, sweet spot. For essentially, the rest of the world. We got a pretty sweet sweet deal. So reduce stress. Get in that mindset on daily basis. Breathe a little bit more. But I want to add this piece. The movement side is a big question that we’ve that we’ve tried to answer a lot. I’ve produced in over 40 Fitness reset program that dives into the movement side to the restoration side to the mindfulness side, and even to through the nutritional side. It’s a great video. It’s a great program, click the link below. You’ll be so glad that you did. And hope to see you there.

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