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7 Skills Every Elite Trainer Should Have

Posted on December 28, 2022

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/IVC8L1xECfU

Hey, I’m excited to be here for the elite movement trainers skills masterclass, I have a lot to cover today. And my intention is to give you plenty of clear action steps to help you build an elite skill set that will allow you to find success much faster. So I’m Michael Hughes, and I’m very passionate about teaching personal trainers build a skill set to transform their clients movement lives, and build profitable high demand services. Alright, I’m assuming that you’re watching this because you feel you’re missing some skill set as a personal trainer, that is holding you back from helping more people and feeling confident while you do it. I’ve been there honestly, and I get it more over. And this is the one thing that we’re going to be covering today because you’re not alone. And this isn’t because you lack desire, not even close or are too busy. It’s not that you lack follow through. It’s because you’re making the same seven mistakes over and over again. And that’s why I’m sharing this information. Our industry is being revolutionized and is growing very, very quickly. In fact, our 340,000 personal trainers right now. But here’s the problem. Our industry is actually unregulated, meaning that there’s no required certifications, or education. And the barrier to entry is actually non existent in most cases. This does two things for our industry, the elite trainers, those specialized coaches rise to the top more easily, which is actually a good thing. But what also happens that the general public’s trust of personal trainers is incredibly low. If 2020 provided one thing for us as an industry, it’s how non essential quote unquote, the public and the government sees us. So the biggest differentiator in our industry is actually education. But even getting education is confusing, because there are no standards. So trainers are left navigating the world of certifications, or trying to piece together a coaching methodology all by themselves. And trainers feel pressure to become sales machines just to survive. Now certainly helps to be very good at sales. But I have to say being good at sales is not going to create raving fans for your brand or your business. You can’t focus on getting new clients until you have a solid workout experience. Otherwise, you’re just going to burn through clients because you didn’t focus on the right thing. So you’re in the right place right now. If you feel confused about what education you will set you apart from every 20 year old with a six pack or shredded abs. And you want to uncover in the gaps that you may have in your skill set. I feel like I have to say this but Janelle says edu methodologies are based on a decade of experience, not simply from sharing theories or concepts that should work. Everything you’re going to learn today has already been tested and used to help successful trainers create incredible results with 1000s of their clients in their personal businesses also said this is much easier route building the skills and career you want than trying to approach it that the way that most trainers do. For some of you, today’s class will be enough to take you to the next level. And I also know that most of you will want to take what we learned today even further, you’re going to want to learn how to rise to the top of the training world and be an elite movement trainer. So if that’s you, don’t worry, I’m going to give you the opportunity to work more directly with me and a little bit, but let’s cover a few more things. And before I actually dive into that, if you’re like me, I’m always skeptical about learning from people on a video or masterclass or webinar that I don’t actually know. So I’m going to back up for a few minutes and share with you a little about my story, and how I became a movement specialist, and an owner of a seven figure training facility. So let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’ve been married to my business partner for about a decade, I’m a dad of two awesome kids, a late 30 something year old guy who really never gave up on my dream to help people get out of pain, and enjoy the activities and lifestyle that they ultimately want. I’ve built my dream facility. And I’m surrounded by some of the most incredible coaches that I’m lucky enough to call my friends. Together, we are all in the top 5% of fitness facilities in the United States for revenue. And when COVID hit we pivot our entire business online over a weekend, and actually still retain 95% of our clients still billing around $60,000 per month. But that is just the end, right? It’s not always so great getting there. And here’s where my story really, really begins. When I was six months old, I lost my mom to a rare blood disease. And this trauma, which I later understood and kind of found out that made me develop a very bad stutter. And as a little kid, having that stutter, it wrecked my confidence. And well it led me to where I am. Because then I was actively withdrew myself from social gatherings. I had things to say. But I didn’t want to draw attention to my stutter. So I wouldn’t speak up. People started treat me like I wasn’t pretty much stupid. And honestly, you start to believe it with enough people treating you that same way. But something big happened in eighth grade, I found fitness like so many other people. And from that gained confidence in myself for the first time, I also started to program for my school’s star athletes because they wanted to get the results that I was getting. And that’s when I learned that I loved helping people. So at that point, I decided become a physical therapist, because I believe that was the most respected expert in movement in that field or in the industry. But you see, if you become a physical therapist, you have to get into and complete a Doctorate of physical therapy. And what most people don’t know is that I was rejected from grad schools eight different times, not one year in a row, but two years back to back. And of course, I was discouraged by that. But I decided that this would not stop me. What I care about most was helping people reduce pain and restore a quality of life that they wanted. And one of the capabilities of a physical therapist, but I was still living my life as a personal trainer, and a physical therapy aide at the time. I was definitely confused about how to progress from there. I generally love the personal training lifestyle. But every successful role model around me had built more and had the kind of freedom I knew I needed to have a family in this industry. So again, I wanted more. The truth was, even though I didn’t get into PT school, I still knew that I needed more knowledge to get the goals and the results that I was passionate about. My programming at the time was barely good enough. And I knew it. The worst was when a client would have an ache or pain in a workout. And I didn’t know really what to tell them, like truly understand what to actually tell them. I’m sure many of you have felt that exact same way. So I needed to find a mentor. And honestly one day I heard about a trainer locally, who get her clients out of SI or lower back joint pain. I remember thinking to myself, like literally what trainer knows how to do. In fact, she clearly had some education that I needed. While she was very kind of to point me in the direction some incredible physical therapists who rent a $20,000 per year 10 month in a sense, fellowship. Even today, that’s a lot of money. But I was ready to take out a student loan to pay for six figures of physical therapy school and not work at the same time. So in light of that $20,000 wasn’t so bad. I was definitely willing to invest in myself.

I completed that fellowship and finally had the knowledge that I needed, but there was a problem. I had no idea how to apply that clinical education in physical therapy to fitness. I mean, sure, if I want to do one on one training, that would have been fine. But at this point, I was sick of trading time for money or basically one client for one hour and I wanted leverage. So I had my eye on small group training. Looking back on it now, trying to take a clinical strategies into small group training was extremely tough in that environment. I honestly tried again and again and failed again and again to get my clients to adapt. They certainly liked me as a trainer, but they didn’t trust me with that knowledge. because I was just a trainer, honestly kept finding and filling gaps in my education and the application and was critical. Little by little, I definitely evolved my skill sets to have the core elite movement training skills that I’m going to share with you today. Honestly, coming back to this point, right now, it all paid off, because we did build up the reputation that I wanted. We did have our clients rave about my company, Gymnazo. And they brought their friends and bragged to their doctors about what we could do as a training facility, we actually grew to become the highest rated gym in our town by a lot. We even doubled our business in 18 months. And the best part about it is in a sense, new doctors actually referred clients directly to us, often bypassing traditional physical therapy. And I realized that I could help other personal trainers just like me develop these coaching skills and training methods to get the same results. And I discovered my ultimate love training trainers, which is why I’m so fired up about today’s masterclass. So, I know you’re taking time out of your day to watch this. So here’s my promise to you. At the end of this class, you’ll know which skills you already have dialed in, and which ones you’re missing. My goal is to give you a roadmap to becoming elite, because I believe, if you have these skill sets, your Word of Mouth reputation will outperform any marketing training you could pay for. Right? Right dive on it. Right, the number one thing is that an elite movement trainer needs to know how to conduct a movement assessment, trainers need to know where to start from, they need to understand the client’s baseline. Now I’m specifically saying a movement assessment, not a performance assessment. Because we should care more about how the body effectively moves first, then how well it can perform. If we test performance first and base our programming off that without measuring the quality of that performance. We are a 100% setting ourselves up to have or to need to manage this function injury in the near future. Quality is always greater than quantity. If we don’t have a movement assessment, then we’re guessing and hoping that our programming is going to land well and produce results. We are essentially saying that we hope to get results. But we all know that hope is honestly not the best strategy or strategy at all. So what makes a good movement assessment? Will trainers have to assess at least six things. The first thing is that an athlete’s movement awareness of themselves and in the space that they occupy and around them do they have that peace of like, okay, this is where I am, this is what I feel this is what I feel my foot sort of feel when my shoulder rotates back that sense of that they have an awareness of themselves. The second thing that movement assessment needs to look into is the ability for them to coordinate multi directional movement patterns. Essentially, can they put together the complexity of forward and backwards movements, the left and the right patterns, the ability to spin to the left and spin to the right and the combinations of all those three things put together. The third thing a movement assessment really needs to look at is full body mobility and stability. That is a key key detail that a lot do not cover. The fourth thing that a movement assessment is looking at is the ability to see how greater muscles and joints work in conjunction with the positions that that client or athlete is most often in or want to move better in. If my athlete for example, wants to play the game of golf better, right, I should probably assess their backswing in their position and their follow through in that position because that’s where they’re going to perform in. If they’re a swimmer, I probably need to assess that swimmer in a supine or prone position. If it’s a general population athlete, I probably need to assess them from two feet on the ground in an upright stance. And in six of the cardinal movement patterns that we can move in as a representative for forward and backwards, satisfied and rotational Twinners also need a system to interpret and collected into a progressive program that can be systematized over and over. And the sixth and final. And most importantly, we need to train our eyes to know what to look for so we can prioritize our programming on what they can do versus on what they cannot do. The second thing that we need to focus on as an elite movement trainer is to problem solve for musculoskeletal dysfunctions. A musculoskeletal dysfunction or an MSD is as simple as knee pain with a squat or lunge or more broadly, injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage and discs. Our industry has this revolving door concept. And it starts with working as hard as one can for as long as one can. Then an injury comes up that forces them to stop and step back. Then they get care that treats for the symptom, not the underlying cause, only for the pain to go away enough so the client can get back to working as hard as they can. Once again, this mindset plagues are industry and greater medical system. And elite movement trainer knows how to break that cycle within their own service offering. And here’s a story that I really want you to consider. If a client has a knee pain with a lunge, the traditional trainer is taught. That’s pain. Dang it. I can’t touch that. Even though a lunge is like one of the most common motion patterns that anyone can do. But the trainer says themselves, Okay, nope, I’m gonna follow the rules. And I’m gonna tell the client to go see their primary doctor. This takes two weeks to get the doctor more than likely, right only for the doctor to say, don’t do lunges, and don’t do squats anymore. You know what goes to your physical therapist. This new scheduling process takes another two weeks more than likely. And then the client is doing physical therapy for four to six weeks. Overall, the client has been absent from the trainer scheduled for about two and a half months. What do you think the likelihood is that that client comes back and restarts with the original trainer, when fitness is mostly about consistency, and routine, unfortunately, much lower than one would expect. When we can understand why the knees experiencing pain and actually solve it by means of soft tissue work stretching and re strengthening, that we can start to be the first step that the general population takes before they see a doctor or physical therapist. Very few traditional educators talk or explain why things are happening. They most talked about what is happening. And elite movement trainer don’t just pass off their clients when a problem arise, we have and they have the confidence to know how to get into the weeds with that client’s movement dysfunction. Again, the only way to solve for an MST is to know why it is there and how to reverse engineer this dysfunction. We need to know how to solve the issue versus just ignoring it and changing or avoiding the exercises that causes that pain. Now, let’s talk about number three. The Elite movement trainer effectively motivates and communicates with every and any type of client. Now, there’s a great coach out there that a lot of people are looking up to these days. And I certainly am. This coach’s name is Ted lasso. Ted certainly crushes that as a coach, because he leads with his EQ or emotional quotient, not his IQ, or his intelligent quotient. Each client has a personality or a way of communicating that science is well classified. And we know that there’s a golden rule, which we follow makes a good coach. And then there’s a Platinum Rule, though, that if we follow allows us to be a great coach. So the Golden Rule equals treat people how you want to be treated. Again, a good coach. The Platinum Rule says treat people how they want to be treated. And we call that a great coach. A very well established and referenced personality assessment is the Myers Briggs, which puts out 16 different personality types. Now to be honest, that’s a lot of things to remember. So we boil it down to four different communication types that we see with all of our clients. The first one is a decision maker who is a type A abrupt tone wants results now in your face, in a sense. The second one is the encourager, who’s enthusiastic, talking all over the place squirrel mentality, Oh, can’t wait to be doing the next thing. No problem. The third is a tracker to super detail oriented, reads every review before they make a decision wants to know the why behind each and every exercise and thinks a lot about before they make a decision. Then the fourth one is the facilitator, who is much more introverted, has that spa kind smoothing voice, very loyal to a brand. But can also quietly crush it in a workout without ever actually making too much noise. I’m sure you’ve understood that each one of our clients is dominant in any of these communication traits. While each of them, including us trainers have the ability to tap into all four of them. Here’s the way to think about this. If I give you a pen to write your name, you will use your dominant hand to grab that pen and write your name. But you can use your non dominant hand to write your name as well. But you didn’t, because it wasn’t as easy or as efficient for you to use versus your dominant hand. So if you follow the golden rule, and only tap into your dominant personality communication trait, then you’re only going to effectively and efficiently encourage and attract 25% of your potential clientele base, because they will see themselves in you. And it’s going to be very easy attraction for them. But because training is more about how you talk, how you move, how you communicate, describe exercises, clients also connect with who you are, right? So it’s personable, so at least 75% of your clients to desire a little bit more or even search out another trainer who they can connect with better. So what if you could effectively and efficiently connect and communicate with the other 75% of your clients simply by knowing how they wanted to be coached and communicated with and if I told you in 30 seconds of talk with them, you could have a really good idea of how to connect with them, and their personality communication style when you coach them. And it was our goal as a elite movement trainer, to pass our knowledge to others. So that we can create a movement to the masses in a sense, so they can internally benefit and thrive in life. It’s important to us that we can do this with anyone who walks into our facility or session, having a system to understand how to repeat this over and over and over again, is a critical part of being an elite movement trainer. Let’s move to number four, the elite movement trainer delivers incredible customer service and a five star experience. Now what does a five star experience mean? Well, to me, elite movement trainer doesn’t have to put a big focus on getting new clients, because what they offer is so good people come to them. And here’s what they focus on. That has nothing to do with the biomechanical knowledge they have the programming skills they’ve acquired, or the certifications they had behind their name. Now, there are many things without a question that make a five star experience. And there’s no way I can talk about all of them. But here are the ones that I think trainers missed the most. And actually, one more thing before I dive in, I want to preface the art industry from my experience is a three star experience. And in this belief of mine, this is why my team and I have focused hard on getting more than 15 105 star reviews. Now that being said, here’s some things that trainers can easily implement into their own practice. The first one is the cleanliness and organization of their facility. People literally sweat tractor and spread their skin cells all over the floor all day long. And at times, we’re asking our clients to lay down on the ground, put their faces essentially to the ground, they’re going to notice the dirt on the floor, the gutter, notice the fuzzball on the corner, they’re going to notice the equipment piled up on the generic storage rack. Subconsciously, clients will have a reaction to the quality of the experience. You’ll either inspire them to be there or not. We want people our athletes to walk into our facility and say, Wow, let’s get some work done. It’s like walking to the Ritz Carlton versus the Best Western Hotel. People may not mind staying at the Best Western, but if they’re going to enjoy the Ritz way more, there’s no question about that one. And you may be saying to yourself, I can’t really afford to sit at my place like the Ritz. Now trust me, I get you and Neither could I, when I was building my facilities. But remember this, the devil is in the details and details are not expensive to implement. They just take more time and more energy. Another thing that trainers need to work on is the professional adequate of the trainers inside themselves right general expectations are pretty low in this area. Here’s some examples. Coaches eating sandwiches during a session or just eating during their time on the floor, not starting a session on time or even ending on time those small little things, or even having a physical appearance of a trainer. It also continues with foul unprofessional language choices and now remembering conversations about their clients lives that they see on a day to day basis. And lastly, these a few things just kind of really get me simply not paying attention to the small things not saying hi by name at the front desk or when they walk in not asking people how their bodies are feeling before they start actually moving their their bodies not getting their clients engaged in a question of the day or some sort of conversation in the warmth or the cooldown, and not thinking about celebrating clients personal milestones or wins. The purpose of creating and delivering a good customer experience is to make clients feel a certain way, the way you want clients feels honestly up to you. But typically our clients want to feel safe, heard and cared for. This metric is the one metric that you should be paying very high attention to. It is the measuring stick of your effectiveness and results and how much time needs to be spent or not spent getting new clients. Here it is. At the very end of the day, people remember five star experiences, while three star experiences are simply forgettable. Here’s number five, the elite movement trainer programs sustainable workouts. Now let me start by defining what I mean by sustainable. What makes a workout sustainable. Sustainable for us means that we rarely push to 100%. This is a big deal. Because to push for 100% for an entire workout is a lot to ask for. We avoid getting our clients so sore that they can’t work out later that week. We reserve the AMRAP or as many rounds as possible format days. We’d certainly do not subscribe to a notion of no pain, no gain, or pain is weakness leaving the body and it’s a blending of performance and restoration in every workout. It’s adding in mobility and flexibility into strength and cardio exercise. It’s an emphasis on a proper warmup and cooldown. It’s simply well balanced. Here’s another analogy to kind of think about it. Why do we rotate the tires on our car? Well, training the same movements are the same Ways is too repetitive on the body. It increases wear and tear. Our body hates ad nauseam, repetition or positioning. If you really want to break anything down, just do the same thing over and over and over again. Right, the body needs variety with consistency, and progression. My team’s programming sustainability is very effective. Because we do a few different things. The first thing we do is we have a variety of exercises through three planes of motion. Let me give you an example. So let me grab onto a viper here. Think about doing an overhead press right? An overhead presses simply very vertical. But if I can do that same overhead press in six other ways, on top of the one I just did, I’m not going to train the same pattern over and over again. So I can do an overhead press going more anterior, I can do the same thing going more posterior, I get same overhead press doing left lateral to right lateral to right rotational and left, rotational. Each one of those presses was an overhead press. But each one of those presses moved my shoulders in distinct different ways that did not pit put the same amount of stress and the same amount of pattern through the connective tissue, especially ligaments and tendons to get more life out of my shoulders, by changing through those seven different patterns. Well, the answer is clearly yes. But also can be a little bit of no if your shoulders aren’t able to go through all those different patterns. So I like that there’s a two different ways to think about training more sustainable. Do things that a work that feel good, and explore the range of motion, while avoiding doing the same patterns that do not work well know that you have options with your simple, more basic exercises. The second thing is really focusing on a warm up and cool down. I have a cooking analogy that I want you to consider when thinking about a warm up

cooking. First thing we got to do lay the food out on the countertop. See if it’s fresh, pick out new things and not that fresh, right just kind of get those out of the way. Do a pre chopping, you know cooking yet just kind of chopping a little a little bit, a little bit of prep, work those some seasoning on there, make sure it’s ready to go. Now here’s another thing, but the cooldown. And why we stretch and get ready for the next workout. It’s the same reason why we clean up after a dinner. If we leave a big mess in the kitchen, it’s going to inhibit us from performing or creating the next meal. There’s only so many meals that can know that can get not cleaned up. Before we have to reset the environment in order to cook. You can create mess after mess after mess. And eventually, you’re gonna need to spend a lot of time massive amounts of time cleaning up or you can clean up as you go. That’s well I think about a warm from the cooldown. In terms of cooking, that sort of thing we do as we do just well balanced programming. This means no more arms or leg days. No more one size fits all for group programming. These are antiquated ways of thinking. The programming needs to be functional to everyday life without overtraining certain muscle groups, or movement patterns, there’s 12 different categories from programming. And we have a process to analyze if the program is balanced, or meaning the intention that we desire. We think about a few different things. I’m going to cover these 12 we first go way up like a 5000 foot view down onto the program. What are the physiological strategies that we’re trying to embark on? Is it more power? Isn’t more agility? Is a coordination based save a future kind of examples that we think about the positioning? Are we up at the entire time? Are we kneeling? Because it’s going to be more garden based? Are we using a driver that’s more hand based? Are we using a drive that’s more of a foot based? Or using a drive that’s more of a tool based as I was using with the Viper? We think about the motion direction? Are we doing a lot of lateral work? Are we doing more rotational work? Are we staying just pure? Forward and back and up and down? We also think about the motion height? Are we going overhead a lot? Is all of our stuff down low and bent over is all receptions at chest height.

Running at the motion distance? Is everything really tight in initial range of motion? Or is everything Full Tilt and range of motion as far as we can? Nothing good or bad about any of that that I just said? But do we have an assistant to analyze it. We also think about the body areas that we’re focusing on. Are all of our drills upper body, lower body full body is sort of balanced. We want to balance that with it, but the action what are we doing actually? Are we doing a lot of locomotion? Or are we just doing a lot of lifting? Is there other things that we can do in terms of actions? We also think about the rate is everything we’re doing as fast as possible or are there times when we need to slow down and focus on a slow lift. We think about duration, as a clock always managing us? Or do we need to challenge the counting and the mindset of a rep count? We also think about the movement demand. Is everything super complicated this drill and that drill, and that drill into this drill to make one rep? Or can it be very simple? Is there a combination? Or balanced us those things? The last thing we also consider is the movement spectrum. Is everything very isolated, single joint, are on two different joints, just shoulder and bicep or elbow? Or is it integrated into how the whole body works and functions 12 Different things for you to consider. But really break down these categories. Because they are they are, they are the ingredients to the sauce. And if we don’t know what we’re putting into our sauce, and in what quantities that we don’t know what the outcome or the desired taste, when is when we give it to our clients. We don’t program to guess or hope for results. Instead, we plan and expect results. Okay, we’re getting close to the end. But here’s number six, the elite movement trainers masterfully know how to tweak exercises, to make them harder, easier, or eliminate discomfort. Here’s the story. A client of mine literally came in yesterday. And I plan an excellent workout for him. I was pretty excited to give it to him. But he comes in tells me that he’s experiencing knee pain from the weekend bomber. As his trainer, I knew I had to throw away my pre planned program, and honestly program on the fly, solving for his knee pain all the while still giving him the quality that he was paying for. As a trainer, we plan for a session before we coached them. But things don’t honestly always go the way that we plan right? That’s pretty expected. But you may have a plan B, or even a Plan C for that session. But sometimes those don’t work either. The real question I have for you, is it do you have a plan? I? That’s right, do you have nine different plans that you can deliver to any client at anytime something doesn’t work out the way that you want to. We have a term that we use to describe this. And it’s basically how to modify exercises, but we use the term tweakology, or describe how this is different than from just corrective exercises. To us corrective exercises usually forced you to change the entire exercise or action that you were planning on doing that the client couldn’t do. To ecology allows you to take that same exercise or action, make a subtle, yet powerful modification, keeping the original intention, without potentially triggering the client to think that they aren’t capable enough to accomplish the exercise that you gave them. It’s like toying with physics and mind games all at the same time. I want to give you an example. And I’m going to use a very simple exercise called afford lunch, just like that. And let’s say that for lunch causes knee pain. With the landing of that lunch, right, we call right bone right there knee pain, I’m going to give you five different tweaks, quote unquote, and none of them are going to change the original action of a lunch. So this is where you may want to write a few things down. Here’s the first thing that I can potentially change. I’m going to can change the direction. So if I do a forward lunge, you got to think about the angle of the forces are going this direction, right down the leg. But what if I do a lateral lunge? Hmm? Are the forces equally going this way? The answer is no. There’s now two forces, one force going this way. And then a force going that way. Those sum of forces do not equal the same amount of force going this way. Could that dramatically reduce someone’s knee pain? Definitely it could. What if I changed the driver? Right, and I just described it earlier driver, it could be something with the hands with the feet or the tool or many more things. So what if I do that forward lunge, and I take two drivers, I take my right hand reaching over the top to the left. And I take my left hand and reaching rotational to the right at the same time. Well, if I do those at the same time, what I’ve just created and I can feel it, I create a massive amount of tension, positive tension through my lateral right core, feeding into my posterior hip and hamstring. What that just did is produced, like I said, tension, that tension draws in more essential control through my upper body in my pelvis, therefore supporting my knee. Could that motion right? They’re dramatically reduce my knee pain by bringing in more friends that are primed and ready to hold on or support my body’s lunch. The answer is definitely yes. What about changes in the environment? Instead of just landing on the ground on a flat surface? What if I land onto a wedge and do a lunge like that? What I’ve essentially done is because I changed on the environment that I landed on, I’m literally on a slope. That slope is going to put my foot into much more dorsiflexion too much fat Faster, therefore loading might deep calf muscles sooner, therefore providing potential support to help decelerate my lower leg and therefore control my knee joint better. Could that help reduce my knee pain? Definitely. And what about changing the height of something? Right? So instead of me lunging on flat surface or zero degrees in a sense of a flat slope, what if I launch up onto a box? Now I’m lunging onto a six inch higher surface? What did that change do? Well, that change definitely put my hip into flexion sooner? Well, why does that matter? Because my posterior chain loves flexion to help slow things down. So now my hamstrings and glutes, therefore responded sooner as a better brake pedal, therefore slowing me down more, potentially taking stress off my knee. Also very helpful. What about the another tweak? Well, I could do a position tweak. I’m gonna take this little patch here, I’m gonna kneel down. And now by me kneeling, what I just did is I removed portion of my leg from the lunch, as I do a forward lunge. Now I no longer have the weight associated to my body with the back part of my my leg, my body is now lighter, I don’t weigh as much. And also, because I don’t have these joints to move from anymore, I have to move more through my hip, therefore loading this hip up more than for creating a greater tension. I’ve used that word a lot now, but I hope you take notice of that one. And therefore if I put more tension here, I can’t put as much tension here. therefore reducing or finding an alternative movement pattern for my body to accomplish the same task as I desire to every single one of those was lunch. But I changed the environment, or the ways of doing it five different different times. That’s what I love about this tweakology mindset. Don’t change the action, change how the action is done. Therefore, the intention stays pure, and in line with the programming and with what the client wants to big things wants and needs to be maintained. With authenticity and integrity. The last one, number seven, and elite movement trainer continually are seeking out and learning new methods and strategies to incorporate into their training. Honestly, if you’re watching this right now, you already believe there’s more to learn. You took time out of your schedule, you know what it is to invest in a future learning. Elite trainers are specialists of specialties. We have principles, strategies and techniques, understand the truths of movement and build strategies based on those truths. And apply them with exercise. The fitness industry is honestly still young. It only started really with bodybuilding.

Look at how the biggest fitness businesses are designed. They’ll have a physique bodybuilding zone, right, they have cardio machines, rose after rose after rose, and large group scale classes that are one size fits all. Not too long ago, though, or industry hit an iteration of boutique fitness, where the entire facility focused on one thing, examples of like a CrossFit bar movie just hit style, maybe yoga, or even cycling. Like all technologies, though, the pace and the iterations just move faster and faster and faster. For now we’re moving into the third iteration that I like to call in, in the fitness industry. And this iteration is about the blending of restoration. With performance together. It’s closing the gap between fitness and medical, blending many different boutiques into one. And adding this is the most important part, the component of restoration or therapeutics, the industry is changing. And if we don’t change with it, we’re gonna get left behind. The biggest thing limited trainers right now is the understanding of how the human body functions, not how to use different tools, not how to incorporate bar yoga. It’s missing the basic principles of movement and physics. That fundamental knowledge that allows us to see movement from our own eyes, and getting down to the principles first thinking it’s understanding the biomechanics of movement and incorporating it into whatever we want or we need it’s lessening the focus on techniques and increasing the understanding of truths and strategies.

Okay, that was a lot of ground to cover. And that can be certainly overwhelming. I mean, apply those seven different incredible coaching skills. And each one of them takes kind of a lot to define and re fine. But I don’t want you to be overwhelmed by any of it. Because I know that you can develop these skills. And I honestly I’ve done them so I kind of feel like it’s a good time to share something with you. I want you to know that if I could go from an insecure stuttering a little guy with dreams of being a physical therapist, only to be rejected honestly time after time. and become a recognized expert in my field with doctors locally bypassing physical therapists to ensure their clients get results. Honestly, I really mean this. So can you, I really mean that there’s nothing specifically genius about me, that gives me a leg up. I know it because I’ve trained dozens, and dozens of trainers become as good or better and better. Honestly trainers like Stephen Lucas, Sebastian, Jain, Amanda, Shannon, Veronica, and honestly my entire current team. So if this gives you hope, or makes you excited to level up this year, I want to share with you my nine part methodology on how you can become a functional movement specialist. To me, this is the kind of trainer who knows what a physical therapist knows. But it’s figured out how to use that knowledge to create a powerful training and conditioning program. This method I share with you is what I do in a much deeper dive in the multi dimensional movement coaching program. But I’m going to give you a roadmap on how you can chart your career forward strategically. I here’s the exact process that I use to go from just being seen as a Domino’s and personal trainer, to being revered in my community as a guru of movement, and honestly built a waitlist for people to work with myself and my team. Here the same steps that I took become this type of elite movement trainer. It’s called the movements methodology in a sense, we just made that up, which is a cool set of words. But I’m going to go through the truth of this. And if you’re starting out as a personal trainer, or if you just want to become the go to trainer in your area. This movements method is a roadmap that you need to help you become that technical expert, you’ve that you’ve honestly admired, or you’ve looked up to or that you simply kind of wanted to be. Here’s the first thing. It’s all about mindset. Have you ever heard someone say, not everyone is cut out to be success? Well, I heard that a lot as a kid. But here’s what I believe is far more true. You’re as successful as your mindset. So the first part of the formula is to cultivate a core mindset shift. That helps me and you and my coaches accelerate their results. The second step is optimizing science. Once you’ve dialed in your mindset, you need to dial in some critical sciences. Here’s what I really believe most personal trainers in their education, and there’s kinesiology programs, they really miss 10% of the fundamental scientific principles that honestly changed the game. They are so focused on naming muscle groups and body parts, but they miss the fundamental scientific principles that once trainers learn them, they are so much more able to connect dots. Most trainers don’t know enough to deliver impact and see true results. They are missing these key scientific principles. We unveil all of these and help you learn how to apply them. And that’s really the most important thing. They will move to step three, this is the vibrant customer experience. Step three is all about getting deep understanding of what your customers want, and need from their training experience. Here’s why so many trainers miss this thing they they don’t. They just don’t want to give clients what they want. You also have to give them what they need, because they care about both, but they express only one of them. That’s a big, big deal. Step four, we move to elite movement strategies. This step teaches you how to spot dysfunction. deeply understand how the body was designed to move and start thinking through how to use good movement. To get the best out of your clients. You truly need to understand the value of functional movement is and how to benefit your client based on their unique body, their unique goals and activities that they love. We also see that the value of this is also in traditional training, I’m not going to poopoo that, but we also teach you how to incorporate what your clients already know what to do and weave in more authentic, functional and multi directional training techniques. Then we’ll move to step five, which is mastering your coaching style. This next step literally targets a trainers lack of identity around their secret sauce. As a trainer, I really mean that each trainer has a unique way of delivering an amazing coaching style. Developing an intentional coaching style is critical. It’s the number one reason clients will choose and stay with you because it’s a personal job. But when you reinvent your knowledge and your skill set, it’s critical to integrate your new skills with your coaching style. This is where we dial in how to communicate and inspire those not like you while still being authentically you. There we go to Step Six are essential modification. This step gives you are tested and proven Reference Guide to quickly deliver wins to your clients. This is where the gold really starts to come out. We have a list of essential modifications that you need to know like the back of your hand that supercharged your ability to modify intelligently and in real time. We essentially give you a fish And then teach you how to fish on your own. Because these are modifications these tweaks are really what are going to give you the power expecially in group training to really excel and provide a one on one experience in a group setting. That leads us to step seven, that next level programming. In this step, we get into how to set up your entire programming strategy so that you can build in safeguards for your clients. Our director of programming, CJ breaks down his methods for building an intentional, overarching program, and then how to craft and truly functional workouts that blend in restoration. With performance. You’ll craft your own programming strategies and styles and then have CJ go over them and have his oversight to ensure you feel confident to continue on and on. This, this is the step eight, which started thriving service model. After hearing again and again that our coaches wanted to emulate our service model, we created this step to bring them into one of the biggest secrets to our success. It’s how to migrate clients from personal training one on one service to a semi private model, and then to a group coaching model. It essentially allows you to set up your suite of services to be a powerhouse business system. Clients can progress through your services seamlessly, without lapse in their membership, and being guaranteed they are in the right environment for this success. This is huge. We do not want people in group and they should be in one on one or one on one when they should be in group and in between all those options. And this is where we’ve taken the step nine successful celebration. In this final step, you’ll be meeting with your coach mentor to put in all the pieces that you’ve learned and wrap them up together. Reviewing all your feedback from our virtual live group coaching calls. This is all done with actual clients where you’ll be tested in that setting. This is where you officially get the opportunity to be certified as a multi dimensional movement coach. This is also where you’ll celebrate your achievement, build upon your wins and create the momentum you need to impress your clients with your transformation as a trainer. The MDMC program is everything I wish I’d known before, because the amount of time I would have saved would have been insane. It is truly the program I’m the most proud of the results and feedback have been incredible. We provide a clear path for trainers to leverage multidisciplinary sciences and apply amazing coaching skills that help their clients resolve painful movement dysfunction, restored the gift of movement and maximize athletic potential. If you’re still tracking with me, I know you want to elevate your skills and become an elite movement trainer. I know you’re aware of your technical capabilities that are holding you back. You wouldn’t be here right now if you didn’t, and you have three options that take you there. The first one is honestly do nothing right. And keep hunting for the perfect program, comparing all the features and missing out on this opportunity. The second is you can do on your own, waiting for life to finally settle down hoping that one day it’ll all be in perfect timing. Let’s be honest, if you could have done it on your own, you have already done it not being up me in there just being honest. Over the third is you could choose to click on the link below and book a call with me to discuss the multi dimensional movement coaching program. And if it is honestly right for you. That’s exactly what Kyler needed in his fitness business. In fact, here’s a clip of his experience with our program.

Hi there. My name is Kyler Bradley, I work at a gym called infernal Fitness on a Traverse City, Michigan. It really just gave me a purpose as to why and why I do what I do. I feel like that was missed. You know you have people do these certain exercises and you know, it works certain muscles, but they bring a lot deeper meaning to training and coaching. And they really help educate the trainers and coaches on just why we have our clients do certain movements. For instance, you know, this helps with this, which is a common act of daily living. So, you know, to me, it just made more sense than how I traditionally been taught. And so it really helped me out there. So if you are looking to increase both your knowledge and just your overall impact as a trainer, the multi dimensional movement coach certification is definitely the way to go.

Michael Hughes
And here’s another clip from Joy, who finished the MDMC coaching program as a gymnastics coach.

Unknown Speaker
Hi, my name is Joy and I am a gymnastics instructor. And I had absolutely the best experience that I could have imagined. My instructors Michael and CJ were amazing. They were so encouraging and positive and I was seeing immediate results sometimes within a day. I would see huge progress on a skill just because of This targeting conditioning that we were doing. So that has been such a huge, huge benefit. The MDMC course really gave me that gift and I cannot say enough good things about what what it has done for me personally as a coach, and, and how it’s really helping my athletes

Michael Hughes
is your story going to be the next one. What I can promise you is that I have zero interest in selling someone to hit a sales goal. I care too much about this industry and the company’s reputation to do that. And at this point, I know exactly what I want to do and who I want to work with to get the best results. These are the trainers that I’m obsessed with helping. If you think you’re one of them, click the link below and book a call with me. We’ll chat about where you are in your career, what skill gaps you’re aware of, and whether this program is the right fit for you. Okay, that’s a wrap. Thank you very much for your time today. And I honestly look forward to talking with you.

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