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Weight loss

Posted on December 19, 2022

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/q9Q5StHP5Tc

How you doing, Michael Hughes here with Gymnazo in the coach’s office just want to talk to you about seven tips to lose weight or to maintain weight loss. This is really a big, big issue. And a lot of people’s desires to look the way that they train in a sense. You know, we work out, we exercise, we sweat, we put in the conditioning, we put in the commitment. And we’d like some vanity from it. Vanity is not a bad word. It’s really a sense of that. We want our body to show health it’d be nice if we can do that. Just a little bit, right, just a little bit more. So we’re talking about seven tips that we can go for I got my notes right here. So we want to exercise five times a week or five hours a week, and the body needs to burn through its calories, it needs to burn through its fuel. So that’s a really important aspect that you know, the fat on our body. Think of it just as a fuel tank. Some of us have bigger fuel tanks, and some, some of us have smaller, but we got to go through it. And every time we eat food, and excess food, and since excess energy is not needed by that daily requirement, it goes in the fuel tank. So it’s actually a great thing. It’s a great thing. But in today’s day and age, we just don’t need to hunt and scavenge for food anymore, it’s really available. So burn some of that fuel tank. We need to eat whole unprocessed foods as much as we can, you know, we still have to follow a kind of our hunger. And those cues of when we’re not hungry to and not overeat, that’s an important thing. But real food, real food that comes from this earth. Unprocessed, although small, actually very, very big words, but small print words, on the back of these boxes is the body doesn’t really know what to do with it. So it says let’s just pack it into this fat stuff. And let’s store it. That’s an oversimplification, but the sense is Whole Foods, your body really, really needs it. Number three, sleep, the body needs seven, at least seven, nine hours of sleep would be great. But seven to nine hours of sleep, the body regenerates itself in that sleep. And essentially, that’s when the body has this reset cycle. And a lot of when the body’s growing itself from the previous day or that that day’s activities. So if you miss out or you shorten that cycle, the regeneration is cut into. And then you start building deficits and the body’s just sensitive in the stress state of catching up. So sleeping again, seven hours minimum would be the very important step. Moving on now. Yeah, this extreme diet, just don’t engage them don’t go into these extreme diet and cleanses not because they’re bad. But it’s because they they really take your metabolism and your and your your kind of biochemistry on these big spikes and patterns in the body’s just jumping from one foot to the next and we need consistency. Our body needs consistency and adapts to consistency versus fighting and playing and moving and trying to figure out what’s going on. So avoid those extreme diets and cleanses not because they’re wrong, it’s just because they can throw us our biochemistry and curves and it’s not something that we want to really focus on in on for the long haul. Here’s a big thing. It really has nothing to do with food. But habits staying consistent with your habits is huge. It’s absolutely huge. Because I guess a body wants to adapt to something but what is that something will habits keep us in a line so we can continue to move through these processes. So habits, habits habits, find them make them make a commitment to yourself and stick with it. Now, it’s also important that we need to move too so you know if we’re in a very sedentary job sitting a lot now we talked about exercising and five hours a week or five days a week. But we didn’t just simply move a lot to so our physiology needs this this ret this repetition as you see I’m just moving my arms, I’m burning calories, I’m getting my metabolism, metabolism excuse me to kind of just to stay a little bit higher in a sense to really simplify it. So movement throughout the day. If you have a job or a lifestyle that hinders that you have to do the best that you can setting reminders on your phone walking across the office more taking stairs more these little things add up. So it’s an important piece and the last one coming up is you know it’s really funny food advertisement you got to just ignore it you know low fat this or less sweetener here this you know what the advertisement to sell a product you know, for the most part ignore them. Forget about them how I say don’t trust them, but it’s kind of one of those things you know, they’re trying to sell something that’s usually too good to be true. So when it comes to food advertisement, and when it comes to these like Oh, quick fix of this, this food source is better because it’s has this and this was taken out that and that. Go to whole foods as much as much as that as possible comes out of a box comes out of a package. Just be much more mindful about it. And just get the normal stuff. Hope that helps hope these seven things help us maintain where you are or get where you want to go and talk to you next time.

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