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You Want to Have a Profitable Fitness Trainer Business? Watch this First!

Posted on December 22, 2022

To watch the full video, click here: https://youtu.be/3H1vWTlaTCE

Hey coaches and athletes, Michael Hughes here,co founder of Gymnazo Edu, and movement specialist. And this is a video where I’m gonna share as much value as I possibly can. Because this is not from how to train and tweak and think about biomechanics. This is how to think about business structure, operations services, if you want to check out the biggest opportunity that we’ve ever had in terms of demographics, and clientele, check this video right here, because that was a game changing. But that was from the athletes we serve. This is going to be from the structure that we give those athletes. And it all started from our ability to want to give more value to our clientele, but also provide them a way better customized service, and at the same time, drive more revenue. And we did those three things in this service that I’m going to share with you. And it’s called Small Group personal training, or we call it as semi private channeling. If you liked this content, already, give me a thumbs up, hit that subscribe button, and even check out the description below. Because we have many courses and an assumed course that dives into a much greater level of everything we’re going to share with you and how we took our business and blew it up to a seven figure business where it’s not just me. It’s now a team of 10 of us. And we’re living our best life, we show up to work every day, and we’re amped to serve the clients in front of us. We are on the cutting edge of thought process. And we want to share that with you guys. Because this is not just a passion job anymore. It’s a money making job and a passion job. And that’s what we want for you guys. So behind every opportunity is a great backstory. And this backstory started in Austin, Texas several years ago, where a colleague of mine traveled down there had some great Texas barbecue, but also visited train for the game, and Austin, and founded by Todd, right, run by Chris Braden and have some amazing other coaches, Logan, Davey, you guys are great. But what it taught me is to see something a different way, you know, we have our personal training and our small group, but they describe something in a different way. They said I’m going to have personalized, focused, but in a more kind of communal style. And I got to feel and experience it. I got to get my wants and needs covered, at the same time feel like I was in a little bit of a conversation with some other athletes. And what I did is I took that, that kind of story. And I said, Well, what how can Gymnazo do that and how can I also take it and blend even more restoration with the performance that train for the game did very, very well. And that’s what we did is we produced a brand new service that we’ve never offered in our business. And this service and under one year started to bring us six figures, no joke we executed? Well, we dove into the details and the same details that we did, I’m going to share with you coming up because this is now a program that our coaches love to train and coach way more than personal training, which is a deep dive into movement dysfunction, and more so even than the high energy like let’s go and party in our group training, they love this more those that is a fun event, though this is amazing kind of intellectual engineering, kind of reverse processing. But this is where we get to bring both together. So what is it what is small group personal training, what it’s a four on one for athletes to one coach format. Now there may be other formats that you’ve seen or do yourself and I’d be curious that you would share with us what your ratio is and why you liked that ratio, versus a four to one. And in that we design individual programs for each athlete that’s there, it’s up to four people, sometimes it’s going to be three or two depends on how they sign up. But within that they get their unique wants and needs delivered from a physics from a coaching and even kind of personality style. The coach has to work hard, but it’s so much more fun because you get to dial in exactly what each person needs. Were in a group, you’re just giving them a workout that fit that demographic. And how we set it up is that they come in and they get their warmup dialed in. Because you don’t want any athlete standing around just doing nothing, right. So we get we start with an easy warm up that allows them to either go after a movement dysfunction, a performance kind of ramp that that needs to meet their particular style, or a movement pattern that they need to kind of just sharpen up a little bit more that kind of turns on the rest of the body. And that can be flexibility, mobility or strength. It really depends on them. But that’s how I want the format to go. So right when somebody shows up, boom, they’re already working. They’re already moving. It’s a seamless transition. No one’s waiting on the coach to Give them what they want. And then we break it up into essentially five exercises. And the first two exercises are bridged together. It’s almost like a superset. And then after the warmup, we get them ready on those two exercises. And we do two exercises on purpose, because it’s enough for the athlete to remember. But also enough time for the athlete to do that progression of two exercises in maybe two sets, or three sets for the coach to go to the other athletes and they get them ramped up. So the coach always has time to plan prep and then deliver without, again, having an athlete Wait, because we want to have that seamless VIP service where they’re always working, they’re always progressing, and the coach just ready to serve it up to serve it up, as it goes through. Then after those two exercises, we have a restorative or a mid kind of exercise that is part of the structure part of the program part of the goals, but it’s not in the in the major skeleton of the workout. So one exercise to exercise and then kind of a recovery, or an active rest or kind of a specialty drill. And then we move on from there and repeat that same process down the program, we have exercise three and four now. And those three and four, we have two more kind of foundational moves, again, enough for them to memorize, but not enough to overdo it and time enough for them to roll through it again. So exercise one, two, we’ll call it restoration one, then we have exercise three, four, again, restoration, restoration two. And then at the very last, the fifth drill or the fifth kind of compound set her or however you want to perform it, but the fifth block is the kind of the Ender, right that one thing that just seals the deal for that client and makes them walk away from that session saying that was exactly what I needed. And then a follow our third, restorative or active recovery or kind of placeholder drill. So I want you to visualize it one more time warmup, we’ve got bridge one, two, and then a restoration, then exercise three, four. And then another kind of restoration drill. The next is five o’clock finisher. And then the last kind of fill in restoration or cooldown drill. And within that structure, we can deliver amazing potential and results. And again, it’s a structure that allows the coach to work hard, delivering unique services to each and every athlete, but at the same time, not get bogged down with one or the other, and allows the athlete to have a little bit of autonomy in for they can drill those two exercises in tandem, without ever needing exactly that one on one space. So again, it’s an amazing hybrid of how we can take training and conditioning restoration for on one and deliver into seamless value add service that everyone loves. Now, moreover, from the pandemic side of things, when we were used to training in house or people in our facility the same time, we had to convert to virtual training. And then we went to all semi private or small group personal training on the screen. And then as we start to come back inside, we’ve blended the two together. So now every single semi private training that we have, there’s a large 70 inch TV screen, camera, the whole setup, mics. And then also, it’s set up inside of our area where we do our small group personal training, or semi private. And now we have the best of both worlds. And this is a key thing that I want you to kind of wrap your head around, because we now train virtually and in person at the same time, the same session. And I want you to unlock that potential of what that does for our business and what it can do for your business. Because now you can have anyone anywhere that say they don’t feel that, well, they don’t want to come in or they’re on vacation, or they live remote, or they have a family member that doesn’t even live in your area, but they still want personal training. But at the cost, we’ll dive into that later, they can now join your semi private program. And I just want you to think about this when every single one of our semi private programs, which we have about five minimum per day, there’s always someone on the screen, there’s also an in person. And because it’s that small size of a session of a class in a way, the coach still feels empowered, and the athletes still feel that they get that amazing personal focus without the overwhelming sense of a group or the overwhelming sense of a cost from a one on one perspective. So check that out. Again, we have many courses on exactly how we do that from a virtual side. Again, check out the description below what do you need to implement a small group personal training or semi private service in your business?

Well, you need essentially two things. You’re gonna need one and assessment and two intake process. Now we blend those two things together in a service. So let’s dive into the assessment. When we do one on one programming as if you would do with any one on one programming you don’t do write a program and hope it fits that particular athlete, right, you want to see where their baselines are, now you can do performance assessments, you know how much they can perform, and then start to ramp them up from from there. Or you can do a movement assessment and see where their body is from a range of motion, capacity of joints, and muscle and control and stability. And we’d like to do both. But what is the most important for us is understand their movement. Because if they can’t move that, well, then the performance side is oh, say it’s worthless. But it’s kind of putting the cart before the horses movement is king. With good movement, you can ramp up performance, but you can’t rap performance with bad movement, I can’t see where I’m going on that one. So we do a movement assessment to begin with. And the movement assessment that we follow allows them to see the mobility and the stability, and all three planes of of motion, and then from there, we can start to build in their programming. But also with that we do an intake, it’s a conversation, it’s a deep dive into them as an athlete, where they’ve been, where they are, and where they want to go. And with that physical and mental combination of understanding them as an athlete, not as a someone who has knee pain, or someone wants to play soccer better, but someone who has a person, we can write an amazing program that fits in exactly where they want to be. And then we’re waiting to see they need to go, right because it’s that marriage of two they have wants, but they also have needs that they don’t really know about as a coach practitioner, we see those needs, we have to fill them and marry them together. And again, we can do that. But you have to start with a movement assessment. And you have to start with an intake process to understand who they are. In fact, here’s a rule that we have, somebody cannot join, an athlete cannot join a small group personal training session, semi private session without going through a movement assessment and intake process first. And here’s the reason why we block that. Because if somebody wants to just walk in cold off the street, into a semi private session, where there’s sa three other athletes who have been there for several months, remember several years, and their process is so perfect, right now you have to spend a certain amount of time focusing on that brand new person learning where they are, make sure that the program is specific for them. And it takes away from the value of the other three. So to prevent that from happening, there’s a bit of a bit of a wall write a bit of a gate that they have to pass through. And this gate from a business side shows a that they’re invested enough in the process, that they’re going to take that extra hour with a coach, it’s basically a one on one session. First, to jump into this more value added and also cost saving service that we offer. So make sure that you have that set in place before you launch or semi private programming. Now, there’s many benefits that this service is going to bring your business and your practice, but I want to focus on three of them particularly. And the biggest one, the one glaring us right in the face is that it’s less expensive. Personal Training is relatively inexpensive endeavor. And it’s really guided by results and the connection that you have with that with that athlete. Now without the results with a connection better be very, very strong. And without the connection, will those results better be amazing, because what are they paying for. And with semi private or small group personal training, it allows a third factor to come in, which drives a price lower, it’s the community factor. So now you have results. You have kind of the understanding of who that athlete is on a one on one level, but you also have other athletes that can influence that athlete as well. And that’s to community. And that’s what makes group training. So amazing is that the size of the community that fosters in, it’s like it’s not that you are the coach is the most important thing anymore. It’s the other athletes are the team members as well, that of course, what makes any team sport so awesome. So since Danny can share the cost of your hour as a coach, what it allows you to do two things, it allows you to charge less, but also make more. So an example we charge, you know $125 For an one on one session. That’s what that’s our going rate here. But what we do for semi private session is we only charge $50. Well, it’s now instead of making $425 per hour, we now make $200 per hour for the same amount of time that I get to serve. But I still serve one on one in terms of the programming. And I would actually say that we have most of our one on one athletes want to go to semi private, they want to save money, they want to have more sustainable training, right, less money, they can do it for longer, but they also most of them want that communal effect as well that influence to have a little bit of chatter back and forth between other athletes. So that’s the biggest benefit To say, you get to make more yourself, as a business as a business owner, we also get to charge your clients less, we call that an amazing win win. And everyone knows that that’s the only way to run a business is to have a win between you, the business and a win between the customer. That’s what creates Sustainability, and a business that will grow for a very long, long time. The second thing that is huge, and a huge benefit of small group personal training, or semi private training is the VIP feel. Because everyone wants to feel important. Everyone wants that just a human kind of innate want. And this is what personal training is so renowned for is that focus of VIP service, custom, well, people are not so interested in having sole focus right on them. But they are interested in having that touch that sense that they are the most important thing. And that you’re there for them in that moment to make their day, their week, their month, their life as dialed in and as focused as possible. So that’s what semi private allows you to do. So don’t discount that. Because it isn’t a massive benefit. It’s a connection. It’s a sticky piece. There’s an amazing book out there called Made to Stick. And that book is really about how do you how do you bond a customer to a business, right? How do you bond a brand to a following, right. And that’s really what it comes down to is making people feel important that they’re valued, and that you can deliver that time and time again. And the third thing that is a massive benefit is that ability to do hybrid training, small group personal training, semi private training allows you to have virtual training and in person training at the same time. And honestly, all the tests all the clients that we’ve been doing for the past year, they say honestly, they love it, they love that versatility. We have clients that are in person, they go on a long trip vacation, they go visit family, friends, they’re they’re still training with us at that location, and they come back and they never missed an entire beat. And in this program structure that size of four to one Max, you can do that. And take from us, we tried to do that with our small group, or excuse me, with our group training our 12 to 16 to one half in person, group and virtual group. And we had to admit to ourselves that there are some things that we are pushing the boundaries on as much as possible. But there gets to a point where we have to understand that what is valuable for the coach to be sustainable, not get burnt out, what is valuable to the client experiencing the virtual workout and what is valuable for the client experiencing the in person workout. And that is something that we’ve at this point discontinued. It’s not something that we want to pursue until we realize a different technology that we can incorporate, or having more support in terms of the virtual manifestation, you know, of how we can deliver that with that same quality, and also how we can maybe have more camera tech. So all those things are on the back burner for now. But in semi private, this is where you don’t need that. It’s such a controlled environment, where if you can level up your game, as a coach and really dial in exactly how to serve four people maximum to your focus. And that time, I highly, highly encourage you to look into it again. It has revolutionized how we train as a business, it’s given us the opportunity to go to deliver six figures in one service style. And it’s not our coaches to be attached to something that’s not just this drain of one on one. You don’t have eight hours in a day only eight clients, or this drawl of high energy you have to always be up and pumping up for a group and then you get burnt out on that as well. This is that amazing come together service. That hope you got a lot of value. Hope you understand how we run it. And if you have more questions, and want us to do more videos on a deeper dive on exactly how we go about even the minute points of semi private training, leave a comment below. Again, my name is Michael Hughes, co founder of Gymnazo Edu. Talk to you guys soon.

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